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Re: Married at First Sight - Houston

@Lisa now in AZ wrote:

The only part I am not looking forward to is if Kevin Frazier starts favoring certain people instead of being an impartial facilitator, as he should be. He was horrible last time when he went after Jake and made Haley a saint. Same with Paige. Agreed that Chris was awful, but he just about fell over himself trying to tell Paige how wonderful she was. She wasn't. And I liked Jake! I am guessing that he will take Brett's side, and probably Bao's. Given the past, I am going to bet that he will take Michaela's side and blast Zack for not trying.

@Lisa now in AZ , truth!  Same behavior but reversed  with Jake taking Haley's action and Haley taking Jake's, Jake would have still been at fault in Kevin's eyes.

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Re: Married at First Sight - Houston

Re:  The time filler after show with Brianna and Beth, hopefully either one of them or both are auditioning for Jamie's role.

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Re: Married at First Sight - Houston

Omg!  I have a lot to say and don't know how to use that spoiler box.  I know a lot of posters dvr so I'll wait until this afternoon.


What I will say is that I am very angry at Myrla!  She's a very cold, detached from emotion person.  At first, I didn't like her.  Then I warmed up a little.  Now I see that my initial reaction to her was correct.

“You can’t wait until life isn’t hard anymore to be happy”. (By Nightbirde, singer of the song, It’s Ok)
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Re: Married at First Sight - Houston

@Mmsfoxxie I agree with you 100%! Myrla is an unpleasant, self-centered, malcontent. She is unbelievably materialistic. Gil needs to find someone who will appreciate him and have the ability to find joy in the simple things in life. Myrla may be alone and old before she realizes money and material positions will never buy happiness. I was disappointed in the program last night, but I was not surprised. 

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Re: Married at First Sight - Houston

I fell asleep at the beginning of Gil and Myrla so will watch from there on this morning. 

@Mmsfoxxie , when you are looking at the little icon bar at the top you see the bold, italic, underline and strikeout , then the yellow ball-shaped thing that is fifth over from the left.  Click on that and you will get the gray bar.  Just type in that and that is the spoiler bar.

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Re: Married at First Sight - Houston

@Wsmom wrote:

Re:  The time filler after show with Brianna and Beth, hopefully either one of them or both are auditioning for Jamie's role.

@Wsmom - I heard a long time ago Elizabeth wanted to be "more involved." I'm pretty sure that means hosting. I don't think the franchise will get rid of Jamie, but she could use some help!



I haven't heard anything about Brianna, but she would be good too! (I haven't seen their show from last night yet.)




I read a while ago the producers were looking at Gil. I think he would be good too! Smiley Happy 

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Re: Married at First Sight - Houston

@beach-mom  Looking at Gil for what?  Doing Unfiltered?  He was always good at asking questions during the couples get togethers. 


As far as Spoilers, I don't think we need them now that the season is over.  It is when we are watching the process that it ruins it for me to learn ahead of time "oh I read they aren't together.....and so on"  Now that it is over, it doesn't matter. @Mmsfoxxie @Wsmom @Jeanne from VA 

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Re: Married at First Sight - Houston

[ Edited ]

Myrla certainly put on a good acting job (tears and all) with Dr. Pepper about how fortunate she was to have Gil as her husband.  What a crock!  After last night, she was acting like 'who's this guy, Gil?'  She should never, ever marry.  There's no room in her heart or closet for anyone else!


Brett, needs to buy a bra that fits and use it.  It's one thing to show cleavage, but another to be tripping on the girls.  


Michaela and Zack both need individual therapy for their own issues.  


Johnny,  I can't stand his smug attitude.  Glad Bao gave him the heave-ho first.  She deserves a lot better.


Jose and Rachael, there's just something about him that creeps me out.  He might be trying to show himself in a different light now that he's on camera, but you don't take the spots off the leopard.  His ways are set and Rachael will tire of it and split for good. 

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Re: Married at First Sight - Houston

I wrote my take on the other board, @ciao_bella , and it is very similar to yours.  I also wrote about Brett's pantsuit.  Very poor choice.  She must think that her chest is her best feature.......WRONG.....even her wedding dress had that same neckline.  Her face did look pretty.....the best she has looked all season, including her wedding.  

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Re: Married at First Sight - Houston

@Wsmom thanks a bunch.  I finally know!

I don't know who did the best performance, Michaela or Myrla!  I won't believe anything that Michaela says unless she has proof.  And she was soooo if she needed to prove that she was normal.


Myrla...omg!  A complete turn around about Gil.  I've thought all along that she was putting on an act.  I think she was angry about his taunts and decided to hurt him in the worst way at the worst time.  She could have dropped him on decision day but she decides to do it after he drops his lease,  sells off his stuff and moves in.  I had seen on fb where some of his friends had placed the spoiler that she was going to do this and that their friend was broken by her sudden turn around.  

I want to know how Gil suddenly makes more money than Myrla.  Could it be that he has more than the job as a fireman but MAFS just didn't mention it so that the y could play the poor man, rich girl angle?  I said all along that he had other jobs.  Probably in the fitness world.  Firemen have a lot of time off.  Anyway, Myrla is cold, very cold.


Back to Michaela, why did she get to talk uninterrupted but felt she had the right to come over and interrupt Zach?  Why did they let her.  Glad he left.


In that dress, Brett looked like a lady of the evening.  And yes, her face looked very nice.  Michaela wasn't much better, dress wise.  But Michaela has perky girls, at least.


What's up with Johnny and Myrla?  If anything.  I heard she set him up with her gf.  What friend would set him up with a friend.  Maybe his financial base is the attraction.

“You can’t wait until life isn’t hard anymore to be happy”. (By Nightbirde, singer of the song, It’s Ok)