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Re: Little people big world …Anyone still watching?

Why would/should Amy have given up her part of the farm in her fifties? She still had her future to take care of. She didn't anticipate getting a divorce and being single, and after her years of raising their children, working on the farm, and putting up with Matt why would she want to walk out of the marriage without a financial safety net? She did say on last nights show that she took less money for her part of the farm (she left money on the table were her words) with the understanding that Matt would be selling that part of the farm to one of the sons. 

Amy worked hard all of the years of her marriage to Matt. I find it disingenuous that so many people think she should have not protected her future. Matt certainly protected his! 

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Re: Little people big world …Anyone still watching?

@mousiegirl wrote:

@CelticCrafter wrote:

@THETOT wrote:

This isn't going to be a popular opinion but they need to stop having kids.  Those poor kids will have nothing but health issues the rest of their life.

It's like they are trying to keep up with the brother Jeremy and Audrey, they have 3 


she's going to keep going until she has one of average height...


@CelticCrafter   Tori said the third is likely the last.  After three dwarves, she most likely would never have an average size baby, we will see.

The way Tori pumps them out she could try for 10 babies and maybe the next seven could be of average height. Then they could have there own show with ten kids...

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Re: Little people big world …Anyone still watching?

@Snoopp wrote:

I agree that Amy could have made it happen if she wanted to make sure the kids got her share.  She needed the money and wasn't going to sell to her kids at a loss.  If she was truly serious, she could have gotten some financial and legal advice on how to set that up.  


When Matt told Caryn he wanted to get engaged when he started work on the new home, she looked scared to death.  

I'm guessing she's probably not as serious as he is. Not long ago I read she has been spending quite a bit of time with her new grandchild. She may want to do her own thing instead of taking care of him.

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Re: Little people big world …Anyone still watching?

@kelsey17 wrote:

As usual...i think Amy is enjoying the fact that Matt will be selling the big house and the kids would be angry at makes me laugh when she said she just figured one of the kids would get the house eventually through Matt...............i will say again....if she was so determined to have one of the kids be owners SHE had the opportunity to take a loss on selling her home to one of the kids to insure that instead of taking Matt's deal.  He had mentioned while making arrangements to buy her house he would either buy it from her OR sell it to one of the kids OR seller to a outsider........she took the risk.  And i am doubting that all the other children were willing to give up a portion of THEIR inheritance in order for

Zach to purchase the house which would have been the only fair way to handle the situation...


@kelsey17   When Matt has a $4,000.000 property, Amy DID take a loss, a huge loss, in my opinion, she only got $800,000+ which at the time I thought was a poor decision, she should have gotten half.

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Re: Little people big world …Anyone still watching?

Real estate has gone up since Amy finalized her deal with Matt.  She was in agreement with the price at the time or she wouldn't have gone through with the sale.

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Re: Little people big world …Anyone still watching?

My gosh! I’ll watched this show from the beginning when first televised!! I honestly have to say l’m done with it!!
Tired of looking at Amy with her angry faces and giggling over Chris. What really getting me is lazy Zach and Tori how they have changed. The children are so sweet and always happy to
Watch them . This will not be a weekly show for me anymore. No matter what -things always relate to money !
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Re: Little people big world …Anyone still watching?

I found the "dwarfism super-gene" discussion kind of interesting.  Apparently, his doctor suspects Zach has it.

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Re: Little people big world …Anyone still watching?

Last night (7/12) was a bit of a snooze.  The remote controlled car thing was a little disturbing.  What's up with Tory?  Why is she a slug this season.

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Re: Little people big world …Anyone still watching?

Season finale is next week

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Re: Little people big world …Anyone still watching?

This show has become excruciatingly repetitive.  I fell asleep at the beginning when Zach was saying what he has said so many times, and woke up five minutes before the end, with Matt being repetitive.  I have come to the point that I can't stand the word farm.


I didn't like Caryn at the beginning, but now I like her, at least she isn't repetitive.  If not before, once the farm is gone, they will have nothing to talk about, which I believe is what has kept this series going for so long, but at this point, who cares about the farm.


Amy has said the hose she is in now won't be her forever house, maybe she will move to Washington where two of her kids live, though the other two live in Oregon. 


I suppose this could be marterial for a season, looking for a new home.  I think Amy misses having land, and I don't blame her.  I thought when she bought this house that may be an issue, so different from what she was used to for thirty years.