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Is this going to be the final season?  If Zach and Tori are really leaving the show, he might have to get off his lazy butt and get a real job.  He is just obnoxious.

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@Peoplearenuts wrote:

Is this going to be the final season?  If Zach and Tori are really leaving the show, he might have to get off his lazy butt and get a real job.  He is just obnoxious.

@Peoplearenuts   I feel they are both obnoxious!   I find them annoying with there pact not to talk to Matt ,  so childish .  Zach just excepted to get the house for practically nothing and once he found out Matt wasn't going to do that there was no negotiating they just wrote he and Karen off .   

amy is also getting on my nerves ,  she is so bitter and always saying something rude to Matt and Karen.  What is her problem .  She's married now to Chris and claims to be very happy so why all the bitterness and sarcasm??  I used to think all was Matt's fault and he certainly seems hard to be married to , but I feel now Amy certainly is not easy either ,  she's very stubborn and mean . 

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I think they should do a two hour "wrap up" next season.  I would like to know if Zach will get a real job.  

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This show is on its last legs. Tori and Zach both need jobs and to quit

relying on this show for their money maker.


Seems Tori just wants kids, she was a teacher.The three children are

adorable but I feel bad for them because most likely they will have difficulty

with their health as they grow up. Jackson had had some surgery and his

legs are terribly bowed. Personally, I could never keep bringing children

into the world that will be plagued with health problems.


Zach is all about everything soccer and hating on Karen and his dad.


This is old.





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I think Zach and his family will be on the show as long as TLC allows. This has been his livelihood for years, and I don't think he has many developed skills that would pay as well.

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Re: Little People Big World

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Zach has always been lazy when he was growing up. Matt and Amy never had them clean their rooms or anyhing else. I base this on what was shown on tv. Plus, Amy was a bit of a slob too.

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Re: Little People Big World

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Unless they get someone else to participate I can't imagine anyone wanting to watch Matt, Caryn, Chris and Amy.


I read that Audrey is having her 4th child in May, and that her and Jeremy bought an old house and are redoing it while living with her parents and have been for quite a while. It seems they have regrets about doing so as it's more work than they anticipated. On top of it all they are home schooling the kids. It sounds like they expect a lot from her parents too.


Zach acts like a punk and I can't stand his ungrateful ways.

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Re: Little People Big World

[ Edited ]

I don't understand why Matt and Caryn spend so much time with Amy and Chris.  It must be for ratings and a story line because at one time (and not long ago) Amy certainly acted like she hated Matt's guts.


I find Zach and Tori to both be obnoxious.  And their behavior toward Matt is completely childish.


I also think the new house search for Amy and chris is a ratings thing.

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I used to watch this show, and LOVED❤ IT!! Watching their daily struggles as they raised their family as little people was endearing!💝 I championed for them, and it was a pleasure watching the children grow into young adulthood!!!👍


Fast forward, over the years I grew increasingly weary of watching the way the show shifted.😐 Once sweet personalities evolved into people I do not recognize. I have not watched in several seasons, and after reading this thread, perhaps that is best!😁 I still wish them WELL in whatever direction their fractured lives may lead them!!💝


~~~All we need is LOVE💖

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They have announced that this is their last season on the show.  There are rumors that Jeremy and his wife will return.