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Re: Little People Big World tonight

Matt's health is a lot better than it ever was before. And he's only about 50 or 51 years old. He's just always been a whinner.He always acted like he was going to die any minute, that can happen when your not happy . Been there. But he seems to be doing alot better now. Amy even brought that up one day and he says , "But I'm Not Dying Anymore ".

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Re: Little People Big World tonight

Matt 's age is 57 years old. I don't know anything personal about his health

@BeccaLou . Getting better as he ages? 

@BeccaLou wrote:

Matt's health is a lot better than it ever was before. And he's only about 50 or 51 years old. He's just always been a whinner.He always acted like he was going to die any minute, that can happen when your not happy . Been there. But he seems to be doing alot better now. Amy even brought that up one day and he says , "But I'm Not Dying Anymore ".


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Re: Little People Big World tonight

L ike someone else mentioned...i got upset by that "puppy" bumping the little toddlers onto the floor!

That puppy should have" Never" been allowed around them...but towards the briefy showed puppy behind a pet gate and i heard someone mentioned he was secured away from the little tots!


I was once again kinda bored again with the banter between Amy&Matt....but did see Matt put his hand out for a handshake with



preds 06-21-20
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Re: Little People Big World tonight

@dooBdoo wrote:


            I've been a fan of the show since it began, and with all the recent changes I decided to go back to the very first episode (on my Xfinity OnDemand) and refresh my memory.

            I think it helps to look back and see how much both Amy and Matt contributed to the family's successes and problems over time, and also to see the interpersonal dynamics between them (and among the entire family, for that matter).   There's plenty of blame to go around but also plenty of credit.   Matt has many of the classic symptoms of ADHD (I speak from experience with a close, dear loved one), and if any of you know someone who lives with this you are aware how difficult it can be for everyone.    All the family tended toward rather harsh disrespect toward one another, communications skills were dismal at times (I wince a lot when I watch), and the children were given significant "freedoms" and not so much direction or boundaries or real personal responsibility or consequences for missteps.   Good consistent family counseling might've gone a long way and changed the outcome we see now.

            I've watched seasons 1 - 3 so far, and it really shines a different light on any judgements I might make toward the family members now.    While Matt did a lot to build and support the family financially, Amy did, too -- and she was tireless in the time spent taking care of the children when Matt was traveling (a lot) in sales and then when he was laid off (and later when he re-joined sales and decided to quit).   If any of you are interested, take a look a the early shows and I think you'll see what I mean.


            In addition, I think the storyline about the "farm decision" isn't nearly as contentious the show's editing portrays.    The show was filmed last summer -- here's a May 2019 E! News interview that seems to contradict the "tone" of the episodes we're seeing right now:


@dooBdoo. I agree about the the farm decision storyline. If they didn’t have this ‘storyline’ there would be no show. What would they have to film besides Zack in a new house? Nothing. Reality shows are famous for manufacturing drama for the show. They have to.

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Re: Little People Big World tonight

@proudlyfromNJ @dooBdoo 


Agree..there wouln't be a show if Amy&Matt..have differences over the property,etc   and  him having a girlfried or Amy having a boyfriend...


I don't think either will ever remarry..

preds 06-21-20
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Re: Little People Big World tonight

[ Edited ]

I've always had big dogs, and don't like the dog chewing the baby toys, knocking the babies over or laying with them. As Zach said, this could be dangerous. I wonder how long they will live in this multiple leveled home as well. They are going to have more on their hands with another baby on the way. Tori always has to tell Zach to get up and do simple chores. I wonder if it's because he lacks energy as he is a little person or just doesn't want to do them?

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Re: Little People Big World tonight



Again...what else would they talk about in the show and get paid?  lol!

preds 06-21-20
"Always be thankful andyou'll have more than you know."
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Re: Little People Big World tonight

@cowboy sam wrote:



Again...what else would they talk about in the show and get paid?  lol!

@cowboy sam  Right. They are really reaching with some of these stories!

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Re: Little People Big World tonight


          I’m baffled by their choice of a complicated multi-level house.   Doesn’t seem like a reasonable long-term option — unless, as other posters here said, they add an elevator.


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Re: Little People Big World tonight

Not the pup's fault. They want him, now they need to keep a better eye on

Murphy. He is going to bump and knock down the little ones, He is going to

be real big, real soon a big breed like that.


Little Jackson will have to steer clear of that big boy.


They could have secured him outside possibly inside some children's gates

or whatever. I certainly love dogs but never got a new puppy with a young

toddler around. Just not sensible. 


Wow, Zach is certainly expecting a whole lot of return on their 1st house. The

first place wasn't even that big or nice. Guess property is a small fortune there.


Chris acted like a big shot because Zach called him without going thru Mommy.


Anybody knows that you can counter on an offer, esp. the first one. I guess

Zach needs some lessons. With all the steps in new place, hope this is the

place that they can settle in for a long time. But who knows?