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I think they're a wonderful family, however Bill and Will's behavior in their friend's cupcake establishment was really rude.  I don't know why Bill thinks everything Will does is adorable and hilarious. Not to mention, it was Zoey's day and she was clearly upset.

~ "First they fascinate the fools. Then they muzzle the intelligent."~ Bertrand Russell
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Re: Little Couple last night

I totally agree with you @faeriemoon. I think that might have been done for the show, at least i hope an adult wouldn't act that way!

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Re: Little Couple last night



I agree with you both.  That was awful behavior and I was surprised they acted like that.  Poor Zoey was upset.


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Re: Little Couple last night

Maybe there was more punishment off camera. Maybe they don't want to show them disaplinning their children on camera. I can see why. It's to controversial because everyone disaplins different.

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Re: Little Couple last night

I'll repeat my previously stated opinion,  I think Jen and Bill need parenting classes. I think Will is on his way to being totally obnoxious while Jen giggles and Will encourages him.  He's been the center of attention far too much.  I feel sorry for Zoey as they let him completely over-shadow her.  She's a little doll.


I didn't bother watching last night. No longer a cute show.

New Mexico☀️Land Of Enchantment
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Re: Little Couple last night

I agree. I have noticed Bill tends to bring out the worse in Will. I realize it is a reality show, but Will is out of control. Sure he's little & he's cute, but you're right, he is on his way to being obnoxious. I had much rather see little Zoey than Will. Zoey is just a little doll. I am on the verge of not watching. 

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Re: Little Couple last night

 I had exactly the same reaction. I love that family, but what happened in the cupcake shop was simply wrong. Bill never should've allowed it or participated in it. I felt bad for the shop owner(s?) who had such a mess to clean up. It's great to be in love with your kids, but you're not doing them any favors if you let them get so out of control. And, yes, it was Zoe's day, and she was getting upset with the chaos and mess. Bill's a good dad, but he needs to get his bromance with his son under control and start being more disciplined for his son's sake.  It pains me to be critical of anything that wonderful family does, I have to admit. 

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Re: Little Couple last night

I'm sorry but I think both of those children need more TIME OUT.....


Good grief!  Had my girls acted like that I would have said, "We're never going anywhere until you learn some manners and how to behave in public.


Remember when they were over in Europe?  They were out of control....

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Re: Little Couple last night

I couldn't believe their behavior in the cupcake shop.   I don't know if they did that because of the cameras or not - but that was so ignorant and rude   I totally blame Bill for instigating that food fight.   

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Re: Little Couple last night

Bill and Jen have had a very laissez-faire attitude towards parenting from day one. I think that's good in some ways, but it eventually becomes a problem when the kids need more consistency and guidance. At some point you have to teach appropriate behavior and enforce the rules of the house instead of just saying that's how kids their age are. Or they are behaving badly because they are tired etc.