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Re: Last night's Downtown Abbey -- spoilers possible

@GSPgirl wrote:

I'm sure Fellowes is getting ready to tie everything up in a nice package where everyone lives happily ever after.  I have never liked the last season of any show.  This season is boring and every one on the show seem out of sorts.  Tom doesn't even look like he belongs in this season. 


I've seen the full season and I'll just say that while it's not a cookie cutter ending, it's very satisfying and leaves you with a sense of completion. 


There are a few very crafty twists and turns which I really appreciated. 


-- bebe Smiley Happy

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Re: Last night's Downtown Abbey -- spoilers possible

@GingerPeach wrote:

Everyone on this thread is talking about spoilers but no one seems to have made use of the spoiler icon.


It is the yellow icon in the top bar.  It's a very nice feature and hides what you want to hide, while your other writing is still visible.


And only whatever you write or place under the spoiler is covered until you click on it.

Personally, I now own all six seasons on DVD, and have watched to the end (very satisfying), so it's not an issue for me.  I only mention this, however, because this feature doesn't seem to be used very much and it is a useful feature.



@GingerPeach, thanks for sharing that along with detailed instructions. It's a great feature. Smiley Happy


-- bebe Smiley Happy

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Posts: 14,055
Registered: ‎12-10-2012

Re: Last night's Downtown Abbey -- spoilers possible

@Nicknack wrote:

@corita wrote:

@GSPgirl wrote:

I'm sure Fellowes is getting ready to tie everything up in a nice package where everyone lives happily ever after.  I have never liked the last season of any show.  This season is boring and every one on the show seem out of sorts.  Tom doesn't even look like he belongs in this season. 


     I was just talking to my DD about that same thing.  It does seem as though each show this season is a bit off! 
Almost not connected to prior shows.   Am not sure I like the "new" married Mr. Carson and definitely don't like Daisy's new attitude.


Daisy was a little bit better this week.  Mrs. Patmore talked to her about it, and she seemed to realize she shouldn't be as jealous.


Daisy irritates me to no end, but I think she serves a much wider purpose. 


She serves as the disgrundled voice of the (until recently) unheard British middle class and lower class. Times wer changing quickly and Daisy brings all of this into the relative gentility of Downton Abbey. I think she provides a great historical foil. 


lol, and I still find her irritating. Smiley Wink


-- bebe Smiley Happy

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Re: Last night's Downtown Abbey -- spoilers possible

@bebe777 wrote:

@Nicknack wrote:

@corita wrote:

@GSPgirl wrote:

I'm sure Fellowes is getting ready to tie everything up in a nice package where everyone lives happily ever after.  I have never liked the last season of any show.  This season is boring and every one on the show seem out of sorts.  Tom doesn't even look like he belongs in this season. 


     I was just talking to my DD about that same thing.  It does seem as though each show this season is a bit off! 
Almost not connected to prior shows.   Am not sure I like the "new" married Mr. Carson and definitely don't like Daisy's new attitude.


Daisy was a little bit better this week.  Mrs. Patmore talked to her about it, and she seemed to realize she shouldn't be as jealous.


Daisy irritates me to no end, but I think she serves a much wider purpose. 


She serves as the disgrundled voice of the (until recently) unheard British middle class and lower class. Times wer changing quickly and Daisy brings all of this into the relative gentility of Downton Abbey. I think she provides a great historical foil. 


lol, and I still find her irritating. Smiley Wink


-- bebe Smiley Happy


i especially didn't like Daisy when she was feeling that Mr Mason was absolutely entitled to the farm on the property when the family had had nothing whatsoever with him being dispossessed.  she got her comeuppance when Lord and Lady Grantham thought it was the right thing to do to put him in charge of the pig farm.  but i wasn't wild about how she handled the generous thing they did.  i have been turned off ever since.