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Last night's Downtown Abbey -- spoilers possible

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I still love the series despite the desent of some characters into altogether frustrating and unlikeable behavior!


Mr. Carson is becoming a total jerk with all his "advice" to Mrs. Hughes.  What happened to being happy that she accepted his proposal?  I hope there is a course correction soon.  I don't want to end up hating him Woman Sad


And Daisy has become so annoying I keep wishing Mrs. Pattmore would slap her silly!  Wish they had fired her and ended all her whining and bad behavior.


Poor Barrows!  I much perferred when he didn't look so weak and vulnerable.  Now, I feel sorry for him!


Lady Mary is a B on wheels.  Other than helping Anna and being decent to Tom, she has become such a mean-spirited person.


And, please, for all that's right and holy, PLEASE let them end the whole "hospital" dilemma.  So over that story line and hoping the place just burns to the ground!


There, now, I feel so much better. Woman LOL

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Re: Last night's Downtown Abbey -- spoilers possible

@Witchy Woman WOW! When I saw all your various opinions, I was sure there would be at least one thing I would disagree with, but no......I totally agree with you on every point! LOL! But I did love how the "homeowners" didn't know many of the answers to the questions posed by the ticket-payers who went inside Downton. So fun to watch that part. Smiley Happy

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Re: Last night's Downtown Abbey -- spoilers possible

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Glad we are like minded on this.  Woman Wink


I keep wondering just what in the world Julian Fellows is trying to do to these people Woman LOL


Yes, for all the years they've occupied the house, they seem clueless about many things.  I thought that was rather a delightful nod to their sometimes insipid behavior.  They are surrounded by so much history and beauty and have no idea of its origins.  They just know they don't want to give it up!


And, if there is one character I have never warmed to, it is Cora.  She is finally showing some backbone, but she is still mopey!



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Re: Last night's Downtown Abbey -- spoilers possible

@Witchy Woman Totally agree with your assessment of Cora! And I get a kink in my neck every time I watch her. She's beautiful and has grace, but the tilt of the head makes me automatically tilt my head when I'm watching her! LOL!  Know what I mean? The actress playing her is perfect.


In fact, I think all of the actors/actresses are perfect for their roles. They all do such a great job. My favorite of them all is the grand lady, Maggie Smith. She is such a breath of fresh air! You never know what is going to come out of her mouth.


I heard/read that there were going to be some characters knocked off before the end. It better not be Violet! Hope none of them are killed like Andrew was. 

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Re: Last night's Downtown Abbey -- spoilers possible

I posted just a bit ago,on the other thread, but for the first time, i am actually disappointed, in this series, i have just loved watching this all along, but it seems they are rushing through this last season, and what is going on in the  peoples lives,are not to my liking.

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Re: Last night's Downtown Abbey -- spoilers possible

Yes, I agree they are pushing us along, but what's to be done?


I just wish all the characters could have a "happily every after" outcome, but that's just me.


Real life is so messy -- I just want a good outcome when I'm being entertained! Woman LOL

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Re: Last night's Downtown Abbey -- spoilers possible

The person I have always most disliked is the HORRIBLE, pushy, imperious, self-righteous witch who is taking over the hospital.  I hope Violet slaps her.  And that wimpy droopy icky daughter-in-law with her.  The woman is insufferable too.


I probably like Mary because of all the women she seems to live in the real world more.  Not that she is sweet and likeable, but she seems to know what's going on around her.    Her and Violet.  The others simply live in la la land.


NEVER did like Daisey.  I hope Ms. Patmore gets her man!  Carson?  Really, you marry the man and think he'll change?  See what I mean?  LOL111

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Re: Last night's Downtown Abbey -- spoilers possible

@Sooner wrote:

The person I have always most disliked is the HORRIBLE, pushy, imperious, self-righteous witch who is taking over the hospital.  I hope Violet slaps her.  And that wimpy droopy icky daughter-in-law with her.  The woman is insufferable too.


I probably like Mary because of all the women she seems to live in the real world more.  Not that she is sweet and likeable, but she seems to know what's going on around her.    Her and Violet.  The others simply live in la la land.


NEVER did like Daisey.  I hope Ms. Patmore gets her man!  Carson?  Really, you marry the man and think he'll change?  See what I mean?  LOL111

I don't dislike any of them,  but why is daisey so jealous?

When you lose some one you L~O~V~E, that Memory of them, becomes a TREASURE.
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Re: Last night's Downtown Abbey -- spoilers possible

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@goldensrbest wrote:

@Sooner wrote:

The person I have always most disliked is the HORRIBLE, pushy, imperious, self-righteous witch who is taking over the hospital.  I hope Violet slaps her.  And that wimpy droopy icky daughter-in-law with her.  The woman is insufferable too.


I probably like Mary because of all the women she seems to live in the real world more.  Not that she is sweet and likeable, but she seems to know what's going on around her.    Her and Violet.  The others simply live in la la land.


NEVER did like Daisey.  I hope Ms. Patmore gets her man!  Carson?  Really, you marry the man and think he'll change?  See what I mean?  LOL111

I don't dislike any of them,  but why is daisey so jealous?

@goldensrbest I think she is holding on to her father-in-law for as long as possible. If I remember correctly, at one time he wanted her to come live at the farm with him. So I think she is jealous of Mrs. Patmore, because that could change for her if the father-in-law takes a liking to her and posibbly marry Patmore. He is the only family Daisy has since his son died. She wants a life outside Downton. At least, that's how I see it. Daisy would no longer be the center of his life.

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Re: Last night's Downtown Abbey -- spoilers possible

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Yes, but mrs, patmore loves daisey, they all could live in the cottage together, i just want every one happy.There is a part of me ,that is actually wondering if some one else is having writing input into this last of downton abby.

When you lose some one you L~O~V~E, that Memory of them, becomes a TREASURE.