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Anyone watch anymore?   I'm not interested in them one bit.  I don't like the hosts, I don't like the guests, and I'm a late night person.


I'm too young for the Carson era but Leno and Letterman peaked my interest.  I wasn't one of those people who had to watch every night but once in awhile it was OK.  Now, I have no idea who they are, and we really don't have any celebrities/stars anymore. 


Late night TV needs to be revamped at least with the 4 main networks.

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I guess I go back as far as anyone here. I remember Jack Paar's Tonight Show - he had a great cast, including Steve Lawrence and Edye Gorme (sp???) and a few more who were regulars. But great guests - great converstions and great entertainment every night.


Then Johnny Carson - a true master at entertainment. No one like him before or since. I would stay up to watch no matter how busy my day had been. His shows were extraordinary.  We won't see another lilke him in our lifetime. Period.


I sometimes watched Jay Leno - not as good as Carson, but usually a good show. with a good monolog.. David Letterman always seemed apologetic to me - no idea why, but didn't enjoy him very much other than his "top ten" segment.


Today there is no one I would even bother to turn on. Hopefully if I'm up late there is a good movie somewhere in our many channels. Usually not. I don't find trash humor funny- I think the phrase I remember is, "Vulgarity is never a substitute for wit".  And so there's no late night talk show anymore for this lady.

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I plan on giving Stephen Colbert a chance.

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[ Edited ]

I'm looking forward to watching Stephen Colbert.  I think he is going have Stephen King on the Friday of his first week.   

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I, too, go all the back as far as Parr, and I entend to give Colbert a try.  I just don't see him as a late-night host, but he seems to know how to reinvent himself, so I will stay up for a few nights.


Sometimes I think it's me.  I'm so bored with the news lately that I don't even want to see the comics present it.  Maybe I should just watch QVC and HGTV until all the way until October of 2016.  Two weeks of politics just before the election might just be enough for me.

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I retire early and rise early, so never really watched any of them. 

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Late night seems to be doing OK... or they would be gone.... remember they have to sell ads ....


Apparently the demographic on this board isnt the one that appreciates the you think? 


I think the entertainment industry only stays in business if it meets a need... and $$$ is the currency.

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I was a big Johnny Carson fan. My husband and I watched him for many years. Leno was OK. Letterman was a bit too sarcastic, I enjoyed Jimmy Fallon on SNL but he just doesn't seem a good match for late night TV. He still seems awkward in the monologue and his games seem way too juvenile for my taste. Jimmy Kimmel is boring. So, I'm waiting to see how Stephen Colbert does. He was great on the Comedy Channel but I'll have to see how he is as his normal self. I loved Craig Ferguson in the wee hours but 

I find his replacement just so-so and Seth Myers still seems awkward to me. His giving up the monologue was a good decision since he was so bad at it. Given my rotten sleeping habits, I am hoping that Colbert provides the late night fix I need.

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[ Edited ]


The weeknight Charlie Rose show has been my must watch TV since it debuted in the early 1990s on PBS.


Charlie's show in straight interview versus entertainment interview. I love his range of guests: major Hollywood players, world leaders, journalists, sports figures, authors... really anything that sparks his interest. Hands down, he is the best interviewer around this one to one format. 


I also like the weeknight Tavis Smiley Show on PBS. In a lot of regions, it follows the Charlie Rose Show. Tavis was once interviewed on Charlie's show (and he had no idea that I was instrumental in getting him that interview *s*). -- Tavis adores Charlie's show and referred to himself as hoping to be the black Charlie Rose. An apt description. Smiley Happy


I was also a huge fan of the Late Late Show with Tom Snyder. Letterman had really respected Tom Snyder. When Letterman came to CBS, he was instrumental in making sure that Tom was the host for the the Late, Late Show. -- Tom was smart and had no patience for fools. He had a heart of gold, but you had to show up prepared... or it could be unpleasant. I liked the fact that he always called things as he saw them. No pretense, no drama... just straight talk. -- Tom died a few years back and I was sad when I heard about his death.  


I've watched Letterman off and on since the 1970s and I've always liked him. He's smart and I like that, though the Stupid Pet Tricks and the Top Ten lists were probably my favorite segments. -- I just prefer Charlie Rose interviews. Smiley Happy 


I think Colbert is great, though I still don't understand why they didn't give the show to John Stewart. Oh well. I'm going to give Colbert a chance and I'll probably watch it from time to time.


-- bebe Smiley Happy

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I remember watching Carson and enjoyed him.  I really miss David Letterman.  To me Steven Colbert is the conservative character he played so I am open to see what he is really like.  Anyone remember Craig Kilbourne that was before Craig Ferguson - loved him. 


One of the best things about Letterman is he banned any of the Kardashians from his show!!!