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Re: Kim Richards Facing Possible Arrest Warrant



Completely agree that Kim needs to stay off all Reality TV.  It doesn't help her but actually seems to stress her even more.  I didn't catch much of the Lifetime show with her DD but even there, Kim became very agitated whenever her drinking was brought up (among other things.)


RHBH is a disaster for Kim especially since it will always have some HW who will focus on her knowing she is often the perfect target.  I have often thought that being on the show to begin with was too much for Kim almost from the start and it certainly played a major role in breaking her relationship with Kyle into pieces.


Let's hope Kim takes steps going forward that will only be positive for her and put celebrity behind her once and for all.  Lord knows, it has never been a healthy place for her at any point in her life.

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Re: Kim Richards Facing Possible Arrest Warrant

@Wackers3 wrote:



I am at the point where I seriously hope Lisa R gets tossed off the show.  She brings nothing worthwhile and just tries to antagonize and create drama.  I agree that she is no help to Kim and Kim should avoid her like the plague.  Why Lisa seems so intent on being destructive to KIm is beyond comphrehension, imo anyway.  Just leave her and focus on your own issues.


I really want Kim to succeed but she's got to make the effort which I so hope she does with having some additional time to do so.  I will continue to root for Kim !


I am so fed up with Lisa R that I won't even consider buying any of her clothing here anymore.  Yeah, it won't matter at all to her but it will sure make me feel better about not supporting a woman who has spent this entire season fabricating stories and events to purposely hurt others just so she can remain relevant (at least in her eyes as I feel nothing she has done has made her in any possible way, relevant.)


LVP posted a really great response to the whole Reunion mess on Reality Tea earlier this week.  If you didn't get a chance to read it, it really puts many things in perspective.  I am starting to wonder why LVP might even want to continue on with the RH show.  She has such a full plate anyway with another successful Reality Show plus all their restaurants (and a small farm at home now) that if I were in her shoes, I'd walk away from those other loony bins.


Would be quite interesting to see how the show would fare w/o LVP since they seem so intent on villanizing her and by doing so (in their own mindless stupidity), just continue to make her importance to the show increase more and more.  Funny how that works!


ITA about Lisa R @Wackers3. I bought her last TSV but I'm fed up with her nastiness on Bravo and then her meltdown on social media. Won't matter to anybody but I won't spend anymore $$$ on her products. I don't like Lisa VDP either tho and I think she's crafty and not in a good way.




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Re: Kim Richards Facing Possible Arrest Warrant

@Wackers3 wrote:



I am at the point where I seriously hope Lisa R gets tossed off the show.  She brings nothing worthwhile and just tries to antagonize and create drama.  I agree that she is no help to Kim and Kim should avoid her like the plague.  Why Lisa seems so intent on being destructive to KIm is beyond comphrehension, imo anyway.  Just leave her and focus on your own issues.


I really want Kim to succeed but she's got to make the effort which I so hope she does with having some additional time to do so.  I will continue to root for Kim !


I am so fed up with Lisa R that I won't even consider buying any of her clothing here anymore.  Yeah, it won't matter at all to her but it will sure make me feel better about not supporting a woman who has spent this entire season fabricating stories and events to purposely hurt others just so she can remain relevant (at least in her eyes as I feel nothing she has done has made her in any possible way, relevant.)


LVP posted a really great response to the whole Reunion mess on Reality Tea earlier this week.  If you didn't get a chance to read it, it really puts many things in perspective.  I am starting to wonder why LVP might even want to continue on with the RH show.  She has such a full plate anyway with another successful Reality Show plus all their restaurants (and a small farm at home now) that if I were in her shoes, I'd walk away from those other loony bins.


Would be quite interesting to see how the show would fare w/o LVP since they seem so intent on villanizing her and by doing so (in their own mindless stupidity), just continue to make her importance to the show increase more and more.  Funny how that works!

I do feel as if Rinna antagonizes Kim R and does want her to fail in her sobriety.  Lisa R seems to be a very mean spirited and vindictive woman.  She's a sheep in wolf's clothing.  I won't buy her items anymore either.  I rarely say that, but I'm done with her, and I'm not supporting her business.  My opinion has done a 180 about her.  I used to think she was so adorable and spunky and sweet, and now...not so much.


Why she continues to butt into Kim's business or Yo's business, I'll never know unless it's for her storyline. 


I will totally read what you mentioned.  I don't find LVP without fault though.  I guess I need to read everything.  


LVP certainly does not need the $$ so I think she's on the show to bring awareness to her restaurants and for the fame.  That's just my humble opinion.  Thanks Wackers!

"friends don't let friends drink white zinfandel"
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Re: Kim Richards Facing Possible Arrest Warrant

@Juniebugz wrote:

@Wackers3 wrote:



I am at the point where I seriously hope Lisa R gets tossed off the show.  She brings nothing worthwhile and just tries to antagonize and create drama.  I agree that she is no help to Kim and Kim should avoid her like the plague.  Why Lisa seems so intent on being destructive to KIm is beyond comphrehension, imo anyway.  Just leave her and focus on your own issues.


I really want Kim to succeed but she's got to make the effort which I so hope she does with having some additional time to do so.  I will continue to root for Kim !


I am so fed up with Lisa R that I won't even consider buying any of her clothing here anymore.  Yeah, it won't matter at all to her but it will sure make me feel better about not supporting a woman who has spent this entire season fabricating stories and events to purposely hurt others just so she can remain relevant (at least in her eyes as I feel nothing she has done has made her in any possible way, relevant.)


LVP posted a really great response to the whole Reunion mess on Reality Tea earlier this week.  If you didn't get a chance to read it, it really puts many things in perspective.  I am starting to wonder why LVP might even want to continue on with the RH show.  She has such a full plate anyway with another successful Reality Show plus all their restaurants (and a small farm at home now) that if I were in her shoes, I'd walk away from those other loony bins.


Would be quite interesting to see how the show would fare w/o LVP since they seem so intent on villanizing her and by doing so (in their own mindless stupidity), just continue to make her importance to the show increase more and more.  Funny how that works!


ITA about Lisa R @Wackers3. I bought her last TSV but I'm fed up with her nastiness on Bravo and then her meltdown on social media. Won't matter to anybody but I won't spend anymore $$$ on her products. I don't like Lisa VDP either tho and I think she's crafty and not in a good way.






LVP is FAR more crafty and cunningly smart in her "moves". 

"friends don't let friends drink white zinfandel"
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Re: Kim Richards Facing Possible Arrest Warrant


ITA with you, @winamac1, that "LVP is FAR more crafty and cunningly smart in her "moves"." She's become one of my least favorites on the show.


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Re: Kim Richards Facing Possible Arrest Warrant

I have never liked Van der Pump, ugh!  I've never known anyone who thinks so highly of herself.


Look, let's be honest.  There isn't one of these women whom I'd want to be friends with.  I've never seen (well, OK, those other Real Housewives too) a group who are so cut throat and in love with themselves as all of these people (men included).


The whole time I watch these shows (I catch them here and there, I've never sat through one beginning to end) and think how lucky I am that no one I know is in the slightest way like them.


There have been a few times when I've DVR'd the show.  That's the best way to view it because then you can FF over what  you don't like.


I've asked myself many times why I even spend a minute watching these self-serving people.  I think (don't know for sure) it's because it's like watching something that turns your stomach, yet you can't turn away because you keep hoping "SHE'LL GET WHAT'S DUE HER".


They probably do and have gotten what's due them, we just don't see it.  Not wishing them ill, just a reality check on what's important in this world.

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Re: Kim Richards Facing Possible Arrest Warrant

The only way people like her get clean is if they are locked up for a very long time.  A dear friend of mine has a son who is an addict, and the things this guy has done to himself and his family are disgusting.  I always hear people say that "it's a disease" and play the disease card like it's an excuse to get away with everything under the sun.  I'm sorry, but cancer is a disease, and people with cancer don't rob stores, get arrested for disorderly conduct in hotels, and start vicious rumors about their family and friends.  Pedophilia is also a disease, and you don't see people handling child molestors with kid gloves the way they do with addicts.  I'm sorry to be so harsh, but my friend is a saint, and to watch how his life has been destroyed by his son infuritates me.  Every week his son has to have random drunk and alcohol testing, because of all the legal trouble he has been in.  I secretly hope that he fails one of those tests, because I know that he will go to prison for a very long time.  I just want some peace for my friend and his family.  

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Re: Kim Richards Facing Possible Arrest Warrant

I totally agree! Also, I truly believe that those reality shows are scripted, to a degree. And, many of those "battles" are to boost ratings. But, even if LR is meanspirited, and wanted her to fail......she is responsible for her own plight. She needs help to fight her "own" personal demons. I am hesitant to blame others for the extent of her issues. However, I do feel bad for her.  She seems fragile, and hope she gets the help she needs.

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Re: Kim Richards Facing Possible Arrest Warrant

Nothing will ever happen to her..........she's too rich and a celebrity......they pretty much always get away with anything and everything.

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Re: Kim Richards Facing Possible Arrest Warrant

Reminds me so much of Lindsay Lohan and her 'issues' over the past several years...'rolls eyes'...

Some folks just think they are above the law...