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On 3/30/2015 Hooty said:

Javala - I stand corrected!

Thank you Hooty I bet from a forensic point of view it is informative and maybe I should see it from that point of view... Sadly though that was not the whole message nor mission...

Happy Easter!

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We watched but it was hard to understand some of the things the actors were saying. If the run it again, I think I will watch again.

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On 3/30/2015 AuntG said:

We watched but it was hard to understand some of the things the actors were saying. If the run it again, I think I will watch again.

Maybe it will be on Amazon or Netflix's from his investigated point of view I would watch but not for biblical purpose.

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The book was very good. It was from an Historical point of view, not religious. Bill O,Reilly also stated this in all his interviews on talk shows.
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It will be aired again this weekend and it's available now via OnDemand.
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I only watched the first hour-another hour tonight. I thought some of it was accurate but things were happening at the wrong times. When John baptized Jesus, Jesus did know who "HE" was and his mission and his end. javala has it right, He was 'about His father's business' in the temple and he was still a little boy-maybe 12. I wish the story hadn't gone so fast, so much was skipped, so much, but of course this is the story of His death, not his life-it's just giving us an idea if we didn't know who Jesus was and how he became incarnate. I love any show about Jesus and there were so many on at one time I didn't know which one to choose. The last one I saw was on CNN and it had a commercial every 10 minutes. I'll say it again, every 10 minutes. They should be ashamed. It should have run commercial free or at least had the commercials before and after.

Also, it bothered me about Peter and the fish. It didn't show Jesus saying, 'cast your net on this side' and Peter saying there are no fish there and Jesus told him again to cast his net over the side and the net was filled with fishes-another miracle. His first miracle was at the wedding at Caana but they portrayed his first as curing the little boy who was possessed. Bill O'Reilly has some of it right, but in the wrong order. That was my gripe about the show.

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Read the book, more accurate. Movies and TV do not always follow the story.
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On 3/30/2015 AuntG said:

We watched but it was hard to understand some of the things the actors were saying. If the run it again, I think I will watch again.

I hear it is suppose to run Friday night on the Fox News channel.

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I have watched the first hour and so far, I am not liking it. I don't like the way Jesus is portrayed. He seems to be unsure of himself, imo.
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On 3/31/2015 dobiesrule said: I have watched the first hour and so far, I am not liking it. I don't like the way Jesus is portrayed. He seems to be unsure of himself, imo.

I think that, too. Too casual, just one of the guys, who once in a while preaches. And it's very hard to discern how much he knows or doesn't know about his future and who he is. I think any show about Jesus is good so I won't complain. The scenes are very good-I wonder where it was filmed. Looks very authentic.