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Justin Bieber just lost 3.5 million Instagram followers

Justin Bieber just lost 3.5 million Instagram followers

INSTAGRAM deletes millions of fake accounts...
Celebrities lose followers...

We are living in the Eleven hour folks this is the time of the restoration of all things none of us will be able hide our dealings...

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Re: Justin Bieber just lost 3.5 million Instagram followers

After the Sony cyber terror attack and I am sure more is to come for it seems someone somewhere has an ax to grind...

And such things as fake followers on Instagram who knows, celebrities now days can hire one to create all these followers....

nothing seems genuine anymore and sadly good things good get lost in this mire of make believe, or distraction, distortion what ever floats their boats now days.

People need a benchmark now days in order to stay grounded...

If many knew about how to live using by correct principles and understood them and why they are important to tame all this chaos going on... a firm foundation makes life a lot easier and harder for those phony to create all these whirlwinds...

Hackers to Sony: We'll stand down if you never release the movie

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Re: Justin Bieber just lost 3.5 million Instagram followers

I saw that Kim K lost a million or more too. Boo hoo lol.

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Re: Justin Bieber just lost 3.5 million Instagram followers

Good. Everything is fake enough. Try googling something these days. You can hire a company to put false stuff on the first few pages of Googling that your company is great so people go on their (few people go past the first page and even fewer go on to the second page.

People are stupid. They get their news from one or two sources (usually local TV or the internet).

My daughters have children (ages 12 to 3) who they constantly monitor what they're doing on the computers, etc.

They have to put them outside of their doors and they go over them every few days.

The children are REQUIRED to post things on You Tube for class projects!! They have 'special' numbers in which to have people look at it, but my son-in-law does security for computers so we all know (based on recent events), nothing is secret anymore.

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Re: Justin Bieber just lost 3.5 million Instagram followers

On 12/19/2014 annabellethecat said:

Good. Everything is fake enough. Try googling something these days. You can hire a company to put false stuff on the first few pages of Googling that your company is great so people go on their (few people go past the first page and even fewer go on to the second page.

People are stupid. They get their news from one or two sources (usually local TV or the internet).

My daughters have children (ages 12 to 3) who they constantly monitor what they're doing on the computers, etc.

They have to put them outside of their doors and they go over them every few days.

The children are REQUIRED to post things on You Tube for class projects!! They have 'special' numbers in which to have people look at it, but my son-in-law does security for computers so we all know (based on recent events), nothing is secret anymore.

Santa says; be good for goodness sake...Smile

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Re: Justin Bieber just lost 3.5 million Instagram followers

This ingrate is in his 4th quarter and said “I’m not done.” (translation... annihilating America)

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Re: Justin Bieber just lost 3.5 million Instagram followers

I think Justin Bieber is a mess. Not to sound preachy but his decision making needs to improve.

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Re: Justin Bieber just lost 3.5 million Instagram followers

Do we really care?

And there was no one left to speak out for me....
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Re: Justin Bieber just lost 3.5 million Instagram followers

I'm not concerned about JB, but I really don't understand why it took Instagram this long to delete the fake accounts or why people had the ability to set up fake accounts in the first place. Last week a local 13 year-old girl was complaining because she lost about 500 followers because of this movement. Scary to think she had that many fake followers!

Annabellethecat, my son attended one of those schools where the teachers felt the students needed YouTube and Facebook. A recent national Teacher of the Year was praised for getting her students involved with social media. As an educator, I understand that we need to expose our students to technology, but there are safe formats. I think schools have an obligation to use the safe routes for class activities.

I get emails/messages every once in awhile asking if I need help building up a Twitter following. There are services to help you add followers if you just open your wallet.

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Re: Justin Bieber just lost 3.5 million Instagram followers

On 12/20/2014 ncascade said:

Do we really care?

This thread really is not about JB only his name was in the title it is about cyber terror and deception are the days we are living in...

JB and MC it seems at this point both are lost cause it they don't get out from under the cult influence, as well as many actors who received the mark sign (tattoo).