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Re: Is Whoopi Trying To Get Fired From The View?

Oh, I totally believe it - it has been said that Rosie said Whoopi would show up late and not be prepared all the time.  I don't think she gives a lick about the show and it shows - I stopped watching when FabLife came on at the same time and have not missed that crazy group of women - they're all crazy!

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Re: Is Whoopi Trying To Get Fired From The View?

@culebra wrote:

If I were The View, I would get rid of Raven Symone.  She is too uninformed.  I was sorry they got rid of Nicole Wallace.  She is intelligent and added intelligence to the discussion.  Let Joy and Whoopi be comedy relief.  Sherry Shephard is much better than Raven Symone.

According to the article in the link, Raven may very well be on the chopping block along with another gal whose name I can't remember because I don't really watch the show.  Not Candace and not Joy, obviously not Whoopi.

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Re: Is Whoopi Trying To Get Fired From The View?

I haven't watched lately because the of the time it's aired.  But the main reason I would watch is because of Whoopi.  If she's not on it's usually a pretty boring show.  Will have to try to watch this week and see what's going on. 

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Re: Is Whoopi Trying To Get Fired From The View?



Whoopi is obnoxious.  Good riddance if she leaves.

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Re: Is Whoopi Trying To Get Fired From The View?

Whoopi loves controvercy.  The View has gone down without Barbara Walters who had integrity.

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Re: Is Whoopi Trying To Get Fired From The View?

I remember when Whoopie was funny.   Seems so long ago.

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Re: Is Whoopi Trying To Get Fired From The View?

I rarely if ever watch the show (very recently retired), but I too used to love Whoopi, and sadly, she stopped being funny a long time ago. It's not that she tackles timely, controversial subjects, it's that she's all but lost her humor, and when she expresses, outside of The View, what should be humor, it isn't - it's just her sarcastic opinion. And I enjoy sarcasm - but it has to be on point and funny. Hers no longer is.


I think she got to a point where she felt she didn't have to be "just a comedienne" any more, she could be a Spokeswoman for Injustice, ta-da! But she doesn't do it well. She's lost what made her famous and what made people like her and listen to her. Now, I wouldn't walk across the street to see her; once. I would have stood in line.

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Re: Is Whoopi Trying To Get Fired From The View?

love THE VIEW and i think the hosts they have on this season are a good mix. i try not to miss this show......even when i am at work i have it on to watch as much as i can. i enjoy the topics, i enjoy the humor, and i enjoy the political discussions.

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Re: Is Whoopi Trying To Get Fired From The View?

I think that Whoopie is still pissed off that the powers that be gave Nichole Wallace the heave ho. I really don't understand that either since she was the one GOPer who had actual experience and knowledge of the issues. Apparently she didn't say enough inane things for the management. However, Whoopie has little to complain about. She shows up dressed like a bag lady, rarely does her homework on topics, and it shows, plus she gets Fridays off while the others do the show. I've seen her be kind of rude to some of her panel. I don't know what she does behind the scenes. Basically, for what they all do, they are probably ALL over paid.

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Re: Is Whoopi Trying To Get Fired From The View?

@Tinkrbl44 wrote:

@Dusty1 wrote:

I do have the View on from time to time & have noticed that Whoopi isn't very nice. She & Joy kind of do their thing & hold themselves apart from the other hosts. I don't know about that slave ******, but if I was getting paid $5 million a year....come on. I've worked some jobs were I did feel like a slave, but because I WAS working way harder than the pay deserved. 

Hold themselves apart?   What does that mean?  They are all at the same table!

I realize they are in close proximity to the others, but they don't seem to respond to Raven or Candace. Maybe a bit more to Michelle or Paula, but mostly they just do their thing apart from the others. Say their things & not really interact with the others.