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Is There Something Off About Stella Dallas?

I've watched Stella Dallas several times over the years. I've cried as Stella views her daughter's wedding through the window from outside. I haven't yet read the novel by Olive Higgins Prouty. But today, I'm looking at this movie differently; maybe it's with 21st century eyes seeing different values of 1937, when the film was made.

So, Stephen (Stella's husband), was first engaged to Helen. But Stephen's father committed suicide when he lost the family's fortune in the Depression, and Helen decided to marry another guy who was still very wealthy and jilt Stephen. Meanwihile Stella has a goal to upgrade her status from working-class, and the story suggests that she manipulated the future mill executive Stephen to fall in love & marry her. They have a daughter whom Stella adores. Stephen insists that Stella become more refined, but rather than provide her with a formal education or mentoring, he criticizes her and they finally separate. Stephen moves to NY and reconnects with now-widowed & very wealthy Helen. Helen accepts Stephen this time because he's now financially well-off and no longer broke. Stella overhears socialites mocking her clothes and "non-upper class" mannerisms, so she gives Stephen a divorce so he can marry rich Helen and gives up her daughter to the couple to bring her up as a proper socialite.

Is this story's theme just that money is the greatest human value? Is it supposed to be about a mother's love?

Are the characters so simply flawed? Is the story flawed?

Is Stella a good wife and mother? Is Stephen a good husband (to Stella) and a good father? Today's values tell me that a father wouldn't/shouldn't close the door to a decent mother's relationship with their child. And wouldn't the child be deeply affected by losing her mother?

Are today's wealthy women presented as having greater poise/"class"? Are the portrayals on reality TV shows, etc. somewhat accurate? Did Stella even know how to educate herself?

Are Stephen's relationships based on money? How many relationships are based on wealth today?

Idk the answer to any of the above questions. But I do know that I'm no longer crying for Stella Dallas.


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Registered: ‎06-21-2010

Re: Is There Something Off About Stella Dallas?

@Desert Lily  Thank you for this synopsis. My sister told me to watch this because it is one of her favorite movies. I have to tell you that I could hardly wait for it to end! Very depressing and sad! I was going to change the channel, but wanted to know how it ended. Reminded me of a sad version of a Hallmark movie!

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Registered: ‎03-09-2010

Re: Is There Something Off About Stella Dallas?


What I always found weird about the plot is that Stella's daughter just "dumped" her mother and didn't even stay in touch with her or invite her to the wedding. 


For most of the movie, Stella and her daughter seemed to have a very good relationship so I don't understand where the mis-connect occurs between them.


But then again, I'm looking at this thru 2019 eyes and not 1940 eyes.