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Re: Is It Time To End The View?

The View has been awful for some time. When it began, the panelists had something to say. Now it looks like a Dumb & Dumber. I have no patience for the ignorance of some of these people. The Talk makes no bones about being a panel discussing nonsense. I have little patience for them as well. These shows are an insult to women.

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Re: Is It Time To End The View?

I've only watched the show for a few minutes at a time. If I want to see a bunch of middle aged women bitch and moan I will go back to work.

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Re: Is It Time To End The View?

I like Raven-Symone. She has good diction and enunciates her words clearly.  She is very opinionated and offers something different to the conversation.  They need to stop interrupting each other. 

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Re: Is It Time To End The View?

I lost all respect for Whoopi when she was defending Bill Cosby (a position I disagreed with but that's not why I lost respect) and then ABC sent in one of the legal pundits (Dan Abrams was it?) to walk her through why she shouldn't be defending him and she all of a sudden after that said oh, OK, Cosby is in the wrong.  I think she would still be defending Cosby (again, not that I agree with that position) but ABC told her to cut it out and she caved in to ABC.  Again, this is just my opinion, although I've also read articles online stating about the same thing.   But I did lose respect for her.


(Not meaning for this to turn into a Cosby discussion; my comments are directed to the posters who say they like Whoopi a lot on The View).

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Re: Is It Time To End The View?

Well, it's pretty obvious that most of us here think the view should go, it seems to me the producers of the view are doing what my grandma used to call "throwing good money after bad".


It's someone else's money to throw away, it's our choice to not watch it.


Since it was Barbara Walter's baby, I would think she'd want it to die in a decent manner.  I wonder where she is on all of this?

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Re: Is It Time To End The View?

Okay, I just don't understand the producers of this show. They finally brought in a Right Winger who actually has had political experience, is knowledgable, and most of the time fair and now they are letting her go. I read that they didn't think she stirred things up enough and was too thoughtful with her comments. What the?  Instead they would rather have some airhead who parrots a certain news network down to the letter with an annoying shrill voice and self righteous attitude. This is ridiculous. I don't even agree with most of Nichole's stances, but I liked the way she presented herself. She was impressive. Okay, Rosie Perez was difficult to listen to with all her himmming and hawwing before she finally made her point, plus she was working elsewhere more times than she was there on the set. I can understand why they let her go. Raven is a good addition; Michelle whoever I know next to nothing about except she's a self deprecating comedienne. And then there's Whoopie. I don't even know what to say about her. If they decide to bring in the hollier than thou dim Candance Cameron Bure, I won't even be watching the show as little as I already do. I cannot stand that woman.

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Re: Is It Time To End The View?

@Pearlee wrote:

Not only is it indeed time, it's long overdue.

I thought about 28 minutes into the first show was time to pull the plug.  Lord, I can't stand a bunch of women screaming and talking over one another. . . 

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Re: Is It Time To End The View?

For sure. Never watched couldn't stand half of 'em. LOL any time you get a bunch of women together gonna be a mess.

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Registered: ‎03-12-2010

Re: Is It Time To End The View?

Wow!  Another vote for ending the view.  This is a cross-country (is that how you say it) group that says it must be it!

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Registered: ‎04-14-2015

Re: Is It Time To End The View?

Nicole and Rosie Perez were my favorites on the show.  Although I'm a Democrat, I really like Nicole.  I can't believe they're letting her go and bringing in Candace.  I don't enjoy her on the show.  I hardly ever watch it and will watch it even less now.

(formerly NickNack)