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I watched Kate and the 8 since I hadn't seen the kids for years now.

I was thinking how much work there is to keep those kids entertained. No neighborhood kids to play with I guess. I stopped watching about the time of her troubles with John. The family was just moving into that house.

The kids have really grown and I see she does all this stuff to make the show interesting. Playing with neighborhood kids just wouldn't make the show. That's a lot of work. She has to plan almost as much as a teacher to keep them moving and occupied. It's the only way she can create an income and take care of the kids and that huge house. I couldn't do it.

Good thing she has energy to do all that.

Has anyone else stopped by the show, to see how big the kids are and how they're turning out from when they were babies?

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Re: I watched Kate and the 8 since I hadn't seen the kids for years now.

I can tell from the promo commercials that the kids are just fine and she remains as irritating as usual. Sorry, not a Kate fan.

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Re: I watched Kate and the 8 since I hadn't seen the kids for years now.

Yes, I watched it. I hope this isn't taken the wrong way.....but it made me really, really happy that I don't have kids! Smiley Happy
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Re: I watched Kate and the 8 since I hadn't seen the kids for years now.

I watched last night as I wanted to see the room change going on. My tip to her would have been: build the boys room in the basement then move the boys in. Redo the old boys room and put Maddy in and then redo the old little girls room and then move Cara in. Then do the little girls room. That way less bedroom furniture and chaos while doing them all at once. I love all three boys, the girls are entertaining but oh so much drama!

Wrong is still wrong just because you benefited from it.
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Re: I watched Kate and the 8 since I hadn't seen the kids for years now.

I did watch a bit of the show and it seems that a couple of the little girls are going to be like Maddy. Maddy always has been a drama girl. Seems like she still is. Maddy and Cara both seem to be very angry about something. It might just be the way teenage girls are. I only had boys, so I don't know much about girls. The three little boys seems sweet though.

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Re: I watched Kate and the 8 since I hadn't seen the kids for years now.

I've always admire Kate. Yes I' m in the minority. But all those that pick and criticize could never put yourself in her place.Thank goodness she has a strong personality! There is no one out there that has the stamina to raise, single handedly, 8 kids. You go Kate! {#emotions_dlg.thumbup}

"Pure Michigan"
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Registered: ‎03-19-2010

Re: I watched Kate and the 8 since I hadn't seen the kids for years now.

Although I don't much care for Kate, I do admire her for
doing a nice job raising all those children literally alone.

You have to be a drill sergeant with that many I think!

That's how we roll in the shire..