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House of Cards Season 4 drops March 4th

They say  it will be available on Netflix March 4th at midnight pacific time and 3AM eastern time.  My husband paces our viewing or I'd be binge watching.


Who plans on watching and will you watch slowly or all at once?

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Re: House of Cards Season 4 drops March 4th

I will partially binge watch.  I get tired, so I won't watch all the episodes in one sitting, but I'll definitely finish it this weekend.

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Re: House of Cards Season 4 drops March 4th

Can't wait!! I will binge watch this weekend.....probably the whole thing.

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Re: House of Cards Season 4 drops March 4th

I started watching 8AM here in CA.  Have watch two o the EPI Already, but need to start my day.  The whole season is on my Kindle from Netflix.  

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Re: House of Cards Season 4 drops March 4th

So happy this fantastic show is back!!  Last season we binged-watched over 3-4 days I think; this year we have a lot going on so we will probably only get to 1-2 episodes a weekend - but I'm ok with that as that will draw it out.

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Re: House of Cards Season 4 drops March 4th

I posted here earlier that I used to watch the show then drifted away from it.


While I was having a procedure at the Drs ofc (it took over 6  hours) I sat and caught up to next to last season (I think it was).

His wife had just been 'shot down' for some job and she wasn't a happy camper.


Now I'm watching the 'coming attractions' and it looks like they are going to be on opposite ends.  


I think sparks will fly!  It looks like it's picking up (good as I was getting bored). 


I live in the DC area (Va) so all we see and hear are politics.  Most people I know can identify by pictures many of the Senators and Congressmen from other states because they are always on our TV.


That's one reason I got so tired of this show.  


However, I might pick up on it if they are going to go on opposite sides.  I adore Kevin Spacey and I don't know if you saw my post but when he was appearing at the Kennedy Center I sent him a fan letter.  He responded by sending me a picture and writing something nice on it.


He is so talented.


Thanks for the information and updates.  I read them and appreciate all of your's and everyone's comments.

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Re: House of Cards Season 4 drops March 4th

So far I've only seen one episode and I feel asleep thru part of it.  lol   But I still think it's good.  Nobody plays "cold shoulder" like Robin Wright. lol


For those of you who've watched, what do you think so far?   Good?  Bad?  Indifferent?

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Re: House of Cards Season 4 drops March 4th

We have watched 5 episodes before we took a break. 

The first episode drags a tad but trust me, it gets better. 

Ellen Burstyn is in this season as Claire's mom.

The deception and treachery is in full swing.


Enjoy all!

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Registered: ‎03-10-2010

Re: House of Cards Season 4 drops March 4th

On EPI 7.  GOOD SERIES.  Watch about 3 or 4 a day while on treadmill and bike.