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Homeland ~ Season 7, Episode 2

Carrie was awesome kicking the ransomware creep's butt.


I am really enjoying the new season, but it looks like Carrie's meds are starting to be ineffective.  I think she'll spiral into hyper manic mode shortly.


Anyway, hope all that are watching are enjoying it as much as me !

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Re: Homeland ~ Season 7, Episode 2

The seaon is off to a good start.  I do miss Quinn tho.

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Re: Homeland ~ Season 7, Episode 2

I decided to no longer watch it, my husband is though.  Glad you're enjoying it.

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Re: Homeland ~ Season 7, Episode 2

@qualitygal I understand.  I've been that way with a few shows.


My daughter was like you (and I was like that 2 seasons ago).  I finally talked her into catching up on this season because I said, "She's our Carrie again".  That's all and it convinced her to go back and she did and now she's watching it and we can discuss this show!  Yea!


She explains all of the many 'things' I miss or don't understand.  I have lived a few miles from DC all of my life (even my parents were born here).  We know all of the ins and outs of some of this and we get frustrated when it's so FAKE.


But...I've learned to just fast forward over all of Carrie's boo boos so to speak, but our girl's back, so you get back to it because quite frankly @qualitygal  I miss you and I miss your insightful posts....they help me too!

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Re: Homeland ~ Season 7, Episode 2

I still miss Brody.

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Re: Homeland ~ Season 7, Episode 2

@Stevie Nix  I miss Brody too.  Everytime I see Franny, my thoughts go straight to him.

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Re: Homeland ~ Season 7, Episode 2

@Annabellethecat66, LOL, you're so funny.  I'll consider it, LOL.

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Re: Homeland ~ Season 7, Episode 2

I love this show.   While not perfect, it has been stellar overall.   


And I don't miss Brody at all.   I never liked his character nor the actor.  I know I'm in the minortiy but....


I can't wait to see how they wrap it up.

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Re: Homeland ~ Season 7, Episode 2


Carrie was awesome kicking the ransomware creep's butt.


I am really enjoying the new season, but it looks like Carrie's meds are starting to be ineffective.  I think she'll spiral into hyper manic mode shortly.


Anyway, hope all that are watching are enjoying it as much as me !

Great start of the season.  And it had to be easy to kick his behind, she is a CIA after all....