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Have you ever walked out of a movie?

I was surprised at the number of people in the last message on here that said that.  While we've not ever done that I think my folks walked out on 1-2.


Flower Drum Song wasn't into musicals

Silver Spurs?  Something like that. Neither one cared for that one.


How about you?

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Re: Have you ever walked out of a movie?

Yes, years ago when very young, a horror movie. 

We were old enough to be there but that movie probably shouldn't have been seen by most. I think my mother may have been standing in the lobby. I think I was with mmy sister or a friend and remember running towards the back as fast as I could!

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Re: Have you ever walked out of a movie?

No but I have fallen asleep in one or two. The last being Ad Astra. Man that was a boring film.

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Re: Have you ever walked out of a movie?

One time, a very long time decades ago, and I can't recall WHAT the movie was...but....I do recall a "talking male part"...not like I can't take that, but the whole movie was ridiculous, so we left.

Also, while on vacation once, with family, it was "group decided" to see one of Angelina Jolie's movies...and was kind of violent, which I hate the most in movies. I'm a wimp and can't take it. After covering my eyes for a large part of it, I just decided I'd head out and wait for everyone elsewhere. I think, if I recall, the rest of them didn't last through it all...again, can't for the life of me recall which movie it was, but wasn't great, and I think no one had expected it to be that violent.

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Re: Have you ever walked out of a movie?

[ Edited ]

No, I have never done it, but my daughters in laws walked out on The Wolf of Wall Street..They said the language was so crude and awful...


Years ago, my mom walked out on Richard Pryor-I think it was Live on Sunset, she went with a friend and had no idea what to expect, and she just couldn't handle friend was so embarassed, neither of them knew enough about Richard Pryor to know his stand ups were very

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Re: Have you ever walked out of a movie?

Never walked out, but, definitely feel asleep and can't remember which one!

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Re: Have you ever walked out of a movie?

Yes, I have walked out but it wasn't because of the movie itself and surely not because of the 2 leading men (Tom Cruise & Brad Pitt).  It was Interview With The Vampire.  I had the worst migraine by the time the movie started so my husband and I left.  👹😖🎥

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Re: Have you ever walked out of a movie?

No, but only because I fell asleep first.

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Re: Have you ever walked out of a movie?

Absolutely! The shortest amount of time for me was 20 minutes once. I believe in cutting my losses & not wasting anymore of my time on something I really dislike. 

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Re: Have you ever walked out of a movie?

[ Edited ]

I can think of only two times.


The first was many, many years ago.  I was only in my twenties, and a huge movie goer.  I had gone alone to see an afternoon matinee of Ryan's Daughter.  Even though I was liking the movie, I was extremely anxious for some reason (it was a high stress period for me as I recall) and I just couldn't sit still and concentrate, so I left.  I did go see it again shortly afterward, and enjoyed it very much.


The second time was under quite different circumstances.  My friend and I had signed up to attend a series of movie previews organized by Rutgers University.  The guy who ran the thing had warned us at the outset that one of the rules was that no one was to leave before the movie ended, as that would be rude to the guests (each preview had some guests invited to speak after the movie, people involved in the film production, including actors).  The movie to be shown was always a surprise as were the "guests" in attendance to speak.  I guess they were whomever the organizer could get to come.


One of the movies was "Mallrats".  It was just unbearable for my friend and I to watch.  We were "forty-something" women, and this was just not our cup of tea.  I didn't like breaking the rules, but we were sitting in the back of the theater and we guiltily snuck out.  To stay would have been unbearable torture, and we had paid a lot for this movie series.