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@HLP wrote:

@sidsmom wrote:


The only thing I can say, was it should have happened 30 years ago.Never never watch that station.


If you "never never watch that station," how can you make the statement that Chris going should have" happened 30 years ago"??

"Justice will not be served until those who are unaffected are as outraged as those who are." BF
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CNN as nothing to do with Chris Matthews being forced into retirement by MSNBC.

"Live frugally, but love extravagantly."
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He was to retire after the election. Im assuming Laura Barretts column pushed him out.  Right or wrong. Who's to say?

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Its a shame really...he's not Harvey Weinstein..... and for his career to be reduced to this is really terrible.  Hes a man of another generation...back then if a man said " why havent I fallen in love with you yet?"  It would have been taken as a compliment.  What Happened, to all these women that feel victimized?  Remember he's not Weinstein!!!  Those men shoulld be punished absolutely.

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Never watched because could not handle his voice and thus was long before any health issues.
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I agree.  There's an element of man bashing and male hating now that has become socially acceptable.  It's a terrible thing.  As my mom would say, you don't address one wrong by creating another one.  I have a grandson so I hope and pray that what we are doing to some good and decent men now; solely because they are from a different generation; ends.  

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@chrystaltree, when your 3 yr. old grandson is an adult it will be his choice how he chooses to conduct himself. No need for you to worry about how he behaves as an adult. 

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@Drythe wrote:

@Mindy D wrote:

@KarenQVC wrote:

Chris Matthews retired tonight.

I have only watched him  a couple of times, but last night, John Oliver had an entire segment of video clips showing Chris Matthews having trouble saying his sign off lines from many shows. Maybe something neurological is going on. Now I think Oliver was was very hard on the man, but Oliver and his team  had no way of knowing if anything is up with Matthews when they shot their episode. 

Mr Matthews illness, absences, and treatments have been discussed publicly many times, including on his show.   Easily accessed in the University of Google.  Mr. Oliver knew & team knew.   


I watch John Oliver every week he's on.

I have watched Chris Matthews as much as possible for years.

I had no idea about his cancer.  I have not noticed excessive absences.


For those, and I don't mean you @Drythe  because I don't know your politics:


EVERY WEEK Last Week With John Oliver has a segment making fun of people in the media.  National, local.  I doubt they do background checks on everybody.  It's always people messing up or saying stupid things.  F&F is on a bit more but my goodness the wealth of material.

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Assuming a guy didn’t get touchy feely, i would take it as a compliment if a guy said to me “why haven’t I fallen in love with you yet?”😂
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I,m from old school and loved it when I got compliment s from the opposite s***x.  I did not think a compliment was wrong. Inappropriate gestures, or comments, or touching, yes.  

Sometimes, I think everything has gotten so out of balance