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Registered: ‎03-09-2010

Re: Hallmark's Martha's Vineyard mysteries

I also liked it.  The heels didn't bother me; my dad's cardiologist wears stilettos!  What bugged me was her wig.  She's a cute girl with cute hair.  I don't understand the need for Hallmark to put these horrible wigs on these women.  I obsess on it.  Woman LOL

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Re: Hallmark's Martha's Vineyard mysteries

Thank you @GingerPeach, I did know it was filmed in Victoria BC which is very lovely but the architecture is totaly different than Marth's Vinyard and I think that's what bothered me the most. I'm just saying if your going to do a series based on the "MV mysteries" they could have at least filmed it on the New England coast .  The North West Coast, although just as beautiful, is not the same.   .  

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Registered: ‎07-07-2010

Re: Hallmark's Martha's Vineyard mysteries

I taped it, started watching, but it did not hold my interest.  Since it is getting good reviews, I will restart it and watch the entire show.  As for the heels, I teach classes at assisted living centers and we have one physical therapist who shows up in stilettos, which is totally inappropriate for what she is demonstrating.  To each her own.

The next time that I hear salt and ice together, it better be in a margarita!