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Grimm: Wesenrein. 1-16-15 episode (spoilers)

Omg. I thought Juliet killed Rosalee! I'm glad it was a nightmare. They have to save Monroe. Monrosalee is too cute. I wonder what that convo was between Renard and the snakehead guy.
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Re: Grimm: Wesenrein. 1-16-15 episode (spoilers)

That was one of the best Grimms ever. Loved it when the Captain said to Wu, don't go there".

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Re: Grimm: Wesenrein. 1-16-15 episode (spoilers)

ncascade, I agree! That was point blank! So, I'm wondering. Who has seen the Captain when he's ummmmm.....not at his best?

So now they have another person to help them on their quest to save....everyone, I guess.

On another the actress who plays Rosalie pregnant? She looks like she might be.

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Re: Grimm: Wesenrein. 1-16-15 episode (spoilers)

That was good between Wu and the Captain. They played beautifully off each other. I think Juliet needs to tell Rosalee about her inner Hexenbiest. She can get rid of it very easily though. She just has to ingest Nick's blood. That was how Adalind lost her hexenbiest. Of course, I was thinking that Adalind would be so mad if she knew how easily Juliet picked up a hexenbiest and she didn't have to go through all those rituals like Adalind did. Lol. Edited to correct typos.
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Re: Grimm: Wesenrein. 1-16-15 episode (spoilers)

I'd have gone screaming to Rosalie and told her as soon as I opened the door. After all Rosalie is the one who helped with the spell.

Why in the world wouldn't you at least warn Rosalie? Sometimes that's why these shows drive me crazy. That just makes sense.

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Re: Grimm: Wesenrein. 1-16-15 episode (spoilers)

I agree Annabellethecat. Why keep it from her? Rosalee might be able to figure out if it is permanent or temporary, plus that would distract her a little.
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Re: Grimm: Wesenrein. 1-16-15 episode (spoilers)

I thought I noticed that the actress who plays Rosalie might be pregnant again so I went looking. I didn't see anything about that but I did see a really cute interview done in 2013 with the actress (Bree Turner is her name).

She was talking about being pregnant on the set of Grim. She mentioned when she was 5 1/2 months pregnant (she'd had a difficult pregnancy and they'd had to shoot around her). The scene was called "The Quill" and she had Yellow Fever. She said she had to act like she was mauling Monroe and they were wallowing all over the counter. She said she had this pretty big belly and poor Monroe had to be kissing and loving all on her and here she was this big belly. She found that especially funny at the way he had to act se^xy to her.

She give really honest and interesting interviews. I enjoyed reading about her. She's been in quite a few TV and movie's playing minor characters.

Sorry, I hope you weren't bored, I just thought that was funny to think about.

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Re: Grimm: Wesenrein. 1-16-15 episode (spoilers)

Thanks for sharing, Annabellethecat. That is funny to think about. I'm sure Silas got a kick out of it too. She very well may be pregnant again.