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General Hospital ~ September 2022 ~ Spoilers Included

[ Edited ]
Pursuing Heart: Welcome September



Happy September!

                Welcome All! 




It has been one year since the saga of Nina and Mike in Nixon Falls ended. Here's a recap of some things that happened last September. 


  • A random bottle of Bolognese Sauce gifted to Trina lead Jax to the realization that Sonny was alive and residing in Nixon Falls.
  • While Portia, Curtis, and Jordan were together at a crime scene the two ladies were locked in a basement and there was a gas leak. While they were exposed  Portia made a statement that she didn't want to die before telling Trina who her biological father is.
  • As Carly and Jason continued to plan their wedding to cement their place with the "families", feelings from the past began to resurface.
  • While Liesl and Scott were on a plane for what he thought was a vacation but she had an additional goal after being told by Nina that Peter was still alive and needed to be eliminated. That was exactly Liesl's plan; however while they were in transit the plane was overtaken resulting in Liesl being kidnapped and Scott being thrown out of the plane. When Liesl awakened from a drug-induced state she was reconnected with a man from her past, Victor Cassadine. The doctor thought she had killed her frenemy years before.
  • When Peter realized Nina had tried to double-cross him he returned to Nixon Falls intending to kill her. He set The Tan-O on fire while Nina and Phyllis were in the bar tied to some chairs.
  • Carly and Jason got married. When Sonny finally realized who he was he returned to his real home in Port Charles to find Carly and Jason together. It was obvious they were preparing to consummate their marriage.


Since the beginning of the August  thread:


  • Trina's court case was thrown out before the verdict could be read.
  • Curtis proposed to Portia.
  • After finding himself in a position where he had no other choice Nikolas confessed to Ava that he and Esme had sex. Once.
  • While Ava and Esme were in a knock-down drag-out fight Esme went over the parapet.
  • While attending a charity event at the Quartermaines Ava was stabbed. Violently and viciously.


Thank you to those who answered last month's QOTM .



September Questions of the Month:


  1. What story line{s} would you like GH to drop even if there is no resolution, i.e. it/they just magically disappeared.

  2. With the announcement that Days will be migrating to NBC's streaming platform Peacock, it raises the possibility the same thing could happen to GH. If this were to happen would you continue to watch if you had to pay?

If neither question appeals to you no explanation is necessary.




Thank you to those who continue to watch the show and  contribute to the threads which keep them going.
As stated last month predictions indicate as we approach the colder months we will face another potential health crisis. Continue to educate yourself and make decisions that you deem to be right for you and yours.  Please and thank you. ♥️


"And suddenly you just know it's time to start something new
And trust the magic of Beginnings..."
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Re: General Hospital ~ September 2022 ~ Spoilers Included

Please let us know if you are celebrating a birthday this month.



Gaia Hotel & Spa on Twitter: "Happy Birthday to all the September ...



      September 2nd - Wiskota 




"And suddenly you just know it's time to start something new
And trust the magic of Beginnings..."
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Posts: 12,377
Registered: ‎08-03-2013

Re: General Hospital ~ September 2022 ~ Spoilers Included

GH Spoilers: Will Valentin Finally Open Up To Anna?

Hope Campbell


GH Spoilers: Will Valentin Finally Open Up To Anna?


GH spoilers for Thursday reveal true confessions, medical danger, deep suspicions, and so much more.


GH Spoilers Highlights


As soon as Victor Cassadine mentioned the coincidence of Charlotte Cassadine’s boarding school getting a brand-new equestrian center, Anna Devane seemed to instinctively know it was Charlotte who Victor has been using to get Valentin to do his bidding.


When Valentin saw Anna talking with Lucy Coe at the pool, he instinctively knew what Lucy has been up to with Anna. Now, the pair confront one another with what they know, and Valentin tells Anna there is one very good reason to do all he has been doing. GH spoilers say the two come to an agreement. Does that mean they will finally work together to bring down Victor and rescue Charlotte?


Elizabeth Also Has A Confession To Make


Elizabeth Webber is still disturbed by the fact that she has been losing time, but she is grateful to Nikolas for coming to her rescue with Jordan Ashford. However, she decides to finally tell Finn what has been going on with her odd memories. Will this just make Finn more controlling?


Meanwhile, Trina Robinson is in a panic when Ava’s machines indicate she is in distress. Later, we can assume Ava is okay because Victor is busy telling Spencer that Jordan might learn the hard way not to mess with Cassadines.


Drew And Carly Open Up


Drew wasn’t buying whatever Carly Corinthos was selling about why she wasn’t ready to commit to him, but he is still thinking about her and visits Curtis Ashford to talk about his man woes.


Over in her kitchen, Carly tells the whole tale to her mother, Bobbie Spencer, and then starts to have second thoughts about telling Drew to hit the brakes.


"And suddenly you just know it's time to start something new
And trust the magic of Beginnings..."
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Registered: ‎08-03-2013

Re: General Hospital ~ September 2022 ~ Spoilers Included

Yesterday @PacificNWgal  posted the following on the August thread. Bringing it over as an intro to the article also posted below.


@PacificNWgal wrote:

Well, it appears according to a report that Nelle will be back. 

I have mixed feelings. But I suppose with Willow about to find out she and Nelle are twins, it was to be expected. After all, once you die on GH, you can come back later. 




Chloe Lanier Returns to General Hospital!

Chris Eades


GH Nelle


As soon as Nelle went over that cliff, fans knew that since there was no body, it would only be a matter of time before the schemer resurfaced in Port Charles and now Chloe Lanier is returning to General Hospital for another run!


Soap Opera Digest is reporting that Lanier will be back at GH very soon. In fact, her short-term appearance is scheduled for the week of Sept. 5! “I was looking at videos of Nelle online for days,” the actress admitted of preparing to return to Port Charles. “It has been two years since I had played this role. What were my speech patterns? How did I walk as Nelle? All of these things that were once so clicked-in for me, I had totally forgotten how to do, but hopefully, it translated and I was able to slip back into character the way I did before. I’m hoping!”


Lanier made her debut on GH in April 2015, although that was just for the special 52nd anniversary episode playing Pat Spencer in flashbacks. The talented actress returned to the soap in August 2016 as the newly-created character of Nelle Hayes, who was later revealed to be Nelle Benson, daughter of Carly’s adoptive father, Frank Benson.


GH Nelle Carly cliff


After exiting the role in August 2018, Lanier made a few brief returns in October, November, and December of that year. She then returned for a slightly longer run from June 2019 until September 2020, when the character was presumed dead after falling over a cliff. During her time on GH, Lanier was nominated for three Daytime Emmy Awards in the Younger Actress category, and took home the trophy in 2018.


Of course, even when there is a body, that doesn’t always mean someone is permanently deceased in soaps. So fans have been waiting for the villainess to resurface and take her revenge against her enemies. Nina might be happy to see her daughter is still alive, but since Carly was the one who let Nelle fall into the darkness, she might be less thrilled to see her again!



source: soapsindepth


"And suddenly you just know it's time to start something new
And trust the magic of Beginnings..."
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Re: General Hospital ~ September 2022 ~ Spoilers Included

@Tique wrote:

Yesterday @PacificNWgal  posted the following on the August thread. Bringing it over as an intro to the article also posted below.


@PacificNWgal wrote:

Well, it appears according to a report that Nelle will be back. 

I have mixed feelings. But I suppose with Willow about to find out she and Nelle are twins, it was to be expected. After all, once you die on GH, you can come back later. 




Chloe Lanier Returns to General Hospital!

Chris Eades


GH Nelle


As soon as Nelle went over that cliff, fans knew that since there was no body, it would only be a matter of time before the schemer resurfaced in Port Charles and now Chloe Lanier is returning to General Hospital for another run!


There was a body.  Chase identified it as Nelle.  So if she is not dead and is coming back alive- not as a ghost then Chase was wrong.


As for this month's questions...


1.  No matter how stupid the s/l I still want to see it come to a conclusion.


2. No I don't think I would pay to watch GH but if I already subscribed to the streaming service it was being shown on, I would continue to watch. 

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Re: General Hospital ~ September 2022 ~ Spoilers Included

Questions of The Month


I would love it if I never find out if, when or why Liz is flipping! 

They can't drop that quick enough in my opinion. It's not interesting, compelling or relevant. 

The continuance of this story would only bring more unnecessary characters to an already large cast. 


They're making Liz a despisable character, rather than an intriquing one. 


2.  No, if GH streams; I'm out. I am an avid Days watcher. On September 12; I part company with the show after being a faithful, long time fan. I will not even pay a nominal fee to view this show.


I don't care if they get The Bard himself to write now!


They have been throwing cr ap at the viewers for way too long, and suddenly expect payment from us to watch. That's why they have sponsors... hence Soap Operas...hello!


 Maybe they should change that term and call them Drug Operas. How about calling them Pipe Dreams now a days, generating money from marijuana sales. 


They sunk the show and now want to redeem it at the viewers expense, building an audience for their streaming channel, with daytime viewers and charge us for what should remain free.  No thanks. I'll pirate it or read the spoiler rags now.  I refuse to go along with this streaming sham. 


Good bye Days and any other soap who tries this move on me. 


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Re: General Hospital ~ September 2022 ~ Spoilers Included

@ninjawife wrote:

There was a body.  Chase identified it as Nelle.  So if she is not dead and is coming back alive- not as a ghost then Chase was wrong.


As for this month's questions...


1.  No matter how stupid the s/l I still want to see it come to a conclusion.


2. No I don't think I would pay to watch GH but if I already subscribed to the streaming service it was being shown on, I would continue to watch. 


@ninjawife is correct; there was a body.  Chase did say "the body has been positively identified..."  I never was clear on exactly who or how the body was records, etc?


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Re: General Hospital ~ September 2022 ~ Spoilers Included


I. I can't think of a storyline that I wash was dropped but I do wish Sasha and Brando could have had a "normal" life-at least for a while. On a side note-the name Brando bothers me for some reason. It's like they started to name him Brandon and then forgot to pin on the end part. Hearing Brando always makes me think of Marlon Brando.

2. I doubt I would follow GH over to streaming. I also watch Days and I plan on dropping it when they switch to Peacock. Mainly for two reasons. We already pay for Dish and that gets more expensive every year and it's already pretty high as it is, but living in the country alternatives are limited. The second reason is that because of living in the country, the streaming, which we would have to do for Peacock, can be very iffy; as the Internet connection can get stronger and weaker as you are watching something, which at times can make for an annoying watching experience.

I will miss Days as it has been my lunch time companion for many years but that's okay I will just read a book instead-or maybe bug my husband. lol

"Outside of a dog, a book is man's best friend. Inside of a dog it's too dark to read."
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Re: General Hospital ~ September 2022 ~ Spoilers Included

Happy September!!!!


@Tique  you are so kind, thoughtful, and important in the way you keep us informed.  All of your efforts are so appreciated. 


QOTM:  drop the Liz s/l.        drop the Esme s/l

               No, I will not pay for an extra service to watch GH


This cast is so bloated with characters no one wants to see.  Bringing Nelle back means we'll have more drama with Nina.  Sorry, but the woman has more than had her 15 minutes.  Or, perhaps Frankie boy is trying for the Guiness record of the "undead".  At this point can Petey be far behind????


There are so many viable options for good s/ls, but they either ignore them or don't even recognize them.  



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Re: General Hospital ~ September 2022 ~ Spoilers Included

Oh dear... I can't think of a single storyline I want to see them KEEP... They're all pretty bad... And no, I'm barely watching now, so there's no way I'm following this travesty to a streaming service...


As for Nelle, unless something changes, they are saying it's a short term return... I don't mind her being back but anything that increases screen time for the inept Nina's inept potrayal isn't a good thing in my book... 

In my pantry with my cupcakes...