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Re: General Hospital šŸ„ May 2024 - Spoilers Included

@BeckiWV wrote:


Good for Elizabeth telling Finn she would not allow him to get drunk with Violet there. I hope she or Alexis, or both of them, can pull Finn back from the brink before he gets really bad. 

Of course a child is the main consideration.  However, as a medical professional, Elizabeth should know NOT to be confrontational.  She needed to take a breath and talk to...really talk to Finn.  Maybe he would have poured the bourbon down the drain with her encouragment.  My other tact would have been for Elizabeth to offer/insist (as a favor to her if need be) that Finn and Violet pack an overnight bag and both come to stay at her house for a couple of days.  Afterall, Gregory just died in his room in their apartment.  Let's distance ourselves for just a little while. This would be a healthier outlet for both father and daughter.



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Re: General Hospital šŸ„ May 2024 - Spoilers Included

@KBEANS wrote:

May is ALS Awareness month. That's probably why they chose to have him sucumb to the disease now.


Isn't it also a sweeps month?

And here's another tidbit I uncovered.  In 2022, Gregory Harrison was signed to a 2 year contract with GH (don't know the month).  Now it's 2024...two years are up.  Did they or he want to hang around longer and therefore a "misdiagnosis" vs. no "misdiagnosis"?  Will he go on "recurring" status as a "ghost"/"spirit"?  

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Re: General Hospital šŸ„ May 2024 - Spoilers Included

Oh and can I just say a quick toast to our favorite lawyer ever? Diane has made me chuckle more than once and boy do we all need her this week! šŸøšŸøšŸøšŸø



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Re: General Hospital šŸ„ May 2024 - Spoilers Included

@mysoutherncomfort wrote:

@RainCityWoman wrote:
 I hope it was peaceful as well, but I don't understand why she didn't call for help. Her last text was to two friends reminding them who was to take her little dog if anything happened. My only solace is that if there is an afterlife, she is reunited with her beloved husband who passed in 2018 of pancreatic cancer. 
As other members of our "family", I offer my sincere condolences on the loss of your friend.  I, too, believe that she will be/is reunited with her beloved husband.
Death is so strange and personal.  Obviously she loved her little dog and perhaps had a premonition and therefore texted her two friends to remind them to take care of her doggie.  To ask yourself questions that cannot be answered serves no purpose during your bereavement.
 I hope you are able to concentrate on the positive aspects of your friendship....was she a good pinocole partner?  Did y'all get together socially from time to time. lunch, dinner, movie?  Did y'all enjoy laughing and being together?  Wishing you peace and tranquility as you adjust to this loss.


Well, I guess this isn't about me. I feel bad for her extended family who are in shock. I went to find her, but I did not go upstairs with her neighbor who had the key. I could not bear that. When you get older. you lose friends. That's just inevitable. She and I were kindred spirits with many of the same interests. We even bought the same QVC clothes at times. It's hard to be left behind when someone passes. We do this first with our parents and grandparents and then comes our friends. Her life was one well lived. She was blessed with many friends, vollunteered at grief counseling for widows, and was just a sweet, intelligent, funny, warm individual. My pinochle group who have met every

week for 6 years will be having our own memorial and closure this week to remember and honor her. 

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Re: General Hospital šŸ„ May 2024 - Spoilers Included

@cowboy sam wrote:


sending you šŸ¤—and prayersšŸ™ 



  May you find peace knowing that she might have know what was happening to her  and wanted to make sure her beloved doggie  would be taken care of by her friends.Heart

A sweet story about her when her husband was dying of cancer was she asked him how she could go on without him. He told her she would, and if she looked up in the night sky, the first star she saw would be him. When she got her puppy shortly after that, she named her Star, and I believe Star was the last thing she thought about before she passed. The dog was by her side when they found her.

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Re: General Hospital šŸ„ May 2024 - Spoilers Included

@RainCityWoman , my sincere condolences at the loss of your dear friend. Your beautiful memories of her are very touching. Thank you for sharing. 

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Re: General Hospital šŸ„ May 2024 - Spoilers Included

Wednesday, May 22, 2024


In Alexis' hotel room, Diane was pleased when Alexis decided to go to the hearing. Alexis retrieved the lucky charm that Gregory had given her, and together, Alexis and Diane left. A short time later, Alexis and Diane were seated at a table in a small courtroom. Alexis absently tapped the charm against her palm, making an annoying clanking sound, until Diane stopped her and asked Alexis to put the charm away, since Alexis had a brilliant attorney. "Perhaps you know her name -- Alexis Davis," Diane said.


Alexis and Diane looked up when a bearded man entered the courtroom and sat at the table next to theirs. Neither Alexis nor Diane recognized him, but Alexis felt there was something familiar about him. "All rise," a clerk said as Justices Evans, Caldwell, and Dutton entered the room. After the justices were seated, Diane thanked them for agreeing to the hearing. The bearded man stood up and accused Alexis of being a "proven liar" who had been responsible for Neil Byrne's death.


Fergus Byrne was adamant that his brother Neil would be alive if not for Alexis. Diane started to speak, but Alexis assured the justices and Fergus that she welcomed him there because it was her first opportunity to plead her case.


At the airport, Chase was devastated about his father's death. Brook Lynn tried to comfort him, but he felt blindsided. The final call to board the flight to Rome was announced, but Chase seemed unaware as he admitted that there had been things left unsaid. Brook Lynn hugged her husband and assured him that Gregory knew. Moments later, an announcement was made that the gate for the flight to Rome had been closed.


Later, Chase and Brook Lynn entered the Quartermaine mansion. Chase admitted that he wished they could have driven straight to Finn's place. Brook Lynn felt the same, but she reminded him that Finn had wanted time alone with Violet to break the sad news. After Brook Lynn and Chase hugged, they braced themselves for the task ahead.


In the living room, Lois smiled victoriously. "Good news. I spoke to Monica, and she's all for it," Lois told Ned. He wasn't surprised, since there was plenty of room, but he asked if Lois had warned Gio about Tracy. Lois confessed that she hadn't, so Ned suggested that Gio might win Tracy over with his music because she loved music -- as long as it wasn't Eddie Maine who was playing it. Lois was certain that Tracy would have accepted Ned's career if Brook Lynn hadn't followed in her parents' footsteps.


Ned doubted that Tracy would have respected Brook Lynn if Brook Lynn had lived the life that Tracy had wanted for her. Lois was certain that Brook Lynn would have been miserable. Ned agreed, and he suggested that Tracy loved how Brook Lynn stood up to her. "Oh, I love it, too," Lois said with a grin. Just then, Chase and Brook Lynn entered the room.


Surprised, Lois asked why Chase and Brook Lynn weren't on their way to Rome. After Chase and Brook Lynn shared the news about Gregory's passing, Lois offered her condolences and hugged both Chase and Brook Lynn. Lois sang Gregory's praises as a father and admitted that every moment in Gregory's company had been pure joy. After Ned offered his condolences, Brook Lynn asked about Tracy. Ned and Chase decided to head to the stables to find Tracy, who had gone out for a morning ride.


Lois admitted that she couldn't believe that Gregory had died, even though it had been inevitable because of his illness. She suggested that God had a plan, and she reminded her daughter that Gregory had died happy because he'd been able to share Chase and Brook Lynn's wedding day. Lois advised Brook Lynn to hold Chase close and remind him that he was not alone. Brook Lynn sat beside her mother and leaned in close as Lois wrapped a comforting arm around her.


In Finn's apartment, Finn picked up Gregory's cane as his thoughts drifted to his argument with Gregory two nights earlier. He sat down on the fireplace's hearth and set his drink down. Seconds later, Violet arrived home from school. After she greeted her father, a woman appeared in the hallway by the front door to make certain that Violet had gotten home safe. After a brief exchange with Finn, Mary left because her daughter was waiting in the car.


Violet picked up the bouquet she had caught and asked if they could go for a walk because flowers loved fresh air. "And we can tell Grandpa to come, too -- if we don't go too far," Violet suggested. Finn gently broke the news to Violet that Gregory had passed away in his sleep. He assured her that her grandfather hadn't been in pain; he'd fallen asleep and hadn't woken up. "That can happen?" Violet asked in a frightened voice.


Finn quickly assured his daughter that it wouldn't happen to either of them, but he reminded Violet that Gregory had been sick. When Violet asked if ALS has killed Gregory, Finn confirmed that it had, but he urged Violet to focus on how amazing her grandfather had been and how lucky they'd been to spend time with Gregory. "No, I want Grandpa to still be here," Violet cried. She jumped up and ran down the hallway, calling out to her grandfather.


Finn followed Violet and caught up to her in Gregory's bedroom. She stood at the foot of Gregory's bed and asked in a forlorn voice where her grandfather was. Finn explained that the paramedics had taken Gregory away. Violet was upset because she hadn't had an opportunity to say goodbye. Finn's eyes filled with tears as he assured Violet that Gregory would have hugged her tight if he'd known it would be the last time. Finn wrapped Violet in his arms and held her as she wept.


Violet recalled spending time with her grandfather in Bobbie's Diner. Finn assured Violet that life was beautiful, but it could also be cruel and unfair. "Life is so beautiful, it hurts sometimes," he added. Violet hugged her father. Afterwards, he carried her to the living room, but he hesitated when he saw the bottle of liquor on the table.


After Finn set Violet down, she wanted to know what would happen next. Finn shared that there would a funeral in a few days for friends and family to say goodbye. "But how do we say goodbye if he's not here?" Violet asked. Finn explained that they could think about Gregory, say prayers, or even speak aloud -- whatever was best for Violet. Worried, she asked if Gregory would go to heaven, so Finn assured her that her grandfather was with the angels.


The conversation was cut short when Elizabeth arrived. She swept Violet up in a big hug and told Finn that Chase had called her with the news. When Violet shared that Finn needed a hug, too, Elizabeth walked over and hugged him. However, her gaze landed on the glass of alcohol on the hearth. Concerned, she pulled back and looked at Finn closely. Her expression turned stormy when she noticed the bottle of alcohol.


Elizabeth sent Violet to the bedroom to make Aiden a friendship bracelet. Once they were alone, Elizabeth confronted Finn about drinking. She informed him that she would be taking Violet home with her, so he could get himself to a meeting. "No," Finn said. He made it clear that Violet would be staying with him. "And I don't need to get myself to a meeting," he angrily added.


Elizabeth switched tactics and asked Finn to let her help him, but he refused. He reminded her that his father was dead, and he argued that nothing could help him. He resented being told that he couldn't drink when it was the only thing that had gotten him through the day. Elizabeth conceded that she couldn't stop him if he chose to treat his pain with alcohol, but she refused to let him get drunk with Violet in the apartment.


In Dante and Sam's penthouse, Sonny was stunned by Dante's reaction. "What the hell is going on with you, Dante?" he asked. Sonny reminded his son that Michael and Dex had conspired to take Sonny down, and he'd let it go rather than taking the "proper steps" to contain the problem. "You want a medal, Dad, for not killing someone?" Dante asked. Sonny clarified that he had been trying to explain that he had left Dex alone only for Dex to continue betraying him. Sonny insisted that Dex was hiding behind a badge and sharing secrets with Anna.


Sonny accused Dante of refusing to see it, but Dante admitted that the only thing he saw clearly was Sonny. "What does that mean?" Sonny asked. Dante pointed out that the attack on Dex hadn't been an isolated incident; Sonny had a pattern of violence that went back a long time. "What are you accusing me of?" Sonny asked. Dante acknowledged that he had looked the other way too many times, but it was time to stop.


"Too many people are getting hurt, and if you don't do something to fix that, it's just going to get worse," Dante said. Dante advised Sonny to stay away from Dex because Sonny would be the prime suspect if anything happened to Dex. Sonny resented the advice. Dante warned Sonny that Dex might decide to pursue criminal charges, and Sonny would not be able to make amends to his family from behind bars.


"My own son is forsaking me," Sonny said. "I'm trying to save you," Dante said with frustration. When Sonny didn't believe him, Dante's temper snapped. "I am done protecting you!" Dante shouted. He reminded Sonny that Sonny had committed a crime, and it was time for Sonny to face the consequences. Rather than reply, Sonny left.


Moments later, Sonny entered his penthouse. Ava was relieved to see him because he'd barely said two words to her the previous evening, and he'd been gone by the time Avery had left for school. "She missed her dad this morning," Ava said. Sonny was agitated but said nothing, so she asked him not to shut her out. Resigned, he confessed that Kristina had witnessed something and gotten the wrong idea. Sonny's voice filled with sadness as he explained that Kristina had been one of the last people who had believed in him, but he'd lost her.


Sonny told Ava about the wedding, and he accused Dex of taunting him by mingling with Sonny's friends and smirking at him. Ava was surprised, but Sonny insisted that Dex was a "punk kid" who had no respect for anyone or anything. Ava asked what Sonny had done. "I punched him a few times. More than a few times," Sonny said. He told her about Jason appearing, and how Kristina had walked up during the altercation.

Ava was certain that Dex had gotten the message, but Sonny argued that guys like Dex never received the message. When Sonny lamented about Kristina, Ava offered him words of comfort. Sonny remained heartbroken because his "little girl" was afraid of him.


In the park, Dex revealed that he hadn't made a decision about Sonny, so Michael admitted that he and Kristina didn't want Dex to press charges. Dex turned to Josslyn to get her input, but she refused to tell him what to do. She explained that she was tired of telling people what they should or shouldn't do and giving people ultimatums because it hadn't worked out well for her in the past. Michael acknowledged that he didn't have a right to ask, but Dex pointed out that it hadn't stopped Michael from making the request.


Dex explained that he was a police cadet with direct knowledge of a crime. He worried that if he didn't stop Sonny while he had the chance, Sonny might hurt someone else. Michael clarified that he didn't expect Dex to protect Sonny, because Sonny deserved to pay for what he'd done to Dex. However, Michael was concerned how it would affect Kristina -- and her pregnancy -- if she had to testify against Sonny. "I'm just worried it's too much for her," Michael said. "When is it too much for me?" Dex asked.


Dex reminded Michael that he'd hired Dex to take Sonny down. Dex believed the attack was proof that Sonny was not just a danger to his enemies but to his loved ones, too. Dex didn't think they would get a better chance to stop Sonny. "Maybe," Michael said. "Michael, there's no 'maybe.' He's right. Sonny absolutely deserves to be punished for what he's done," Josslyn said. To Dex's surprise, Josslyn admitted that -- for Kristina and the pregnancy -- Dex shouldn't file charges against Sonny.


Later, Michael and Josslyn sat in the local coffee shop and talked about the situation with Sonny. Michael revealed that he had watched Sonny throughout the wedding, and Sonny had seemed happy and charming -- like the father that Michael remembered. Josslyn conceded that she had once felt lucky to have Sonny as a stepfather. Michael assured her that Sonny's love and charm had been real, but he acknowledged that so were Sonny's brutality and rage.


Michael explained that Sonny had been better at hiding and controlling it in the past, and it was why Michael and Carly had wanted Dex to protect Sonny. Josslyn pointed out that Dex was the one who needed protection from Sonny. Michael took the opportunity to ask if Josslyn and Dex had reconciled because he had noticed them spending time together at the wedding. Josslyn explained that she hated couples who would break up and get back together because they seemed indecisive and addicted to the drama.


Josslyn said she had seen Carly and Sonny go down that road too many times, and it was not the kind of relationship that Josslyn wanted. However, she conceded that Dex had drastically changed his life since their breakup. Michael suggested that Dex had joined the police academy to impress Josslyn, but she defended Dex's choice. She was confident that Dex would be a good cop, like Dante. Michael advised Josslyn to tell Dex that she wanted to reconcile, but she admitted that she wasn't sure she wanted that, and she was done changing her mind.


"Dex deserves better," Josslyn said. Michael was certain that Dex would say there was no one better than Josslyn.


In Blaze's suite, Kristina opened up to Blaze about Sonny. Blaze admitted that the incident with Sonny had scared her, but she was more concerned about Kristina. Blaze hated seeing Kristina in pain, and she acknowledged that she wasn't in a position to cast stones about parents because Natalia had given Kristina every reason to run away. Blaze was grateful that Kristina hadn't left, and she made it clear that she wasn't going anywhere, either. Blaze knelt before Kristina and reached for her hands. "You're not your father, Kristina -- no more than I'm my mother," Blaze said.


Kristina explained that seeing her father attack Dex had made her realize that she had no idea who Sonny really was because he'd been a completely different person. Kristina changed her clothes then she expressed regret over asking Michael to talk to Dex because it had been unfair to her brother. Blaze urged Kristina not to be hard on herself because Michael loved Kristina. The conversation turned to Dex possibly pressing charges. Kristina realized that she would have to testify against her father, which she suspected had prompted Michael's decision to talk to Dex. Blaze thought Michael was an amazing brother, but Kristina admitted that Sonny shouldn't be allowed to get away with attacking and threatening to kill people.


Kristina picked up her cell phone and made a call. A short time later, Dex arrived. Blaze and Kristina were taken aback by his injuries, so Blaze offered to fetch him some ice. After Dex politely declined, Kristina admitted that Josslyn had been right about Sonny. "There's no victory lap when it comes to being right about Sonny," Dex assured Kristina. Kristina apologized because she hadn't meant to sound flippant about the situation.


Kristina admitted that she'd had blinders on with Sonny because she'd wanted to think of him as the man she knew him to be rather than who Sonny was in his entirety. Dex confessed that he'd wanted to see the good in Sonny, too, when he had worked for him. Kristina explained that she had called Dex because she wanted him to know that she would testify on his behalf if he decided to press charges against her father.


On the next General Hospital...


ā€¢ Elizabeth explains that she is not who Finn needs

ā€¢ Alexis demands to know the name of her accuser

ā€¢ "Am I tarnishing the badge before I even put it on?" Dex asks Anna

ā€¢ "What are you going to do when you run out of traitors?" Carly asks Sonny

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Re: General Hospital šŸ„ May 2024 - Spoilers Included

ABC honors General Hospital in a very special way


Your favorite stars were on hand for a big General Hospital occasion.

General Hospital marked a major milestone in 2023 when it celebrated 60 years on the air, a remarkable feat for any television program to achieve. The 60th anniversary also made GH the longest-running scripted drama in production.


ABC paid tribute to the soap at the start of this year with a primetime special called General Hospital: 60 Years of Stars & Storytelling. Now, the network has honored the soap once again by dedicating its longtime soundstage.


On Friday, May 10, Studio 4 got a brand-new name when it was re-dubbed "The General Hospital Stage." The network presented the soap with a plaque reading, "In honor of the iconic television drama's historic 60th anniversary."


M.K. WEIR (PRODUCER), FRANK VALENTINI (EXECUTIVE PRODUCER), MICHELLE HENRY (PRODUCER), JENNIFER WHITTAKER-BROGDON (PRODUCER), CHERIE WALL, JEFFREY SIERKSGH turned the day into a photo op moment with cast photos taken at the hospital's tenth floor nurses' station, often known as "the Hub." After all, it's where much of the hospital action takes place, as doctors and nurses gather to gossip, and of course, help treat patients.


Stars also smiled for some candid shots as snaps from the day include Evan Hofer (Dex Heller) with a sweet treat in the shape of the number 60. You can also see Laura Wright (Carly Spencer) and Kelly Monaco (Sam McCall) in what appears to be Finn's apartment, as well as some of the soap's kids, including Jophielle Love (Violet Finn) and Lily Fisher (Georgie Spinelli).


There is also a very special photo with John J. York posing with costumer Alice Volonino, the namesake of the Port Charles gym. May 10 was also the day that GH took to social media to spread the news that York had returned to the set after undergoing a stem cell transplant to treat blood cancer late last year.

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Re: General Hospital šŸ„ May 2024 - Spoilers Included



It sounds like you have wonderful memories of your friend.   God bless.

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Re: General Hospital šŸ„ May 2024 - Spoilers Included

[ Edited ]

Attention GH peeps!


@Tique is ready to take back what she did so well for years. I invited her to do that in a thread I stumbled across in another forum a few weeks ago since it was obvious she was missed here and missing us.


We were never meant to be separate and I'm still not sure why we ever were. Regardless, I always hoped and believed she would come back here once she took a break from all the hard work she gives to our GH discussions.


Obviously she is ready to do that, so this will be the last thread I start for us. As I told her a few weeks ago, I always considered myself her placeholder and, when she was ready to resume, I would gladly step aside since it's obviously her joy to do this and she does it well.


@Tique will be your GH thread and news maven once again.


If you want to stop posting here and join her in her new thread for the last week, go for it. I am not bothered in any way nor do you need anyone's permission, obviously. I'm just glad we have everyone together once again!