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Re: General Hospital ~ June 2021 ~ Spoilers Included

Cassandra James “Can’t Wait” for Terry’s New Storyline on GH!

Chris Eades


Cassandra James


June is Pride Month, and some GH fans are wondering where the soap’s LGBTQ+ characters have been hiding. Well, beginning on Thursday, June 24, Dr. Terry Randolph will be back on the canvas in a brand-new storyline! “Can’t wait!” gushed portrayer Cassandra James on Instagram.


“She’ll be fighting for an important position at the hospital,” GH executive producer Frank Valentini told Entertainment Weekly. “I think it’s important to portray members of the LGBTQ community in a way where they’re just like everybody else. They want jobs, they want to get promoted. They want to fall in love. They have problems, they get sick, they have victories and defeats just like everybody else.”...


source: soapsindepth



Really Frank? They're just like everybody else. I would never have known that. What would I do without these statements that GH doles out every now and then.


They certainly educate me.  Rolleye smiley 2


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Re: General Hospital ~ June 2021 ~ Spoilers Included

@BeckiWV wrote:

Oh @Tique  I am so glad that Cyrus finally left and took his hair with him, OMG, lol.  Why couldn't the hospital pull that mess back or put a surgical cap on it?  I was ok with the ponytail more or less, but those flowing locks were less than lovely 😂😂😂


I still don't see why Finn couldn't have just called the police and said that Peter fell down and broke his crown, even if Jill didn't come tumbling after?  


And why didn't Finn go down and look for the vial Peter threw over the edge of the building? I don't remember seeing it if he did.  Even broken and seemingly empty, couldn't a good lab be able to determine what was in it?


Why can't Carly ever leave Jason's personal life alone? She is just getting started, lol. So pushy.


Questions, questions lol. 



I'm not convinced that Cyrus has departed the set. Finn probably didn't look for the vial because the one Peter destroyed earlier was glass that he crushed with his foot. Going over the roof does not bode well for a glass vial. And yes, Finn and Elizabeth both could have just reported that Peter fell down the stairs trying to get away from Finn on the roof as a helicopter loomed. But that would be too logical of course. And then there's Carly. Don't get me started. She always says to Jason, "I can't lose you." Never thinks of anyone but herself. However, if the truth be known, I think she doesn't want Jason to be connected to anyone but her. In fact, I think what she really wants is a menage a trois with her, Sonny, and Jason.

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Re: General Hospital ~ June 2021 ~ Spoilers Included

What I don't understand at all is WHY Cyrus had those DNA tests altered in the first place. What did any of it have to do with him?  Also, I have forgotten why Finn was the one to be poisoned in the first place. Was it because he opposed the develoopment of that so called drug Cyrus was trying to introduce at GH?

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Re: General Hospital ~ June 2021 ~ Spoilers Included

@RainCityWoman wrote:

What I don't understand at all is WHY Cyrus had those DNA tests altered in the first place. What did any of it have to do with him?  Also, I have forgotten why Finn was the one to be poisoned in the first place. Was it because he opposed the develoopment of that so called drug Cyrus was trying to introduce at GH?


@RainCityWoman   here's my reply about why Cyrus changed the DNA test.



@Tique wrote:

@RainCityWoman wrote:

But will that occur to Finn? I mean he said ages ago that he was going to have a second DNA test done off GH campus, but that didn't happen. How is it he dropped the ball on that? Cyrus manipulated the first test...why I do not know.


He did it to get back at Jackie because she wouldn't tell him where his mother Florence was. Also with input from Florence Jackie wrote an unflattering article about Cyrus that appeared in The Invader.



Here's my reply to the second part of today's question:


After Anna turned against Peter and told Maxie about his crimes and wrongdoings he became obsessed with hurting someone she loved. The person he could get to the easiest/fastest was the man she was going to marry - Finn. It had nothing to do with Cyrus or his drugs.


"And suddenly you just know it's time to start something new
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Re: General Hospital ~ June 2021 ~ Spoilers Included

@Tique wrote:

@RainCityWoman wrote:

What I don't understand at all is WHY Cyrus had those DNA tests altered in the first place. What did any of it have to do with him?  Also, I have forgotten why Finn was the one to be poisoned in the first place. Was it because he opposed the develoopment of that so called drug Cyrus was trying to introduce at GH?


@RainCityWoman   here's my reply about why Cyrus changed the DNA test.



@Tique wrote:

@RainCityWoman wrote:

But will that occur to Finn? I mean he said ages ago that he was going to have a second DNA test done off GH campus, but that didn't happen. How is it he dropped the ball on that? Cyrus manipulated the first test...why I do not know.


He did it to get back at Jackie because she wouldn't tell him where his mother Florence was. Also with input from Florence Jackie wrote an unflattering article about Cyrus that appeared in The Invader.



Here's my reply to the second part of today's question:


After Anna turned against Peter and told Maxie about his crimes and wrongdoings he became obsessed with hurting someone she loved. The person he could get to the easiest/fastest was the man she was going to marry - Finn. It had nothing to do with Cyrus or his drugs.


Geez. I don't know why I connected Cyrus to Peter, but they seemed to be working together on so many things. Now I remember why Chase got poisoned, but I am not sure why Cyrus and Peter began working together.Common enemies? I also forgot all about Jackie's piece she did on him, but I can't imagine Cyrus would be petty enough to get even in that way. What tangled webs here.

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Re: General Hospital ~ June 2021 ~ Spoilers Included

@RainCityWoman wrote:

Geez. I don't know why I connected Cyrus to Peter, but they seemed to be working together on so many things. Now I remember why Chase got poisoned, but I am not sure why Cyrus and Peter began working together.Common enemies? I also forgot all about Jackie's piece she did on him, but I can't imagine Cyrus would be petty enough to get even in that way. What tangled webs here.



@RainCityWoman   Cyrus went to Peter after he found out Gladys had seen Peter tossing the gun that killed Franco. The two did had a common enemy, Jason. Cyrus had tried more than once to kill Jason; he had one of his minions tamper with Jason's motorcycle. Then he had Julian set off the bomb at The Floating Rib. Neither he nor his crew were successful.


Cyrus knew Peter also wanted Jason out of the way so if they couldn't kill him, they could team up and frame him hopefully having him sent away for an extended period of time. In exchange for Cyrus paying Gladys to lie about Jason, Peter agreed to publish the results of the DNA test which Cyrus had tampered with causing Jackie's "secret" to be revealed and her to be humiliated. This was exclusively about hurting/getting back at Jackie; Gregory, Chase, and Finn were collateral damage.


Yes. Cyrus was that petty.


"And suddenly you just know it's time to start something new
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Re: General Hospital ~ June 2021 ~ Spoilers Included

From the what did I learn today file (Thursday).  I learned that indeed Finn sent out another sample of DNA to a "respected" lab person and the results came back the same....Finn's theory is that Cyrus got to this person also.


And in follow up, I learned today that Finn has a DNA "thingee" in his lab that can do a DNA test.  So now he and Daddy Gregory are having a confab waiting for the DNA results.  Finn has prepared the "antidote"; just waiting for DNA results...why?  Chase is literally on death's door...just administer same.


Shut the front door writers in that IF Finn could do the DNA testing himself, then........?  The word of the day for GH writers....continuity.  You can't have it both ways.


Upcoming Friday promo shows Austin pushing someone (Dante, I suspect) but let's not jump to conclusions.  I say that Austin, king of the woods, is pushing Dante so that he does not fall into the abandoned mine shaft like Nurse Rachett.  Hence, do they find Nurse Rachett?  Is she still alive?  I say RIP.






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Re: General Hospital ~ June 2021 ~ Spoilers Included

@Tique wrote:

@RainCityWoman wrote:

Geez. I don't know why I connected Cyrus to Peter, but they seemed to be working together on so many things. Now I remember why Chase got poisoned, but I am not sure why Cyrus and Peter began working together.Common enemies? I also forgot all about Jackie's piece she did on him, but I can't imagine Cyrus would be petty enough to get even in that way. What tangled webs here.



@RainCityWoman   Cyrus went to Peter after he found out Gladys had seen Peter tossing the gun that killed Franco. The two did had a common enemy, Jason. Cyrus had tried more than once to kill Jason; he had one of his minions tamper with Jason's motorcycle. Then he had Julian set off the bomb at The Floating Rib. Neither he nor his crew were successful.


Cyrus knew Peter also wanted Jason out of the way so if they couldn't kill him, they could team up and frame him hopefully having him sent away for an extended period of time. In exchange for Cyrus paying Gladys to lie about Jason, Peter agreed to publish the results of the DNA test which Cyrus had tampered with causing Jackie's "secret" to be revealed and her to be humiliated. This was exclusively about hurting/getting back at Jackie; Gregory, Chase, and Finn were collateral damage.


Yes. Cyrus was that petty.


Obviously, I have dozed off several times during the show. Those details did not register with me. Time for me to wake up.

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Re: General Hospital ~ June 2021 ~ Spoilers Included

Well, Joe Biden began talking 5 minutes ago during the end of the mid day news. That tells me I won't see much of GH today. I hope it will be On Demand because otherwise, I won't get to see the lightbulb go on with Finn.

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Re: General Hospital ~ June 2021 ~ Spoilers Included

[ Edited ]

@RainCityWoman  in the past you've made references to having one person who always helped you so maybe now you can consider it two.


Oops forgot to say you're welcome.



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