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Re: General Hospital ~ January Thread

On 1/10/2014 quincybird said: Is it just me, doesn't Scotty and Franco look the same age?

I think you're just supposed to suspend any logic when it comes to Franco.

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Re: General Hospital ~ January Thread

Kin Shriner in real life is 60; Roger Howarth is 45. That's 15 years difference. Scotty at 15 if I remember correctly was in love with Laura, and I think they got married when she was 16. WHEN would he have had time to impregnate Heather. Besides Heather wasn't even in Port Charles back then. Kin supposedly has fathered others, but certainly NOT at 15. Scotty as a little boy and teen was sweet, innocent, and a straight up good guy. This whole thing is ridiculous, but then no one ever accused Soap writers of using logic. They must hope that none of the fans have memories. I've watched this since I was a young girl.

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Re: General Hospital ~ January Thread

On 1/10/2014 RainCityGirl said:

Carlos to me is shady, greasy, and dangerous. Heather is just plain nuts and also has the nine lives of a cat. Robin does not have the stage charisma that she had as a child actor. I find her boring and unconvincing in her role. Ava needs to go to jail for killing Connie. I actually like the desperate, sad A.J. and the long suffering Scott Baldwin, and he kind of provides comic relief along with Lucy. Britt and her veneer covered two big front teeth make me gag. The new Lulu I don't like at all. She can go. Silas and Sam are great together...the writers will ruin that. New detective is hot. Julian can also leave and take Sonny with him to thug heaven. They both irritate me, especially Sonny with his oxymoronic set of values. Gee, I am now beginning to wonder why I am watching this show if it bugs me so. LOL. Old habits die hard. Bring on more of Felix. Love him. Miss Spinelli.

{} Might as well can the whole soap and write a new one! But I agree with most of this.

I wish Carlos wasn't so greasy (ugh!), then I'd be happy to see him with Sabrina.

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Re: General Hospital ~ January Thread

On 1/11/2014 gardensla said:
On 1/10/2014 pepes mom said:

I'm wondering, since Heather is obviously a shape shifter and can come and go anywhere, why she isn't using her powers to get her precious Steven Lars out of jail? She was so obsessed over him for the longest time. Now he's in jail and the new obsession is Franco. I'm hoping she somehow stumbles and falls on that darned knife.

Carly has a big mouth, yet the time she should be using it to make any noise, she doesn't do it. She could have kicked and made noise, too. She has been kidnapped before. Has she not learned from past experiences?

Carly could have easily pulled the gag out of her mouth as her hands were bound at the exact level as the gag.

Such a stupid, stupid storyline. Not worthy of Heather (whose now a cartoon) nor of Franco who was once so truly original.

Just hoping sweeps brings better.

I kept thinking the same thing...after all she was able to sign that supposed "letter"!!! I really like the actor that plays the weird sense of humor!! This soap is slowly spiraling in a downward direction. Stories are getting way too unreal and too many stories starting without ending the old ones!

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Re: General Hospital ~ January Thread

To the poster that asked about Maura West (Ava). She played Carly Snyder on As The World Turns and was married (on the show) to Jack Snyder (Michael Park) who was a cop. I still miss that show along with AMC and OLTL.

As far as I'm concerned I want Ava, Heather, Morgan, and Scotty gone. I'd love to see more of Diane and Alexis together. They were always a blast together. And get Diane back with Max. I've watched since Robin was a child (was always a fan) and must say she's not bringing alot to the show this go-around. Doesn't seem like she wants to be there. I like Carlos and hope he's really a good guy. Also love Felix and if Lucas comes to town maybe those 2 will hook up. Felix deserves someone better than that slimey Brad. Oh, yes, please end the baby story and give Lulu and Dante their child but I do hope that Nicholas and Britt stay together and have a child of their own. I'm sure I could think of more things I'd like to change on this show.

Several of the writers from One Life to Live are writing for GH and that's why we're getting some of the same ole, same ole. If the storylines were so great, then why did they cancel OLTL???

Last week I gave some feedback to ABC about what I thought of their policy of "sign in" or "watch a week later" and what they could do with it.

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Re: General Hospital ~ January Thread

I think Robin is calling it in this go round. She just doesn't seem like she wants to be there.

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Re: General Hospital ~ January Thread

Aaaaaaaaack!!!! How did Dante et al not see or HEAR Heather running off? Enough!

Posts: 53
Registered: ‎09-22-2010

Re: General Hospital ~ January Thread

I thought they would have see her run off too!!!

I think Carly is not dead, all they showed was a bloody knife, no body.

I also don't think her body is in the truck.

If Heather can live through being stabbed and dig herself out of a grave, I think Carly will be ok. Smiley Happy

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Re: General Hospital ~ January Thread

On 1/12/2014 pepes mom said:

I think Robin is calling it in this go round. She just doesn't seem like she wants to be there.

Agreed...she does not seem to show much emotion. Tears yes, but no deep down in the soul emotions - very robot-like!!

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Re: General Hospital ~ January Thread

How dumb that Dante, Michael, and Morgan did not see or hear anything when Heather ran off!!!!!!! What a mockery of a police officer!

Can they please get rid of Heather permanently?????? The character is worse than a bad cartoon!