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Re: General Hospital ~ January 2020 ~ Spoilers Included

To my GH family: I am sooo far behind on what's going on but as always, I'm sure I haven't missed much. Maybe next week I'll get a chance to watch all of my taping. I know Tracy is back. I peeked in one day, while my friend was sleeping and Tracy looked great! Mix it up, Tracy. Give me what for in the perfect way that you do!

Anyway, I'm still taking care of my friend and keeping her hopes up. She still has a way to go but.......fingers crossed.

I wish only good things, peace, love,and especially health for y'all! Happy New Year!🎉


@cowboy sam  Glad you're feeling better @grandma r Hoping you're all done and getting back to some normalcy and hubby is alot better and getting out a little more (if weather permits). Bump up the music for New Year's and Dance The Night Away, even if only for a few minutes. You deserve and need it!


Again, as always stay especially safe if going out tonight, stay well, cuddle up and stay warm with the person or pet you love and always stay and be 😎. 😘


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Re: General Hospital ~ January 2020 ~ Spoilers Included

Favorite Story Line:  First that comes to mind as @SuziQzee mentioned was the Ice Princess.  And, @Preds brought up some of my all time favs when the dynamic quad of Shaun, Tiffany, Anna and Robert were in hot pursuit.  I, too, remember when Robert, Mac and I think it may have been Luke were also "on the trail" of whomever as was oft-times included Laura.  Those were S/L's that were entertaining and many times even humorous.  Not so today.  And always enjoyed a plot that involved the beautiful, evil matriarch, Helena. 


My wish for 2020 on GH has been stated by many to wrap up some of these long drawn out S/L's and possibly try for some "creative" writing.  One other wish, I do miss Mac.  Roxy, as a favor, could you try to locate Mac for me?  


As I start motivating to the kitchen to make our NY Eve "special" dinner, a sincere and heartfelt wish for all of us (and ours) to enjoy a peaceful, healthy, safe and happy 2020!!



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Re: General Hospital ~ January 2020 ~ Spoilers Included

Maxie's heart.  RIP Claire Lebine


They just don't hire writers like her anymore.  The scene with Tony listening to his deceased BJ's heart in Maxie's chest still haunts me.

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Re: General Hospital ~ January 2020 ~ Spoilers Included

Just want to wish all of you a Happy, Healthy New Year. May 2020 be good to all of us.

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Re: General Hospital ~ January 2020 ~ Spoilers Included

@Coquille   I am still praying for your friend and you.  Please take care of yourself too.


@Laura14   I can still close my eyes and see those scenes in my head.  The dialogue was so real.  Heartbreaking performances all around.  Just the memories bring tears.


Yes, I would like to see more of Mac in the new year too.




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Re: General Hospital ~ January 2020 ~ Spoilers Included

There are so many stories over the years that I liked, One that comes to mind, Not because a dear baby died, but when Sam's baby died it showcased Jason taking care of everything because they didn.t know if Sam would pull through. I remember him walking down the hall with the dead baby. Here was this big tough guy showing such tenderness & grief.

A pairing I liked & I am sure no one will agree with this. I liked Robert & Holly together. They were so funny. But then Robert has been good with just about everyone.

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Re: General Hospital ~ January 2020 ~ Spoilers Included

[ Edited ]

Bringing a little humor here.


A little while ago I posted about the six-year-old daughter of a friend. She came to visit me today while her mother was running errands. When she first arrived she was reading a book so I went back to writing the first post of this thread. She asked me what I was doing and I told her. After I finished she wanted me to read it to her. She watches General Hospital with her grandmother and she knows I start a new thread each month. I read it to her and asked if she understood it. She said, "Yes but I don't know what outed is."  I corrected her and told her it was "ousted", not "outed". Then we went to the dictionary and I read the definition for her which was to "drive out, force out, or remove". I asked again if she understood that. She said "Yes". I said "Well you know what comes next". She replied, "I'm supposed to use my new word in a sentence so you know that I've got it". I nodded. She said in a very serious voice, "If you don't stop giving your GH friends homework, they are going to oust you." Then she burst out laughing.


Yep, she got it.



"And suddenly you just know it's time to start something new
And trust the magic of Beginnings..."
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Re: General Hospital ~ January 2020 ~ Spoilers Included

@Tique That was so cute & funny. She must be very smart. But no we would never oust you.

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Re: General Hospital ~ January 2020 ~ Spoilers Included

@Tique   she sounds precious!!!!  I love how she knew she had to use the word in a sentence.

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Re: General Hospital ~ January 2020 ~ Spoilers Included

@Tique @Thanks for my laugh out loud.  Thanks for all you do.  Were it not for you and your postings, I wouldn’t know what the hay is going on.


Who day that little girl might become President.


Take care and have a wonderful day tomorrow.


My grandma used to say what you do on New Year’s Day you’ll do all through the year.


May 2020 be filled with much love and happiness.♥️😻