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Re: General Hospital ~ January 2017 Thread, Spoilers

Could that whole thing with Maxie's wedding been anymore stupid?  I think not.

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Re: General Hospital ~ January 2017 Thread, Spoilers

@redwingsgal wrote:

Well, I have heard that Duke is coming back, but I now think that VALENTIN IS DUKE!!!

That is why Anna keeps saying I know his eyes!   He must have had the original plastic surgery redone AGAIN!!!

Also read that Tonya Walker is coming back, the original Jerome, Olivia.


But we also cannot count Helena out as being the boss who is pushing JJ's buttons!

Nooo, I so don't want Duke coming back.  How many times are they going to do that!  But I really don't like Duke!   I wouldn't mind seeing Tonya Walker again...I liked her.

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Re: General Hospital ~ January 2017 Thread, Spoilers

I must say, I really do enjoy watching Val and Nina toy with Lulu and Dante.  :-)

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Re: General Hospital ~ January 2017 Thread, Spoilers

I am not quite sure what to expect overall. There is definitely a powerful woman coming back who will probably be Julian's sister. Brad's family was discussed more a year ago than at any other time but not recently. The current writing style seems potentially ripe to reintroduce that crime family since Brad reappeared for a few episodes in December, albeit in a different storyline. Maybe Finn and the drug storyline takes on new importance soon and Brad gets more involved as his family reappears. I just wish that Nelle would go away. In usual GH fashion, everything will get explosive during sweeps and it always links to something in the past. 

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Re: General Hospital ~ January 2017 Thread, Spoilers

Duke bled out in Anna's arms. She took his ashes to Scotland. How in God's name could he be resurrected. Is Port Charles the mecca for Zombie Apocalypses?


I see where Sonny ALMOST grew a pair today and told Carly the truth about Nelle, but of course true to form, he wimped out. 


What's it going to take for Sam the Detective to figure out that her mom is a full blown alky?  I mean all the signs are there. And now today, there's a hint that she remembers Tom. Wonder if she killed him?

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Re: General Hospital ~ January 2017 Thread, Spoilers

I am not buying into that Valentin is Duke.  Duke was so in love with Anna and would never do that to her.  Today Nina said she was married twice, I wasn't aware of two marriages, Silas and who else or is this to be revealed?  I am so sick of Lulu.


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Re: General Hospital ~ January 2017 Thread, Spoilers

[ Edited ]

If Valentin is Duke, I'm out for good.  No way would Duke do that to Anna.  They were too in love with each other. 


LuLu has boarded the crazy train and is quickly picking up speed.

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Re: General Hospital ~ January 2017 Thread, Spoilers

I am so with @RainCityWoman on the ridiculousness of Duke being resurrected.  BUT, I want the man back.  


So apparently, Scotland has a fountain of youth that Anna took him too and had him resurrected from dust.  For some reason, I thought that was only available around Jeruselum but why not the bonnie hills of Scottish pride?  Sure, why not?  


We've had two men in dog cages and a bearded dragon being sacrificed to resurrect a doctor and a criminal.  It's amazing GH is in trouble since if people die, we just bring them right back.  That underground lab is alive and well and there is a reason Dr. O is now in the basement.  Mark my words.... 


And now Alexis killed Tom Baker?  Can we just shoot the poor girl and have her put down?  I mean, her husband attempts to murder her, the DA drugs her, her law license is revoked, she now has an empty nest, she is being blackmailed by said husband for accidentally running him over and forced to coexist in the same space, her daughters are on her for her negligent behavior,  her ex sister in law Ava is also in on the blackmail, Diane is no where to be found, and we want to know why she takes a drink every day?  Oh yeah.  And she is on GH and has to act out all this stuff.  


Alexis, you come with me, girl!  I'll show you where the brewery is.  No tab.  Just bring a funnel.  

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Re: General Hospital ~ January 2017 Thread, Spoilers

[ Edited ]

      Alexis kill Tom Baker????  Had anyone seen that clip of Tom approaching Alexis in the bar before yesterday???  I know I hadn't seen it.  So many 'off the wall' stories to unfold and I bet they won't conclude until sweeps in February!!!

     I find it so repulsive to watch Nina and Val kissing...ick!!!

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Re: General Hospital ~ January 2017 Thread, Spoilers

@corita wrote:

      Alexis kill Tom Baker????  Had anyone seen that clip of Tom approaching Alexis in the bar before yesterday???  I know I hadn't seen it.  So many 'off the wall' stories to unfold and I bet they won't conclude until sweeps in February!!!

     I find it so repulsive to watch Nina and Val kissing...ick!!!



@corita during one of Alcolexis's many drunken exploits, she left a bar with a man. She was so drunk that she let the water overflow and caused a lot of damage to the hotel room. Jax was called because at first she wasn't answering the door.  Alco couldn't remember what ensued during the encounter but eventually we were shown via flashback the face of the man who was Tom Baker. Happened in November.

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And trust the magic of Beginnings..."