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Re: General Hospital šŸ„ February 2024 - Spoilers Included

The wedding guest triangle:  Tracy, Gregory Alexis....All invitees include "and guest".  Gregory is officiating the nuptuals.  Will he ask Alexis to be his guest?  Will Tracy ask Gregory be her guest?  Or any combination thereof?  Or, will Greg have two guests...Tracy and Alexis?  Tracy and Gregory have developed a good friendship as has Gregory and Alexis (perhaps a bit more with the kiss thing).  Thoughts y'all.............


OK didn't see Valentin buying The Invader from good ol' Shawn Butler (who hasn't been mentioned in a month or year of Sundays).  Nina just doesn't know when to quit...still out for revenge against Drew/Carly.  Undoubtedly will be butting heads with Alexis. We know the publisher has the final say on what goes to print.  Sorry Alexis.....


So Joss is in hot pursuit of Dex.  I think it's a hoot IF Joss finds him (and supposedly Sonny's enemies cannot).  Will it be bye bye for good?  Will he come back to PC?  Will Joss go on the run with him (she, also, would need a new identity).  IF, IF, IF we ever get to who wants to eliminate the heads of families, THEN maybe Dex would return to PC (when it's safe to do so).  BUTT WAIT...TA DAH....Jason will be returning.

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Re: General Hospital šŸ„ February 2024 - Spoilers Included

@mysoutherncomfort I think Dex has been sacrificed at the altar of SB's salary. 


And GH has their first thrupple. Scotty is going to be so jealous. 

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Re: General Hospital šŸ„ February 2024 - Spoilers Included

@mysoutherncomfort. Nina really needs to go away.  Instead of acting like an adult, she is channeling a 15 year old.  And, of course, Valentin is her enabler.  Not interested in her vendetta against Drew and Carly!!!


Honestly,  there is not a single s/l that makes me want to tune in.  If someone wants to eliminate "family heads", then expand on that.  It could get interesting.  Otherwise, move on!!!  If all this nonsense is just to reintroduce Jason, no thanks.  I can think of several better ways for Jason to turn up.


Hmmmm, how many people know where the "safe houses" are????

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Re: General Hospital šŸ„ February 2024 - Spoilers Included

Wellā€¦Iā€™m tired! Tired of Trina, tired of Nina, and a few others.

We need some eye candy showing up at GH. Just ā€˜cause Iā€™m an old Grandma doesnā€™t mean Iā€™m dead.
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Re: General Hospital šŸ„ February 2024 - Spoilers Included

Monday, February 19, 2024


At Curtis and Portia's house, Trina was sad as she clutched the turtle dove that Spencer had given her. When Curtis entered, Trina smiled and pretended to be upbeat. Trina mentioned throwing a party for Curtis once he was able to walk again. Curtis told Trina that she didn't have to hide her feelings in front of him.


Trina denied that she was hiding anything, but she soon opened up to Curtis. "Sometimes people ask you if you're okay, and you can see that they're desperately hoping that you'll say, 'I'm okay.' That way, they can say that they checked in and saw how you were doing. But God forbid you tell them the truth or give them a hint that things are not so great. And, boy, do they get uncomfortable," Trina lamented.


Trina added that she was afraid to let all her feelings out. "I feel like if I do, I'll fall apart. And I'll never be able to put myself back together again," she said. Curtis said that he understood, but he cautioned that Trina's fears couldn't be contained forever. Curtis encouraged Trina to share her grief and to "let it out."


Trina lowered her head into Curtis' arms, and he comforted her. Trina said that she worried her sadness would never go away. "It's like, without Spencer... all the color in the world is gone. It's just gray. And I feel like I'm a zombie barely going through the motions. And everything that I thought was important, like art or good grades or the Sorbonne, I look at that now, and it's like... none of that is important. And it's not even that I don't care. It's like I don't care that I don't care," Trina said.


Trina added that she was unsure whether she could return to PCU for the fall semester. Curtis encouraged Trina not to return to school until she was ready. Trina said that she needed to find a way to keep Spencer present in her life, and she added that she felt she was losing a part of him each day. "And what if one day, the only thing left I have of him... is this?" Trina said as she reached for the turtle dove.


Curtis said that the way to keep Spencer present was for Trina to share her memories of him with everyone. Curtis asked Trina to tell him the story of the turtle dove and why it was so special. Trina flashed back to her and Spencer's time in Paris when he'd told her that he took the turtle dove with him everywhere. "Spencer originally wanted to give this to me for Christmas, but so much happened, and... he gave it to me months later. But I didn't care about the delay. I loved them. Like I loved him," Trina said as she stared at the turtle dove.


At Dex's apartment, Josslyn told Carly that Dex had written in a letter that he'd left town because it was best for everyone. Carly said that Dex had been right, and she added that she didn't believe that Sonny had had Dex killed. Josslyn complained that everyone still believed in Sonny, despite him being "so awful."


Carly said that she and Sonny had a long history and that they had both hurt and disappointed one another through the years. "Let me tell you something. There have been people in my life who wouldn't quit on me, no matter how bad I messed up. So, I don't quit on Sonny -- even when I don't agree with him, and even when he's wrong," Carly said. Carly added that she had known what she'd been getting into every time she had gotten involved with Sonny over the years.


Carly said that Dex was lucky that he'd been dealing with Sonny, and she added that Dex wouldn't have been given the option to leave town if Sonny didn't love Josslyn. Josslyn pleaded with Carly to help her find Dex. Carly noted that Dex was no longer a part of Sonny's world and that it was what Josslyn had always wanted. "Let Dex start a new life," Carly offered. Josslyn grabbed Dex's dog tags, and she said that she was leaving to find him.


At the Quartermaine mansion, Lois gushed over the invitations for Brook Lynn and Chase's wedding. Tracy noted that her invitation hadn't included the words "and a guest." Brook Lynn said that it had been a misprint, but Tracy was convinced it had been a way of implying that Tracy couldn't find a date to the wedding. Tracy said that she didn't have anyone in mind to accompany her to the wedding, and she added that she was content with being single. After Tracy left the room, Brook Lynn told Lois that there had been a loneliness inside Tracy since Luke's death.


At the hospital, as Marshall stepped off the elevator, Stella observed that something was wrong with him. Marshall shared that his psychiatrist had been slowly weaning Marshall off medication, and he added that it had confirmed his suspicion that he had been misdiagnosed with schizophrenia many years earlier. Stella encouraged Marshall to let go of the past and to express relief that he was "free."


Eventually, Marshall's mood began to lighten, and he said that it was time to focus "on the present." Marshall told Stella that he appreciated her more than she knew. Stella seemed touched when Marshall kissed her gently on the cheek. After Marshall walked away, Stella took out her phone to call Felicia. Stella asked if she could trouble Felicia for Felicia's help with something.


At the Invader, Valentin surprised Alexis when he said that Shawn Butler had agreed to sell the paper to Valentin. Alexis threatened to quit if Valentin chose to take editorial control from her. Valentin said that he saw no reason to change Alexis' approach to the paper. Valentin noted that, with Shawn gone, Alexis would need a new publisher. "Someone with vision, someone with prior experience," Valentin said.


When Alexis asked if Valentin had someone in mind, Nina entered. "I hope I'm not late," Nina said, unaware that Valentin hadn't told Alexis of his plans to name Nina the publisher of the newspaper. Alexis was irate, and she asked if Nina had stopped by to take Alexis' job. Alexis asked why Nina had been fired from Crimson. Nina noted that Drew had fired her solely to get back at her.


Nina vowed to Alexis and Gregory that she wanted to make the paper a success. Alexis and Nina briefly shook hands. Valentin and Nina were pleased as they headed out. Afterwards, Gregory shared that he thought Alexis was taking a risk. Alexis said that she wanted to see what Valentin and Nina planned to do with the paper.


Out in the hallway, Nina thanked Valentin for having her back. Valentin said that he was expecting big things from both Alexis and Nina at the Invader. Nina said that the paper could use some "sexing up." "How do you intend to do that?" Valentin asked. "Oh, that's simple. You just focus on the stories that the readers are hungry for... such as -- Carly and Drew," Nina said. Valentin seemed intrigued by Nina's words.



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Re: General Hospital šŸ„ February 2024 - Spoilers Included

ABC exec says the network remains committed to General Hospital

Posted Friday, February 16, 2024 9:28:15 AM

Over the weekend, the president of Disney Television Group met with television critics and discussed where things stand with General Hospital and the network's commitment to the award-winning soap opera.


If you're a General Hospital fan, you can breathe a little easier because Craig Erwich, President of Disney Television Group, has some good news for you. After meeting with a few hundred television critics in Pasadena, CA, over the weekend for a winter press tour question and answer session, Erwich addressed where things stand with the beloved -- and ABC's only remaining -- soap opera.


In 2023, GH celebrated an impressive 60 years on the air, and they ended the year with a big win at the 50th Annual Daytime Emmys in December. A few weeks later, the surprising announcement was made that there would be a change in head writers. Since then, there have been quite a few plot twists on the show that have grabbed viewers' attention, and several big storylines appear to be on a collision course to their final destination, so change is definitely afoot.


Speaking to Soap Hub, Erwich stated that GH was "absolutely a tremendous pride for us," and he acknowledged the show's remarkable achievement of hitting such an important milestone as six decades on television "It's an opportunity for us to delight, entertain, and surprise people on a daily basis," he said. Erwich explained that the goal for ABC was to not only reach homes, but for the stories to become a part of people's lives. "We're very committed to the show," he assured, and he pointed to the network's recent primetime special celebrating the show's benchmark anniversary as an example of that pride.


"We remain deeply committed to General Hospital," Erwich reiterated.

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Re: General Hospital šŸ„ February 2024 - Spoilers Included

@Annabellethecat66 wrote:
Wellā€¦Iā€™m tired! Tired of Trina, tired of Nina, and a few others.

We need some eye candy showing up at GH. Just ā€˜cause Iā€™m an old Grandma doesnā€™t mean Iā€™m dead.

@Annabellethecat66 I'll have what she is having... Smiley Very HappySmiley Tongue

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Re: General Hospital šŸ„ February 2024 - Spoilers Included

@Annabellethecat66   Me too - tired of the same two, Trina and Nina. These two really have no storyline anymore. And Nina joining or tossed into the team of The Intruder with Alexis????  Seriously??? Besides Valentin, who's idea was THIS?????


I am sorry to see Dex go IF  indeed he has been written off. And now that he's out of the pic, what's new for Joss? Will she be next? 


Jason isn't supposed to make his come-back until next month I've read. Maybe he'll return with Dex (I've read online that Dex and Jason could be father & son!!!!). Hmm.....


Tired of Carly's new role running yet another new business she knows nothing about. 


All of a sudden GH has come to a screeching halt on really good stuff happening - until Jason gets back at least. I still think he's going to show up with Dex.


Only time will tell.

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Re: General Hospital šŸ„ February 2024 - Spoilers Included

Just learning the names of all the characters. When will the wedding take place? I'm sensing it might be a humorous occasion.

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Re: General Hospital šŸ„ February 2024 - Spoilers Included

@AuntG Wait until Spinelli becomes more front and center with Jason's return. You'll learn even more with the nicknames. 


The wedding is imminent! Smiley Happy