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Re: General Hospital šŸ„ February 2024 - Spoilers Included

@SleeplessinSD wrote:

@mysoutherncomfort , I agree with you about Jason saving the day. My mind might be playing tricks on me, but didn't he return once before crashing down from the ceiling, or was it someone else. šŸ¤” I have read he's quoted as saying his return will be"sick". I have no idea what that means but anxious to find out!


You are 100% on target.  Yes, Jason did crash down through a glass ceiling to save the day for Sam, I believe.


I, too, read about his return being "sick" and I, too, have no knowledge as to what that means?  Sick as in "ill"? Or is that an expression meaning something else?  We will stay tuned.


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Re: General Hospital šŸ„ February 2024 - Spoilers Included

@BeckiWV wrote:

@mysoutherncomfort I like Tracy and Gregory too. I think you are right about a misdiagnosis, I wish they would get to it.


About Jagger, I wondered if fans (because I've seen comments elsewhere too) talking about him looking nothing like the previous Jagger is why he was written to say call him John, that he didn't go by Jagger anymore. Maybe to make it a little easier to accept him as the more mature returned Jagger instead of a totally new G man? I dunno but I like him ok so far. I think he may do pretty good.


Hmmm, interesting take on the "Jagger" call me John situation.  It's a reasonable assumption.  Agree, so far, so good as far as the acting.  Nothing "meaty" in his role to date, but that is up to TPTB.


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Re: General Hospital šŸ„ February 2024 - Spoilers Included

@ninjawife wrote:

What was with the tilled earth at Spencer's and Esme's graves?  It is not like they burried any bodies in those graves so what were they digging for?


Loved Heather's performance.  Crawling in the dirt and kissing Esme's marker. 

I believe the "empty" graves are for symbolism.  No bodies were found, yet the family, Laura, wanted a place to go to pay respects to Spencer going forward.


Esme Prince's empty grave was paid for by Uncle Kevin; just for a show of compassion to the niece he couldn't help in life.  And perhaps in the distant future, a place for Ace to mark his mother's place on earth.

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Re: General Hospital šŸ„ February 2024 - Spoilers Included

Glaring omission?  Heather in schackles escorted by a prison guard was allowed to visit her daughter's "grave".  Great performance by actress Alley Mills!  And yet, Nickolas is held at the local PCPD and NOT allowed to attend/visit the graveside service for his son?


Sorry writers...either explain that to me or I'm totally baffled.  Nik, too, could have been brought to the gravesite under guard with the OK from Mayor Laura, his mother.  Please explain this to me up there, somewhere, in what y'all call the writers room.  Hello...anyone out there?  Calling all writers.......perhaps I'm interrupting "nappy poo" time?

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Re: General Hospital šŸ„ February 2024 - Spoilers Included

@mysoutherncomfort wrote:

@ninjawife wrote:

What was with the tilled earth at Spencer's and Esme's graves?  It is not like they burried any bodies in those graves so what were they digging for?


Loved Heather's performance.  Crawling in the dirt and kissing Esme's marker. 

I believe the "empty" graves are for symbolism.  No bodies were found, yet the family, Laura, wanted a place to go to pay respects to Spencer going forward.


Esme Prince's empty grave was paid for by Uncle Kevin; just for a show of compassion to the niece he couldn't help in life.  And perhaps in the distant future, a place for Ace to mark his mother's place on earth.

@mysoutherncomfort I understand the point of having graves but why the dug up earth?  They obviliously had nothing to bury.  It did provide a dramtic local for Heather to crawl around in. 

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Re: General Hospital šŸ„ February 2024 - Spoilers Included

@mysoutherncomfort. I completely agree!!!   If a shackled Heather can be graveside, why not Nik?????  Perhaps these writers forgot; more likely,  they just don't care.


I liked the voice over by Alexis, however, the memorial or whatever it was supposed to be was lacking.  Imo, Alley was fabulous and showed real emotion.  Her interpretation of Heather is so believable. 


As for the rest if the episode......blah.  When are they planning to reveal Gregory was misdiagnosed???? 


I think the younger generation uses sick and fire to mean something really exciting.  I don't get it, but, I don't get a lot of what they say.


My heart goes out to Eden.......playing these difficult scenes right after her Mom's passing must have been so hard.

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Re: General Hospital šŸ„ February 2024 - Spoilers Included



I agree with everyone about Alley Mills today. She was fabulous, absolutely chewing the scenery. Almost literally, lol.  


I adore her over the top performance as Heather! She really earned that Emmy. So good!






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Re: General Hospital šŸ„ February 2024 - Spoilers Included

Wednesday, February 7, 2024


A voiceover of Alexis' moving tribute to Spencer played as mourners were shown arriving at the cemetery to pay their final respects. Laura and Kevin led the procession as each person laid a single white rose on Spencer's grave. A heartbroken Trina was overcome with grief and began to cry as she stopped at Spencer's grave, so Portia stepped up to comfort her daughter. Moments later, Cameron approached Spencer's grave. Finally, Alexis entered the cemetery and placed a rose on Spencer's grave.


A few minutes later, the service ended, and everyone began to mingle. Cameron walked over to Trina, and the two friends exchanged a hug. He offered Trina his condolences, but she knew that both he and Josslyn also grieved because they had been friends with Spencer since childhood. Josslyn greeted Cameron and asked if she could get a hug, too. He didn't hesitate. After they pulled apart, Cameron asked if Trina and Josslyn planned to go to Wyndemere.


Trina admitted that she didn't think she could handle going. Cameron understood Trina's reluctance, so he told her to take care of herself and to reach out if she needed anything.


Nearby, Laura thanked Alexis for the beautiful eulogy. Afterwards, she let Sonny know that the launch to Spoon Island was ready. Next, Laura turned to Ava and thanked her for hosting everyone at Wyndemere. Laura admitted that the castle had been special to Spencer because it had been her grandson's childhood home.


As people began to leave, Ava walked over to give Trina a warm hug and ask how Trina had been holding up. Trina admitted that she'd been grateful that Ava had always been supportive, even when Ava had had doubts about Spencer. Ava conceded that Spencer had proven her wrong, and she was sorry that he was gone. Ava promised to always be there for Trina. After they exchanged another affectionate hug, Portia walked up.


Ava asked if everyone would be heading to Wyndemere, but Portia explained that she planned to take Trina home. Ava looked at Trina and smiled at her reassuringly. After Ava walked away, Portia offered Trina an opportunity to change her mind, but Trina told her mother that she was tired and wanted to go home. Portia led Trina away as Marshall and Curtis followed.


Meanwhile, Cameron joined his mother, Finn, and Gregory. Elizabeth imagined that it had been surreal for Cameron to lose his oldest friend. "Oldest friend and adversary," Cameron said in a bittersweet tone. Elizabeth explained to Finn and Gregory that the competition between Cameron and Spencer had been legendary, going back to the two boys fighting over Emma Drake when they'd been young. Cameron admitted that he would miss giving Spencer a hard time.


Gregory offered his condolences, and he assured Cameron that he and Finn were there for Cameron. When Cameron mentioned going to the reception at Wyndemere, Elizabeth warned her son to get ready because Aiden had been baking all morning. After Cameron walked away, Finn asked if Elizabeth was ready to leave. She reminded him that she had something to take care of first, so he assured her that he and Gregory would wait.


Cameron joined his grandmother. Laura told Cameron how happy she was to see him, and that she had missed him. When she asked if he was okay, he admitted that he would be -- eventually. Laura knew the feeling. Kevin told Laura that he would meet her at Wyndemere because he had something to take care. After Kevin stepped away, Laura and Cameron walked to the car together. Nearby, Sonny, Dante, and Sam left for Wyndemere.


After everyone was gone, Finn called out to his father, but Gregory was distracted. When Finn managed to get his father's attention, Gregory apologized. Gregory admitted that Spencer's funeral had made him reconsider his decision to be cremated. Gregory realized that it might help the family to have a place to visit him when he was gone, but Finn insisted that it wasn't the time to discuss it. Finn immediately regretted his choice of words and clarified that he'd been referring to Gregory's funeral arrangements. Finn explained that there was plenty of time for making funeral arrangements later.


Gregory decided to drop it because he had a sudden chill and wanted to wait in the car. However, he suddenly began to gasp for breath. Alarmed, Finn helped his father to a bench and decided to call an ambulance. Gregory objected, and he asked his son to help distract him. Finn hesitated for a moment, but Gregory was adamant. After Finn began to talk about having to take brownies to Violet's class and inadvertently passing Aiden's brownies off as his, Gregory began to relax, and his breathing returned to normal.


Finn asked about the attack, which Gregory described as a "twinge" in his chest and shortness of breath. Gregory revealed that Tracy had accidently stumbled on a way to manage the attacks by making him furious and distracting him from the symptoms, which had quickly abated. Finn was upset that Gregory hadn't mentioned the new symptoms sooner because Finn was a doctor and wanted to help his father. Gregory clarified that Finn wanted to save him.


"God, I love you for it, but you can't save me, son. No one can," Gregory said. Gregory suggested the best way to move forward was to have an honest and loving relationship where they didn't walk on eggshells with each other. He asked Finn if they could give that to each other. "Yeah. Yeah, we can," Finn said. Pleased, Gregory hugged his son.


Elsewhere in the cemetery, Elizabeth approached Esme's gave. A small black stand with a simple plaque bearing Esme's name marked the grave. Moments later, Kevin walked up and placed a white rose on Esme's grave. Kevin was surprised to see Elizabeth, but she admitted that she had hurt Esme by helping Nikolas. Elizabeth realized that Kevin had made the arrangements for the grave marker, so he explained that he'd never seen anyone as alone as Esme had been.


Kevin recalled how frightened Esme had been when she'd woken up in the hospital with amnesia, and he admitted that he had felt for his niece. "It showed," Elizabeth assured him. Kevin acknowledged that his efforts to help Esme had fallen short, but Elizabeth insisted that Kevin had done his best to remind Esme that she had family. The conversation turned to Ryan and Heather, but it was cut short when a wailing and shackled Heather was escorted to the grave by a police officer.


Heather threw herself on her daughter's grave and rambled about trying to warn Esme to stay away from Spencer because he hadn't been worthy of Esme. "They told me that Spencer threw himself into the river and took you with him," Heather said as she sobbed. Elizabeth leaned down and gently offered her condolences to Heather. Heather looked up with confusion and asked if she knew Elizabeth. Elizabeth acknowledged that Heather had good reason to feel that way, since Elizabeth had helped Nikolas.


To Elizabeth's surprise, Heather revealed that she was grateful to Elizabeth for keeping Nikolas from killing Esme and for stepping forward with the truth. "I admire you, Elizabeth," Heather said. Heather added that she understood why Franco had loved Elizabeth, and she credited Elizabeth with giving Esme a fighting chance in the world.


Heather had a far different reaction when she saw Kevin because Heather believed that Esme would have been alive if Kevin hadn't interfered. Elizabeth quickly defended Kevin, but Heather argued that Kevin had a "God complex" for believing that he could save Ryan.


Heather shouted that she had done everything in her power to keep Esme away from "that maniac," but Kevin had unleased Ryan on the world. "It's 'good people' like you that destroy lives," Heather told Kevin. Elizabeth assured Kevin that Heather was lashing out in grief, but Heather insisted that people like Elizabeth, Franco, and Elizabeth's sweet boys were always determined to see the best in everyone. "But you know better, don't-cha Dr. Collins?" Heather asked in a menacing tone.


The police officer decided it was time for Heather to return to Pentonville. Heather asked what would happen to Ace, so Kevin assured her that he would be well taken care of. Heather wasn't satisfied and turned to Elizabeth, imploring her to keep an eye on Ace. Heather also advised Kevin to do better by Ace than he had Esme, or there would be hell to pay. After Heather tossed the rose off of Esme's grave and kissed the plaque, the police officer led Heather away.


A short time later, Elizabeth returned to Spencer's grave, where Finn was waiting. He asked about going to Esme's grave, but she told him that she would fill him in later. She was curious where Gregory was, so Finn told her that his father was waiting in the car. Elizabeth realized that Finn was troubled. He admitted that his father valued his independence, but it was time to accept that Gregory would not be able to look after himself for much longer.


At Wyndemere, Laura looked through a photo album filled with photos of Spencer. Ava explained that she had found a cabinet full of photographs when she had moved out. Laura smiled sadly as she acknowledged that -- despite Nikolas' flaws -- he had loved Spencer. Just then, Dante and Sam walked over. Dante admitted that he hadn't taken pleasure in arresting Nikolas, but Laura assured him that she already knew that. Sam pointed out that at least Ace was being well cared for. After Ava went to answer the door, Sam shared that she was still in shock about Spencer. Laura admitted that it was a nightmare that she couldn't wake up from.


"That's why they call it the circle of life," Sonny told Alexis as he looked at Kristina. Alexis conceded that when one life ended, another life began.


In the hallway, Ava was not pleased to see Cyrus standing on her doorstep, but he explained that he was there for his sister. Laura appeared in the doorway of the living room and let Ava know that it was okay to let Cyrus in. After Ava returned to the living room -- pointedly closing the door behind her -- Cyrus remarked about the hostility from Ava. Laura was surprised that he had expected anything else, since he had committed a lot of crimes. Cyrus assured his sister that he was aware that people saw him as a monster, but he was curious if Laura did, too.


When Laura didn't reply, Cyrus offered to take Laura home, but she told him that she had a driver waiting. Cyrus agreed to leave in the spirit of a fresh start with Laura. At the door, he told her that he believed Spencer would want them to have a new beginning. He promised that he was not the enemy. Cyrus insisted that he was simply a brother who wanted to do right by his sister. He was confident that Laura would see that one day.


In the living room, Sam noticed Dante watching his father, so she reminded him that he was not on duty. Dante explained that he couldn't stop worrying about Sonny because of the recent attempt on Sonny's life. When Sam asked if it had been an inside job, Dante pointed out that it was what Sonny believed. However, Dante revealed that Sonny was unaware that it was also a part of a bigger investigation centering around the missing shipment of illegal weapons. He told Sam that the FBI was involved, and he revealed that John Cates -- Stone's older brother -- was heading the investigation.

"And guess what? He and Sonny, of course they have a long-standing beef with each other," Dante said. Sam realized that Dante hadn't told Sonny about the FBI. Moments later, Sonny walked up and realized that Dante and Sam had been talking about him.


Dante told his father that Jordan and Anna were looking into who had been targeting Sonny. When Sonny began to ask questions, Dante reminded Sonny that he couldn't discuss an ongoing investigation with Sonny. Sonny let it drop because he had to get back to the office. After Sonny walked away, Sam admitted that Dante had done the right thing by not telling Sonny about the FBI, but Dante doubted that Sonny would agree.


Nearby, Sonny stopped to let Ava know that he was leaving, but the guards would be nearby. Ava assured him that she would go straight back to his place when she left Wyndemere. "All right, I'll see you at home," Sonny said.


Elsewhere in the living room, Cameron and Josslyn reminisced about Spencer when they had all been children. Cameron was surprised when Josslyn told him that Spencer had looked up to him. After Ava walked Cameron and Josslyn to the door, Josslyn stopped to talk to Cameron before they headed to the launch. She admitted that she wished they had seen each other under different circumstances. Cameron agreed, and he asked how things were between Josslyn and Dex.


Josslyn assured Cameron that Dex made her happy. Cameron was pleased because he wanted all those he cared about -- including Josslyn -- to be happy.


At Pozzulo's, Sonny sat in his office as he spoke on the phone with Brick. Sonny was eager for the name of the traitor because he intended to deal with the person "permanently."


At Curtis and Portia's house, Portia handed Trina a letter from Sorbonne University. Trina skimmed the letter and revealed that the university had offered to hold a place open for her the following semester. Portia and Curtis were pleased until Trina made it clear that she had no intention of ever returning to Paris. Portia was certain that Port Charles University could find another place for Trina to study, but Trina announced that she intended to drop out of school. Trina didn't see the point of going to school.


Curtis carefully suggested that it wasn't the time to be making life-altering decisions. Portia acknowledged Trina's pain over losing Spencer, but she was certain that Spencer would want Trina to live her life. "What about his future, his purpose?" Trina tearfully asked. "It's all gone," Trina said. Portia pulled her daughter into her arms as Trina began to weep.


Later, Trina grabbed her coat to go for a walk around the lake. Portia offered to accompany Trina, but Trina wanted to be alone. Outside, Trina stopped and pulled the small turtle dove figurine from her coat pocket. She recalled Spencer giving her the special keepsake. As she pushed the memory away, tears filled her eyes.


At the gatehouse, Michael wiped his shirt with a dishtowel as he spotted Wiley's workbook on the table. Frustrated, he wondered how Willow managed to make things look so easy. Moments later, Willow arrived home from work. Michael greeted her and filled her in on his hectic morning, feeding Amelia and getting Wiley off to school. However, Michael had forgotten to pack Wiley's math workbook. Willow chuckled when she noticed that Michael had some of Amelia's food on his face, so she picked up the dishtowel and wiped Michael's face.


Things turned awkward as Michael and Willow stood close, but Michael quickly steered them to safe ground by asking what Willow's secret was with the kids. Willow smiled as she confessed that she didn't have one.


After Willow changed clothes and checked on Amelia, who was in the nursery with the nanny, she returned to the living room. Michael had been looking over Wiley's math problems and admitted that he wouldn't have been able to answer half the questions at Wiley's age. Willow beamed as she pointed out that their son was a genius. The conversation took a turn when Willow asked about Sonny. Michael became uncomfortable and announced that he had to get to work, but Willow called him out on it. Michael decided to be honest and told Willow that he and Drew had patched things up, but Drew had tried to enlist Michael to get back at Nina. Willow was not happy, but Michael assured her that he had turned Drew down.


"This family is more important than anything to me, Willow," Michael said. Willow was pleased, but she encouraged Michael to work things out with Sonny. Michael explained that he hadn't talked to his father since Bobbie's funeral and that he had no idea what to say to Sonny. Willow pointed out that it wasn't Michael and Sonny's first conflict, and they had always found a way to work things out. She reminded Michael that he hadn't given up on his family, so he shouldn't give up on Sonny.

After Michael left, Willow sat down and looked at family pictures of Michael and her with their children.

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Re: General Hospital šŸ„ February 2024 - Spoilers Included


February 7, 2024 12:17PM

James Patrick Stuart



Who is more comfortable in a tux, you or Valentin? ā€œValentin, definitely. The irony is that Iā€™m wearing a tux right now, but just because itā€™s laundry day tomorrow.ā€


Who takes longer to get ready in the morning? ā€œValentin. And also my wife.ā€


Who is better in a crisis? ā€œIā€™m pretty good in a crisis. Well, it depends if thereā€™s actual gun play involved and then I would say Valentin. But in terms of an emotional crisis, I can be pretty rational. So Iā€™d probably say me.ā€


Who is more comfortable speaking Greek? ā€œWell, I think you know the story, that when I first joined GENERAL HOSPITAL, I had to do like a page of dialogue on day three, and at the bottom of the page it said in parentheses ā€˜in Greekā€™ ā€” and then I realized that everything that I had just read, I was supposed to say in Greek! Nobody gave me any warning! So I went home, I memorized it off, like, Rosetta Stone or something, I just memorized it phonetically the best I could, and I say this monologue and one of the actors playing one of the Greek henchmen on Cassadine Island comes up to me and says, ā€˜Youā€™re very good. However, youā€™re not saying anything!ā€™ I can only imagine what it must have sounded like to him. It must have sounded like nails on a chalkboard!ā€


Who is more fun at parties? ā€œOh, me. Absolutely. Believe me, Iā€™ve worked my whole life on that one! Iā€™m pretty good at parties.ā€


Who do you think was wilder in their younger days? ā€œIā€™m gonna say me. I should write a book! I sneaked into SATURDAY NIGHT LIVE one time. I claimed I was Ricky Paull Goldin [ex-Dean, ANOTHER WORLD et al]! Heā€™s a good guy to use as a get out of jail free card.ā€


Who is a better judge of character? ā€œProbably Valentin. James Patrick Stuart tends to give everyone the, be the benefit of the doubt. Iā€™m pretty naive. I tend to tell the truth pretty much all the time and I assume everybody is, also, which gets me in trouble.ā€


Who likely has a cleaner car interior? ā€œWell, at the moment I have a bunch of lumber in my car, so Iā€™m going to go with Valentin on this one.ā€


Whoā€™s a better liar? ā€œValentin. Definitely.ā€


Who would have a more entertaining TikTok? ā€œI think that would be me. I donā€™t have one, but I should. It would be mostly shark pictures and childrenā€™s stories, but it would still be pretty good!ā€


Who is a bigger softie? ā€œOh, me. Absolutely. Believe me, my wife will tell you. Itā€™s ridiculous. When Valentin had to play a song at the Nursesā€™ Ball, pretty much all the producers were like, ā€˜This is gonna ruin the character!ā€™ Thatā€™s where James Patrick Stuart definitely shines through the Valentin cracks. Big softie over here, yeah! And I absolutely love to go to sad movies by myself, or at least I did pre-Covid. I went to see The Bridges of Madison County and I sobbed like a baby. I loved it! It was so much fun.ā€


Who is more athletic? ā€œIā€™m gonna say thatā€™s a tie. Valentin and I both lift weights, but we should probably do more cardio.ā€


Who is likelier to embarrass their kids? ā€œWell, that would be me. I mean, thatā€™s kind of my hobby.ā€


Whoā€™s a better flirt? ā€œIā€™d say Valentin is a pretty good flirt. I enjoy flirting as Valentin. I canā€™t really get away with much flirting these days! My wife would say, ā€˜Youā€™re too old to take yes for an answer!ā€™ ā€


Who gets along better with their family of origin? ā€œThatā€™s a very close one. Iā€™m going to say me, but just by a hair.ā€

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Re: General Hospital šŸ„ February 2024 - Spoilers Included



@Laura14 great recap!