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Re: General Hospital ~ December 2015 Thread

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The stockings are hung by the chimney with care.  Whiney took care of it, do we care?

My friends and neighbors have finally been done.  Relatives yet to come.

Dianne on speed dial, she'll be waiting on my call.

Corenthois together, one and all.

Liz sharing the Story was so sweet ... pardon me while a got take a sh...

Nic will return, for this we are sure.

Danny wants daddy and Sam has the cure? Jason sees the Star, will it give him a jar?

My Christmas wish is that Ava, Morgan, Val and the others would just get out of sight.

Good to see Spin, Ell and Georgie, but Little Jake still gives me a fright. 

To all that read here and to all that might ...

Merry Christmas to All and to All A Good Night!  Smiley Happy

Fate whispers to her, "You cannot withstand the storm." She whispers back, "I am the storm."

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Re: General Hospital ~ December 2015 Thread

Merry Christmas everyone!

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Re: General Hospital ~ December 2015 Thread

@Laura14 @Preds


Thanks for the laugh..loved !


again Merry Christmas everyoneHeart


And maybe the writers will  change some story lines and send more actors packing that aren't needed and have worn there welcome out!

preds 06-21-20
"Always be thankful andyou'll have more than you know."
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Re: General Hospital ~ December 2015 Thread

Robert Scorpio in the Pere Noel costume was priceless. I  love when she said "with an Australian accent."


Best scenes of the week.



QVC Shopper - 1993

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Re: General Hospital ~ December 2015 Thread

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Finally got to see last Thursday's show, which I really enjoyed very much.  For me the scenes with Patrick and Robin seemed a little bit rushed and forced, but I understand the time constraints behind that, of course.  I really hope that is not the last we see of Emma.    


Anyway, I loved seeing Robin and I love happy endings.  Smiley Happy

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Re: General Hospital ~ December 2015 Thread

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Tracy is a boss!  Bye Paul.  Don't let Alice use her wrestling moves on ya out the door.  Anna is gonna get you......ooooohhhhh.......


Is arguing and conspiring to lie to the police in front of a critical patient good hospital policy?  Where's Doctor O when you need her?  Was anyone surprised when Nik said he was taking a page from Hayden's book and is looking to use it to his advantage?  Um, let him keep ELQ and he won't jail Jason for the rest of his life?


I'm giggling that they are pretending to freeze but it's really 70 degrees.  Smiley Very Happy


Sabrina, really?  Yes, that's all I have to say about her pathetic justifications.  It's almost like she just expects Mikey to get over it and bow to her will.  Where have these horns come from?  And she just grabs that present and runs!  Girl's got class!Smiley Wink  


News flash to GH writers:  not all girls are reprehensible snakes.  We really don't need any more men rolled over by a deceitful chick.  PIck another storyline, please! Jason, Patrick, Nik, Mikey, Sonny (well Ava is a snake) could form their own support group or I hate women club by now.


And I am so over Jason's angst there is not enough vodka to drink to watch any more scenes of it so moving on....


I miss my Johnny!  Wherefore art thou Johnny?  Johnny comes home on Tuesday!  Woohoo!  BTW, I will end anyone who pre-empts my show tomorrow.  The news media will have extra film at 11 about my meltdown if they break in.  Word to the special report.Smiley Frustrated






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Re: General Hospital ~ December 2015 Thread

What DA with one brain in his head puts his arms dealer's name in his phone? I want Scotty back now.


Was it just me or were you all waiting for Johnny to do a striptease with those pom poms and tape? Smiley Wink  He better be saving it for Midnight!


Nik, take a shower.


Lulu's definition of a mom is hysterical.  No words and she's married to a cop with a brother who's a cop but plans felonies like it's lunch with the girls.  


How about we just convene every GH character dead and alive who Jason ever interacted with and have him do yet one more heart to heart about his memory issues?  Can we please just move on?  The horse is dust and these scenes are worthless without the original actor who has the original history with said person.


Calling it now:  Val's career (still hate the hair) is destroyed by Johnny until she redeems herself by busting Curtis and saving Jordan and the department from embarassment.


And Sonny better watch himself.  I know he's done his age group but Kiki is a bit young to cheat with unless we are redoing Carly in Tony's bed back in the day.


Max!!!  Please stay away from Jason or he will talk your ear off.


Dante is finally coming to his senses.  He'll be pulled back when Val's career goes kablooey and the bedtime will happen when he finds out Lulu did it.  We'll take dibs on time from the afterglow with the mistress to handcuffs on the wife when we get closer.


Hope everyone is saving themselves the torture of watching and is enjoying their holiday week.  Smiley Happy






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Re: General Hospital ~ December 2015 Thread

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I totally agree Lauara14!!  


Listening to Robin and Jason on the bridge, I couldn't help but think there were no shortage of females lining up to confess to Jason they had once been in love.  Robin, Liz, Sam, Carly (in a fashion).  They need to drag out Karen, Keesha, Brenda and the ghost of Courtney, LOL.  Anyone else?


And yet, he can't remember any of them.  He should be feeling like quite the stud though.


Add me to the list of those who liked Valerie's hair better before.  It really looks very nice dark and straight but I still liked it much better before.  The long dark bangs shade her features too much.  

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Re: General Hospital ~ December 2015 Thread

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@BeckiWV I couldn't make it that far. I fast forwarded through most of Robin and Jason. It's a totally different guy! I just can't do nostalgia with the wrong person. I almost wonder if all these trips down memory lane are prepping us for the big goodbye.  This whole Nina story with being set up to fail may be mirroring the new writers writing what they know.

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Re: General Hospital ~ December 2015 Thread

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@Laura14 wrote:

@BeckiWV I couldn't make it that far. I fast forwarded through most of Robin and Jason. It's a totally different guy! I just can't do nostalgia with the wrong person. I almost wonder if all these trips down memory lane are prepping us for the big goodbye.  This whole Nina story with being set up to fail may be mirroring the new writers writing what they know.

I've seen it said on another board that Nina is resembling the old Phyllis more every day....  


Smiley Happy