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Gayle King with R. Kelly interview

Wow Gayle did so good keeping her composer with R. Kelly going insane. Why did he even do this interview which may be played at his trial? He seems out of control. Think now he will go to jail but he will be a problem with the other inmates. Gayle did a great job. R. Kelly's lawyer should not have allowed him to do this but Gayle did an interview many people would love to get. Great job Gayle

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Re: Gayle King with R. Kelly interview

He just proved how explosive his temper can be; the interviewer did a good job of not freaking out like would have done! I hope they nail his hide to the wall...he is long overdue for being held accountable for the way he has treated women!
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Re: Gayle King with R. Kelly interview

The only thing I will say about all of this is I was surprised that when Kelly was jumping around out of the chair, arms slinging around, waving, no one came between Kelly and Gail.


I guess it would have affected the interview?  I thought that was crazy that no one made any kind of move as if to say, 

"OK, slow down now".  Again, I guess it would have slowed down the dramatics we all had to see.


I only saw that part of it.  From what I saw, he could have hit her or even hurt her.


I've never seen such a display allowed to play out.  I would have worried for her were she my friend and co-worker.


I think she's worked really hard to come out from behind "Oprah".  She's finally being seen for her own person, I think.

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Re: Gayle King with R. Kelly interview

I imagine Gayle had a fervent wish to be somewhere else.  I wouldn't have been surprised if he'd taken a swing at her.  She did a great job of remaining calm which helped not escalate the situation even more.

New Mexico☀️Land Of Enchantment
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Re: Gayle King with R. Kelly interview

With apologies to Shakespeare, "Methinks the gentleman doth protest too much."


I only saw what was covered on the news but, wow, what an explosive outburst.  He thinks that's going to sway public opinion in his favor?


What is he going to do to explain away the video tapes the prosecutors say they have?  Screaming and lashing out isn't going to change that.



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Re: Gayle King with R. Kelly interview

I heard her say to him - Robert, I don't want you ranting at the camera.

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Re: Gayle King with R. Kelly interview

[ Edited ]

@Venezia wrote:

With apologies to Shakespeare, "Methinks the gentleman doth protest too much."






Exactly!  It was like watching Jussie Smollet all over again.  Bold faced lies told straight to the camera.


edited to add:  But Jussie's "acting" was better

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Re: Gayle King with R. Kelly interview

I believe all the things R. Kelly is accused of are true.  


He was aquitted in 2008 on 10 counts of assault.  Probably for jury tampering.


He's behind bars now for failure to pay child support, approx. $160,000.


What a slime.  He deserves jail time for real.


Hoping Kim Fox, Chicago DA, has enough dirt on him this time to convince a jury of his guilt.


Nice job Gayle King, keeping your calm during his tyrade.


He sounded like a complete fool during the interview.



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Re: Gayle King with R. Kelly interview

What a liar! He looked like a fool with that performance. Have fun in prison.

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Re: Gayle King with R. Kelly interview

If he behaved this erratically/violent/threatening during a nationally televised the heck does he behave behind closed doors if one confronts/accuses or "disrespects" him?


