This is probably my favorite from The Birdcage-as Albert tries to appear as a straight guy before meeting Val's fiance's parents~
"Albert : I'm just... a guy!
Armand : What about those?
[Gesturing to Albert's pink socks]
Albert : These? Well, one does want a hint of color."
Everytime someone says well and then pauses in real life, it makes me laugh.
And some interesting history behind one of the most famous lines-
The Godfather-
'Leave the gun, take the cannoli' was improvised
One of the most immortalized lines in cinema was improvised by Richard S. Castellano, who played Peter Clemenza, a capo charged with killing Martino's Gatto.Mar 24, 2022"
Apparently, it was from a suggestion by his real live wife onscreen and off to add "take the cannoli" to tie into the reference to her previous request earlier in the scene to pick up some cannoli.
The original line was just-"take the gun."
Bravo to Ardell sheridan, his wife for such a clever line!
It is interesting how some lines like,
"I"ll make him an offer he can't refuse,"
become part of our speech used in real life.
And, this one,
"I don't believe we're in Kansas anymore." Of course from Dorothy in The Wizard of Oz.
"If you walk the footsteps of a stranger, you'll learn things you never knew. Can you sing with all the voices of the mountains? can you paint with all the colors of the wind?"