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Re: Friday 7/29/2016 Big Brother Live Feed Spoilers and Updates!!!

And the feeds are back. I'm assuming the nominations came down as expected as everyone seems pretty happy. 


By the way, if they send Davonne out this week, she's likely to be coming right back with a fury as she chose envelope eight and the only clue with a number in it had ocho, so the speculation is that Davonne has the round trip ticket.

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Re: Friday 7/29/2016 Big Brother Live Feed Spoilers and Updates!!!

Loving this idea Gardenman !!♥️♥️  I've had enough of Paulie and the guys coming up with all the big plays ...  One of the girls need to step up, put on their big girl panties and make a move instead of sitting back, being the girlfriend of one of the house guests and letting Paulie and the guys make all the moves.  Play the stupid game !!  

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Re: Friday 7/29/2016 Big Brother Live Feed Spoilers and Updates!!!

@Graciesmom wrote:

Loving this idea Gardenman !!♥️♥️  I've had enough of Paulie and the guys coming up with all the big plays ...  One of the girls need to step up, put on their big girl panties and make a move instead of sitting back, being the girlfriend of one of the house guests and letting Paulie and the guys make all the moves.  Play the stupid game !!  

If Paulie is still on the block come Thursday and they don't take him out, then they're all idiots. They've got to take a shot at him if he doesn't  win POV. If he's dumb enough to put himself on the block, then take him out! 

Fly!!! Eagles!!! Fly!!!
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Re: Friday 7/29/2016 Big Brother Live Feed Spoilers and Updates!!!

I wonder if the test hamsters they used for a week before the season will be part of the BB 19 cast? Production likely got to know them quite well in the week they were in the house. We've heard nothing from them which means they must have been sworn to secrecy and/or promised something like a chance to play the game for real if they kept quiet.

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Re: Friday 7/29/2016 Big Brother Live Feed Spoilers and Updates!!!

@gardenman wrote:

@sktchy wrote:

I like Victor.  With that being said - I do not have access to BBAD or any other access to BB other than what I see aired.  


Victor seems easy going and pleasant enough BUT not a floater like Z.  I hope he does not jump onto the douche' wagon and start walking around top less, though, IMO, that would not be a bad sight.

Victor went on quite a rant earlier in the HOH room with Paulie and Paul about Natalie. In her goodbye message to Victor when he got evicted Natalie said that she liked him but he didn't respect her so she was happy to see him go. (Or words to that effect.) Victor is a bit upset that she said he doesn't respect her/women and he's going to put her up and taunt her when he does so for saying that about him. (Note to Victor. Taunting women gennerally isn't taken as a sign of respect.)

Thanks - for the Victor update ... 

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Re: Friday 7/29/2016 Big Brother Live Feed Spoilers and Updates!!!

I totally agree Gardenman ...  If Paulie isn't gone Thursday it says to me they are NOT there to play the game.  If anyone makes a big move and back doors Paulie, my guess is it would be James ...