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Re: Friday 7/07/2017 Big Brother 19 Live Feed Spoilers and Updates!!!

When the hamsters were upstairs turning over the HOH room to Paul, if Cody had an AK-47, there would not be a person standing when he was done.

Everything about Paul continues to be repulsive to me. Not Frankie Grande repulsive but repulsive just the same. He apparently tries to make up for his lack of physical stature and visual appeal with a large personality. To me, it doesn't work and makes him hugely obnoxious and unlikeable.

Maybe he should take some of his BB earnings and learn how to pronounce words like "fragrance" and "acai".

Again this year I marvel at how people eat.......Matt with the Cool Whip was truly nauseating. 

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Re: Friday 7/07/2017 Big Brother 19 Live Feed Spoilers and Updates!!!

@KKali wrote:

Paul would have gotten safety if he received no votes.  CBS wouldn't bring him back only to send him right back out. But let's say Matt got the safety. I still would think being able to  compete in HOH isn't fair. I looked back at the BBOTT challenge and I'll concede to that point. As far as Christmas goes, I think she's just plain selfish, especially since she knew she needed surgery before the vote.


Again, these are my opinions. I respect yours. Smiley Happy

Thanks KKali and same. 


I can understand you thinking that Paul would have gotten safety, votes, or no votes but I don't agree. I 100% believe Paul got the most votes. Thing is, neither of us know for sure so we're just debating opinions. I guess this will be opinion on my next question too, but that's okay.


Can you can explain to me what's selfish about Christmas staying in the game? She won her right to be there when CBS gave her the job. She's not sick, so she's not contaminating anyone. She's obviously playing a good game; most people in the house love her (minus Jess & Cody). She even competed in the comp last night and she's a vote for her team.


If there is a comp she can't compete in down the line that's to her disadvantage. Why shouldn't it be her choice whether or not to take that chance? She can still be nominated for eviction and it takes bigger balls to be out there thinking you might not win safety than it does to know you can. This is her place in the game. Why should that be given to someone else?


If for some reason she has to quit after the surgery it just means they'll bring back another player via Battle Back. They're probably planning on at least one anyway. They could easily add another if they had to but there's been no indication she's going anywhere. 


I don't get it. CBS doesn't want her to quit...why do you? 

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Re: Friday 7/07/2017 Big Brother 19 Live Feed Spoilers and Updates!!!

Aren't they all selfish? 

The one that I find cringy is that oversized one whom I believe is Mark.

I find Paul somewhat amusing, although I agree he isn't attractive.

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Re: Friday 7/07/2017 Big Brother 19 Live Feed Spoilers and Updates!!!

@Danky, It's about time you graced us with your presence! 


Paul's pronunciations are hilarious, and rather than correct him, they just repeat his mispronunciations. They're like...Acai???


For those who missed it, instead of him pronouncing it ah-say-ee,  Paul pronounces the word as if rhymes with guy. Very surprising for a California dude!


Fragrance became frag (rhymes with bag) rance. 


There was another one the other day that made me Smiley Very Happy. I wish I could remember it. Anyway, good to see you!

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Re: Friday 7/07/2017 Big Brother 19 Live Feed Spoilers and Updates!!!

[ Edited ]

@SusieQ_2 wrote:

@Danky, It's about time you graced us with your presence! 


Paul's pronunciations are hilarious, and rather than correct him, they just repeat his mispronunciations. They're like...Acai???


For those who missed it, instead of him pronouncing it ah-say-ee,  Paul pronounces the word as if rhymes with guy. Very surprising for a California dude!


Fragrance became frag (rhymes with bag) rance. 


There was another one the other day that made me Smiley Very Happy. I wish I could remember it. Anyway, good to see you!


Odd to see the words "grace" and Danky in the same sentence......LOL.

Hope the past year has been good to you and all my old BB pals. I debated whether or not to watch this year and, based on what I have seen so far, the decision to partake seems to have been a good one.

OR--- Mark is kind of meatheadish and I can't decide whether or not I think he's physically appealing but I like him. Something about him pulls at my heart strings.......I feel that way about Josh too.There are so many things he could have responded to Jessica with.......she was in the house for 5 minutes before she started her 4th of July hot dog feast. 


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Re: Friday 7/07/2017 Big Brother 19 Live Feed Spoilers and Updates!!!

do people have preferences as to how you watch the feeds single camera or quad view?

Posts: 73
Registered: ‎03-10-2010

Re: Friday 7/07/2017 Big Brother 19 Live Feed Spoilers and Updates!!!

[ Edited ]

  HI DANKY!!!!


  Good to see you back!!. I always enjoyed your posts and sense of humor. I don't come on here too much...just when I want to complain about someone or something.  


  Can't believe I have been watching this show since day one!  Think I missed 1 episode.   I need to get a life.



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Re: Friday 7/07/2017 Big Brother 19 Live Feed Spoilers and Updates!!!

@lovescats wrote:

do people have preferences as to how you watch the feeds single camera or quad view?

I generally watch single camera over the quad view. I haven't installed BBViewer this year, but when I have that installed I'll often keep two windows open at once with the audio on one muted.As a rule cams 1/2 and cams 3/4 are on the same rooms (one close-up, one wider view) so with just two windows open you can keep an eye on what's going on.

Fly!!! Eagles!!! Fly!!!
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Re: Friday 7/07/2017 Big Brother 19 Live Feed Spoilers and Updates!!!

@gardenman, what is BB viewer? Can you use it with a streaming device other than your phone?

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Registered: ‎08-04-2013

Re: Friday 7/07/2017 Big Brother 19 Live Feed Spoilers and Updates!!!

@SoozieQ2 wrote:

  HI DANKY!!!!


  Good to see you back!!. I always enjoyed your posts and sense of humor. I don't come on here too much...just when I want to complain about someone or something.  


  Can't believe I have been watching this show since day one!  Think I missed 1 episode.   I need to get a life.



HI SUZY...... another one of my favorite SQs. Thanks for the nice words. Please post frequently so I don't have to be the only complainer. I tend not to be hugely critical in RL but I make up for it with the BB hamsters. 

Hello to GM.....glad to read that your life is normalizing and more than glad that you still make time for all of us.