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Fox Movie Channel "Love Nest" 8:43 a.m.Eastern

[ Edited ]

Light-hearted comedy drama about World War II enlistee and writer William Lundigan, who comes home to NYC to find his wife has purchased an apartment building for them to run, with the predictable array of nutty, troublesome or provocative tenants...


William Lundigan was a dreamy, very talented actor active in the post-War period.  He can play light domestic farce, and turn around and be a menacing-beneath-the-smooth-surface bad guy.  Love him, in anything.


This has some great old pro character actors, like Frank Fay.  And a certain newcomer, Marilyn Monroe makes an appearance.


I love when the Fox Movie Channel digs up goodies like this...


ETA-- Oh, moderators, I need coffee-- meant to put this in TV/Movie column, sorry!

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Re: Fox Movie Channel "Love Nest" 8:43 a.m.Eastern

And don't forget June Haver (Mrs Fred MacMurray). 

I always seem to miss the beginning of this movie. And always seem to catch it in the same spot. 


I like Fox Movie Channel - there are no commercials, when they show the older movies. 

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Re: Fox Movie Channel "Love Nest" 8:43 a.m.Eastern

[ Edited ]

Yes, @drizzellla, I always thought June Haver and Fred MacMurray were such a cute Hollywood couple.  She matches up well here with William Lundigan, too.


Speaking of Hollywood spouses, the actor (Frank Fay) who played the lovable con man (Charlie, I think his name was?)  was Barbara Stanwyck's ex, before she married Robert Taylor...

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Re: Fox Movie Channel "Love Nest" 8:43 a.m.Eastern

Oznell - I did not know that. Go figure - I would never put the two of them together. But when you look at who married who - I don't seem to understand much.


Another tidbit - Robert Taylor paid Barbara Stanwyck alimony the rest of his life. 

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Re: Fox Movie Channel "Love Nest" 8:43 a.m.Eastern

Wow, I did not know THAT, @drizzellla.  How interesting.  One gathers that, despite whatever their interests were outside of their rather stormy marriage, (and of course there were scandalous rumors about both of them), that Stanwyck carried a torch for Taylor, perhaps all her life.  I wonder if getting alimony from him was a way of staying in his life?


The Frank Fay thing seemed sad.  Of course he was older, and I think his Broadway-and- theater star was on the wane,  just as hers was brightening...

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Re: Fox Movie Channel "Love Nest" 8:43 a.m.Eastern

Robert Taylor remarried 3 years after the Barbara Stanwick divorce. He was married to wife #2 until his death. So he was paying alimony the entire time he was married to wife #2.


And yes you are right, they said Barbara Stanwick did continue to have "something" about Robert Taylor. Years later she had a pretty bad house fire. And they said she was upset about losing her love letters from Robert Taylor. 


Sounds like her marriage to Frank Fay was the setting for A Star is Born. He seemed so calm and refined in the movie, hard to imagine him having a stormy marriage. But you don't know how people can push each other's buttons.

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Re: Fox Movie Channel "Love Nest" 8:43 a.m.Eastern

Love Nest is coming on again. I think in about 15 minutes. I will finally get to see the beginning.