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Re: Father Knows Best Marathon

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I watched "The Honeymooners" and the one thing I didn't understand was why the Kramden's apartment was so awful--not even a curtain on the kitchen window.


Didn't the Norton's live in the same building?  The few times they showed their apartment it was bright (looked like it had been painted), clean, cheery, much nicer in appearance, and even had little cafe curtains on the kitchen window. 


I also kept wondering what Mrs. Kramden did all day in that tiny, drab apartment because her husband said no wife of his was going to work.  I thought the show was funny, but somewhat depressing at the same time.  I guess Alice was just resigned to spend the rest of her life in that tiny, drab, apartment.  Was that the "message" the show was saying?  Is "The Honeymooners" show a part of the "good ol' days" fantasy?



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Re: Father Knows Best Marathon

@DottieBlue You ate so right about The Honeymooners and I often wondered the same thing.!
Loved all those show back then. What a simpler time!
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Re: Father Knows Best Marathon

@Shelbelle wrote:

On Antenna TV, begins Sat eve at 6 ET and runs thru Monday morning. 

I grew up with this one in the 50's. 

Me too!

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Re: Father Knows Best Marathon

[ Edited ]

There's a lot of analysis around as to difference between the Norton and Kramden apartments. 


Considering that Ed and Ralph probably earned about the same salaries,  the explanation seems to be that the Nortons made extensive use of credit.  There is an episode when Ed notes they have many department store "charge accounts."  That's something the penny-pinching Ralph would not do.


Also, Alice did find work on a few occasions,  usually temporary jobs as secretary or typist, in order to make extra money for "something nice."

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Re: Father Knows Best Marathon

I was a kid in the 60's and watched what were probably reruns of Father Knows Best.  I thought Bud was funny,  Betty (Princess) was popular and Kathy (Kitten) was annoying as all get out.


The Waltons was a favorite of my Grandsmother's since she lived through the depression as a young wife and mother.  She delighted in that show.  

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Re: Father Knows Best Marathon

Bud was my favorite. This thread had me wondering about him today. He looks good! He's kept his contours, lol. Lucky Bud.


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Re: Father Knows Best Marathon

@Judaline Bud sure did age nicely.  Sort of a rugged look which is appealing to me. 

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Re: Father Knows Best Marathon

@spiderw ,  that's key for me too, a point that's gotten lost-- the shows were entertaining.


The hypercritical social analyses came after the youthquake, and the social upheavals of the late 60's and 70's--  they were repeated and repeated, scorn heaped on certain mores rejected by pop culture critics, and became accepted by many.   But I challenge people who've accepted those criticisms wholesale, to perhaps re-evaluate. 


Hey, 'Margaret Anderson' WAS nice, without being saccharine, you are right, @lgfan --  hadn't thought of that.  In fact, she could be quite tart about their various foibles, while having a sense of humor about it...


@Sooner ,  your final comment finds solid agreement in me-- "everybody is tired and money is tight".   Applies so much to today, as well as yesterday.


@Othereeeen ,  those are quite the scenarios, ha!   You have talents that Hollywood could make use of...


I love "The Honeymooners"--  so much talent converged on that grim little set, and for such a short time!   I don't think they were on for many seasons, but should have been.


@Judaline ,  Billy Gray looks great!  What a cutie.  I'm glad he came through his ups and downs.  Robert Young had deep depression and alcoholism, attempted suicide at one point.  But wrestled his demons and came back.  He talked openly about his problems, and worked hard for the cause of mental health.     



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Re: Father Knows Best Marathon

@Oznell My real point was that the "middle class" of the suburbs has no idea how the other half live.  If you aren't in small town America, rural America and farmland America, you really don't see a large population in this country.  


Inner-city poverty is well known, shown, and a topic of need.  Poverty in rural America, not really in the public eye.  Rural schools go lacking in schools and nobody knows or cares.


Rural kids aren't thought of so much in higher education outreach and programs and often get little or no counseling about what is possible or scholarship programs, etc.


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Re: Father Knows Best Marathon

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