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Re: 👍🏾 FLASH ALERT: A Christmas Carol (1951) 👍🏾

@Group 5 minus 1 wrote:

The best CC is with George C. Scott.


@Group 5 minus 1 


THE BEST christmas carol could be debated for years.....and usually is. Smiley Wink the george c scott version AND the patrick stewart version. there really isnt a BAD version at all. i watch as many as i can during the holidays.

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Re: 👍🏾 FLASH ALERT: A Christmas Carol (1951) 👍🏾

@Mz iMac  Big thank you for this heads up just set recorder.   I love Alastair Sim the real Ebeneezer for me.

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Re: 👍🏾 FLASH ALERT: A Christmas Carol (1951) 👍🏾

When my sister and I were very young we discovered Christmas Carol on Million Dollar movie which was popular in the fifties.  In fact the movie played several times and we watched it each and every time it was on.  Alastair Sim was Scrooge so of course that version is hands down our favorite and in my opinion, as other posters commented, the best.  I know the script by now having watched it for decades and of course own the DVD. The settings are excellent as is the acting and story line, timeless.


With that being said over the years I have watched all versions of Christmas Carol including cartoons!  The Jim Carrey  one is excellent as is George Scott, Patrick Stewart and Reginald Owen.  Love the Albert Finny one also.  I even decorate every Christmas with Scrooges I have collected over the years and received as gifts!!!!  


I love so many Christmas movies but A Christmas Carol with Sim is my all time favorite.


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Re: 👍🏾 FLASH ALERT: A Christmas Carol (1951) 👍🏾

The 1951 is excellent.  But I find virtues in each different version, and I watch most of them!  The Disney Donald Duck version is adorable, with Scrooge McDuck being the mean Scrooge.  And don’t forget the Muppets Christmas Carol with Michael Caine.  There is also a 1935 British version that is dark, different and interesting to watch.  Scrooge is played by an actor who played him on stage in England for several years.  As I said, I like them all!  Merry Christmas!

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Re: 👍🏾 FLASH ALERT: A Christmas Carol (1951) 👍🏾

This was the best Scrooge that was made.


It is my favorite.


It is being repeated tonight.

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Re: 👍🏾 FLASH ALERT: A Christmas Carol (1951) 👍🏾

The best version ever.  Alistair Sim is the ultimate Scrooge.  We have the DVD. 

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