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End of Parenthood last night

It was done soo sooo well and yes I did cry as this family was one we could identify with in some way or another and pretty much tied up all loose ends. This show will be missed but how great is it to end up on such a high note! Miss you Bravermans already!!


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Re: End of Parenthood last night

it was wonderful. sad and happy all rolled into one. i like that it did a few flash forwards, so you know how things turned out.

i will miss this show, so much. i doubt they can replace the cast and storyline, with any new show. this is what quality looks like.

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Re: End of Parenthood last night

It was an ending that was befitting a wonderful family show. I had a few tears also.

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Re: End of Parenthood last night

The did a very good job with the ending. As much as I hate to see it go, it was a satisfying ending I felt.

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Re: End of Parenthood last night

Very sad to see it go as it was a favorite. I will miss it.
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Registered: ‎03-04-2014

Re: End of Parenthood last night

10sluvr, I already put this on the other thread, but you hit it on the head when you mentioned that they just may have Zeek fall asleep. It was a wonderful finale!! You saw the entire circle of life in that show. I will miss them all so much!