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No,  but he was long past his prime when I became aware of him.  I only knew Fat Elvis.

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I understand that J.D. Fortune (from INXS) has lately been doing Elvis impersonations!

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@chrystaltree wrote:

No,  but he was long past his prime when I became aware of him.  I only knew Fat Elvis.

That's like coming in on the last 5 minutes of a movie.

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Registered: ‎03-09-2010

I had tickets to see him in concert in Chicago.  Two days before the concert, I came down with the Mumps, needless to say, I missed the concert and he passed away 1 month later.  To this day I am still not over that!!! 


One of my favorite songs is "American Trilogy".

may good luck be your friend in whatever you do
and may trouble be always a stranger to you