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Ok, I am throwing this one out there...does anyone watch the Nat Geo show "Dr Pol"?

It's about a 70ish vet named Jan Pol who lives in Michigan and is a vet for mostly rural families. He is a livestock and a pet vet.

My husband and I always make a bet on how many cows he will have to pull calves from. It really is an interesting show but not for everyone.

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I like him, but he has had some issues with legal problems because of the way he performs procedures on some of the animals. I think he serves a rural population well, many of whom wouldn't have access to expensive vet care or modern animal hospitals.

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I've watched him and I love him. I never know when it's on but I've happened upon it a few times.

His son travels with him and helps him. One I saw recently was the one where the son had a Scottish Kilt made for a ceremony because he said his Mom (Mrs. Pol) was Scottish.

He is a bit chunky and it was funny to see him in it. Not Ha! Ha! make fun of him funny, but cute funny to see him in it. He wasn't the least embarrassed, which I loved.

Thanks for posting on it.

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Here is one of those articles I referenced in my post.

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I don't know anything about what he does or doesn't do correctly. I've always thought the had the best interest of the animals.

The Vet I go to (for over 24 years) is like a country Dr. He actually travels to Africa to help villagers with rogue animals, etc.

He's a hunter. He fishes. He's wonderful. He's always had the best interest of my cats (and I've had many). He's always been very honest about what is best and if I was wrong in trying to operate to cause more anguish for my cats (not an easy decision, as money has never been an issue) just the cat's welfare.

Dr. Pol seems like a good country Dr. I think you, lolak stated it correctly. You did (in my opinion) a very good job of saying why he is good for that area.

There are always people who want things done differently. These people lose sight of just where he is a Dr. They need a reality check. There are people who love their animals very much but can't afford to pay for their operations. That doesn't mean they are bad people, it just means they don't have the money. Period.

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Thanks guys, I was aware of the legal problems that he faced. It took me back at first and then I realized that when you work with the public there is bound to be some that are not happy with your work. He does seem to be a little rough with the dogs and cats that come into his clinic. I go to a vet that will take blood work and a background check before putting a dog under for a procedure. Then they will monitor their vitals with all sorts of gadgets. My bill will definitely show their due diligence. I can afford it (usually). Some of these patients don't look like they can so not so much prelim goes into the procedures. I'm sure, however, that the production company will take on the financial aspect to be able to televise them.

That said, I still like him and his zest for life. Most of his clients like and respect him.

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This is a society who has newer methods and the latest regulations. Some of the doctors which have been around for a while practice without getting more education and don't get up to date about the latest methods. After all, they worked for all of these years....

Do we have too many rules? Should we be allowed to pick the doctors/vets we want, knowing they are not using the latest methods?

I think this is what the dilemma is about....

We live in a society which likes to make rules.... the rules are made for many reasons.... hopefully, they are made for the good of the patients....

This doesn't have anything to do with how much a patient has to pay for a doctor's visit; it has to do with how a doctor/vet treats the patient....

It also has to do with life.... and the quality of life.... society wishes people/animals to have the highest quality of life they can. IMO.... that is why the majority of these rules are made.

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I think I'll just say I don't think the AMA always has everyone's best interest. I know my drs all own stock in medicine (one way or another).

I know that I've made a lot of money from medical stocks. I don't believe people should be made to feel guilty because they can't afford a certain medicine for their animal. They love them just as much as anyone else.

I believe in the good of people and think they would try to do what they could in the best interest of the animal. Living in the country is a lot different from living in the city, especially when it comes to caring for animals.

I think we're all being choaked to death by so many rules, medicine for animals being one of them.

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I like the show but have not watched lately. What I like better is the Yukon vet show.

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Registered: ‎11-24-2013

Watched it forever, like it a lot and love Dr. Brenda, she's a sweetheart.