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Re: Downton Abbey: Is It Just Me?

A duck???
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Re: Downton Abbey: Is It Just Me?

I thought I saw a duck? I know.....

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Re: Downton Abbey: Is It Just Me?

No, it's not just you, I think it's their accents though that make it difficult to make out what they're saying. I need to try the CC, great idea.

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Re: Downton Abbey: Is It Just Me?

I'm not sure if it's just the different British accents. Seems to me the audio on British tv shows isn't as clear. Not so with big British movies, like "The Queen", "The King's Speech"etc. Other examples: "Broadchurch", difficult (not just David Tennant''s brogue) "Love Actually" clear as a bell.

Sound has definitely improved over time. I have "Upstairs Downstairs" tapes, as well as "Jewel in the Crown". Parts are unintelligible.

Perhaps it's our Yankee ears.

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Re: Downton Abbey: Is It Just Me?

Didn't see a duck, but the dog Isis was in the room, though not a clear view. As Sir Robert leaves the room, he calls the dog to follow. Often we only see the tail end of the dog.

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Re: Downton Abbey: Is It Just Me?

Closed caption is on every program I have. Getting old.

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Re: Downton Abbey: Is It Just Me?

Hi All ~ I mentioned this in a post last week and thanks to northernlights I used the CC feature this last Sunday ~ it really helped!

I guess we're all in the same boat ~

As for the duck???? I'm going back to and rewatch in search of a duck!

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Re: Downton Abbey: Is It Just Me?

On 1/13/2015 Irish1210 said:

Hi All ~ I mentioned this in a post last week and thanks to northernlights I used the CC feature this last Sunday ~ it really helped!

I guess we're all in the same boat ~

As for the duck???? I'm going back to and rewatch in search of a duck!

Where's Waldo? I will have to watch again and find the duck prize.

No trouble hearing on Downton but I know the first time I went to meet my future Mother-in-law when she came to my hometown. I left her at her daughter's house and I went straight to my fiancé's office and "said you did not tell me something is wrong with her, is it a speech impediment?" He said no, I thought I told you she is a war bride from Scotland. Boy did she sound funny!! I thought the woman had had a stroke awhile back or something.

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Re: Downton Abbey: Is It Just Me?

I thought it was just me, but now I see by these posts I am not alone with regard to understanding the actors. Wonder what is going to happen next week regarding Anna and her husband?
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Re: Downton Abbey: Is It Just Me?

OK, so I sit a little ways away from the TV. The TV is 50 inches HD 1080, so it isn't little. It's only a few feet away.

I did rewind it and look again. What kind of dog was it? I can read even the smalles print on the TV.

I don't know where I got duck from. It looked like a duck. OK, so are you guys ever going to believe what I say again......ever again.....please say it 'ain't' so.........

I'm telling you on my TV it looked like a duck that was next to that picture. Was it a dog dressed like a duck? Humor me.......