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Re: Don Lemon's Sister Dies In Accidental Drowning

So very sad! I have always liked him as well.

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Re: Don Lemon's Sister Dies In Accidental Drowning

I have been wondering where Don has been.  If CNN made an announcement of this tragedy, I must have missed it.  I have always liked Don and his is usually the last show I watch at night, so I have missed him.


My beloved sister died in August 2011.  We were always like twins, only thirteen months apart.  I will never get over losing her and still mourn her every single day.


My heart goes out to Don and his family.  I hope to see him back on CNN in the near future, but he is an emotional man, so it may take a while.


Formerly Ford1224
We must always take sides. Neutrality helps the oppressor, never the victim. Silence encourages the tormentor, never the tormented. Elie Wiesel 1986
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Re: Don Lemon's Sister Dies In Accidental Drowning

So very sad to read this, I watch him alot,

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Re: Don Lemon's Sister Dies In Accidental Drowning

I am very sorry to read this.  May he receive the strength he needs to go forward.


Bless the soul of his sister.


Don Lemon is a measured and rational man, to my mind.

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Re: Don Lemon's Sister Dies In Accidental Drowning

I am so sorry to hear about this tragedy!  I try to never miss Don on CNN.  He is a very strong young man.  I'm sure we'll see him on air again soon.

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Re: Don Lemon's Sister Dies In Accidental Drowning

Very sad, my heart goes out to Don and his family!


may good luck be your friend in whatever you do
and may trouble be always a stranger to you
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Re: Don Lemon's Sister Dies In Accidental Drowning

[ Edited ]

I read about it in a few papers I read on line.  I turned on his show last night not realizing he'd be back.  The way he opened the show -- it was with genuine feeling, class and deep gratitude.  


He talked briefly about his sister and then was so humble in all his thanks and some of the people he thanked surprised me (Sean Hannity, among others), I was a sobbing mess.  If you missed it and you're a fan and can find it on line, it's well worth watching.

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Re: Don Lemon's Sister Dies In Accidental Drowning

@LoriLori wrote:

I read about it in a few papers I read on line.  I turned on his show last night not realizing he'd be back.  The way he opened the show -- it was with genuine feeling, class and deep gratitude.  I was a sobbing mess in no time. 


He was so humble in all his thanks and some of the people he thanked surprised me (Sean Hannity, for one).  I was a sobbing mess.  If you missed it and you're a fan and can find it on line, it's well worth watching.


@LoriLori  Thank you for posting this.  I really like Don Lemmon and Googled this and found last night's show easily.  It was a very heartfelt opening.  I'm glad I got to see it.  I'm so sorry for him and his family.

The Bluebird Carries The Sky On His Back"
-Henry David Thoreau

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Re: Don Lemon's Sister Dies In Accidental Drowning

[ Edited ]

@NickNack, great!  I edited my post because as I sometimes do I repeated myself about being a sobbing mess. 


You're right, googling it it's everywhere, but for people who trust links here it is in its entirety on youtube:

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Re: Don Lemon's Sister Dies In Accidental Drowning

Why is it necessary when expressing condolences to a person on the loss of a loved one, to say whether or not you like or do not like the person to whom you are offering sympathy?  Just wondering...