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Does anyone know when PBS pleding will conclude?

Pleding has been going on for weeks now, as in three going on four in my area, and I'm just about fed up. Missing the few programs I've been loyal to, but really sick of them bringing certain programs into their programming just to get the bucks.

If pledging returns next week, that's it for me. My relationship with PBS ends.

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Re: Does anyone know when PBS pleding will conclude?

In my area, one station returns to regular progamming Tuesday. The other one has about 10 more days.
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Re: Does anyone know when PBS pleding will conclude?

I am assuming your thread is about "pledging" and not "pleding", anyhow, I did hear that Gvt. funds were cut for Public Television and I guess they've got to get their money from somewhere!{#emotions_dlg.mellow}

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Re: Does anyone know when PBS pleding will conclude?

I don't about nationally, but locally it seems to end just in time to start again. I think they spend more of the year in fundraising than programming.

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Re: Does anyone know when PBS pleding will conclude?

That's my complaint and why I don't watch it unless I DVR it and FF over all of the talking and begging.

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Re: Does anyone know when PBS pleding will conclude?

Would you prefer that they sold commercial,time so that we can watch endless commercials about erectile disfunction, blood pressure medication etc. etc.? They have to pay for the programs they show and create. the government does not pay for these programs.
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Re: Does anyone know when PBS pleding will conclude?

I know you are right Kathy and even as I was typing it I realized that. I just change the channel or I DVR the program.

I'm glad there are people who donate to this channel. I just DVR and FF over it.

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Re: Does anyone know when PBS pleding will conclude?

Yes, I misspelled "pledging." And, yes, I would prefer commercials, since we can no longer afford DVR device and service, nor can we afford the DVDs to record, being retired and on a fixed income.

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Re: Does anyone know when PBS pleding will conclude?

I give to ONE every month. As a senior I can pledge 25'00 a year. I love the programs. . TV has gotten trashy sand stupid. I also counted 15 commercials doing a break in a program. Now TV Is commercials, with a few seconds of programming.
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Re: Does anyone know when PBS pleding will conclude?

I watched the CNN show about "Jesus" and I am not kidding, there was a commercial every 10 minutes! 10 minutes!I almost lost it but I think Jesus gave me the patience, LOL. The pledge breaks annoy me because they show some things that are so old-oldies but goodies, but still. I wish they'd show them other times, commercial free. Also, what are those names in the beginning of, say, Masterpiece Theater, that say,'this program was made possible by such and such foundation', people who had millions, well, isn't that enough? I don't know, I just wonder where the money goes. Just don't ever take these stations away. Please.