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Registered: ‎10-15-2011

Re: Do you have a favorite movie clip?

Love the very last scene of The Shawshank Redemption when they show the wide shot of the boat, the ocean, and the two friends' reunion. "I hope..."--such powerful words.

Also had to add the final scenes of Waking Ned Devine--I always tear up when they sing The Parting Glass.

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Registered: ‎03-04-2014

Re: Do you have a favorite movie clip?

On 9/22/2014 halfpint said:

I love Barbra Streisand. The Way We Were with Robert Redford. She brushed his hair away on his forehead. It choked me up.

For me you had to give someone up for you knew it didn't work no matter how much you loved the person.

That last scene in The Way We Were always chokes me up. If you've ever had a relationship with someone that ended but you really didn't want it to but you knew it had to, that scene just stabs you in the heart. Just the same with the final scene in Splendor in the Grass when Natalie Wood goes to see Warren Beatty . Cry everytime. But, my favorite scene of all time that I can watch over and over and stop whatever I'm doing if it comes on tv, is the wedding of the daughter at the beginning of The Godfather. Love, love , love it.

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Posts: 550
Registered: ‎03-04-2014

Re: Do you have a favorite movie clip?

BTW, great question!!

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Posts: 702
Registered: ‎04-06-2010

Re: Do you have a favorite movie clip?

Judy Garland singing ""Have Yourself a Merry Little Christmas"" to Margaret O'Brien in ""Meet Me in St. Louis"".

I cry every time I watch it.

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Registered: ‎02-19-2014

Re: Do you have a favorite movie clip?

Julia Roberts in Pretty Woman in the elevator with Richard Gere. ""I have a runner in my pantyhose...I don't have on pantyhose."" All while she is dressed as a woman of the night.