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Do you have a favorite movie clip?

Is there a clip from a movie that you remember most of all for various reasons. Maybe it moved you, triggered a memory, gave you enlightenment, scared you, made you happy, made you sad, made you want to jump for joy, made you want to jump (hopefully to a safe spot), gave you chills, thrills…or just was so poorly done you laughed or cringed? Any reason, but you remember the clip--or you may not even like the movie, but you remember the clip.

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Re: Do you have a favorite movie clip?

Here's one of mine. A clip from American Beauty. (Clip is G rated).

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Re: Do you have a favorite movie clip?

Here's another favorite clip, again from American Beauty. (Clip is G rated).

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Re: Do you have a favorite movie clip?

I'll always remember

- when Olivia Newton-John shows up at the school carnival re-made in Grease

- when Darth Vader said, "Luke, I'm your father."

- when Harrison Ford shoots the swordsman in Raiders of the Lost Ark

- the beginning sequence of The Sound of Music

- when the alien burst out of Kang's chest in Alien

- when Gene Kelly is Singing in the Rain.

I'm sure there are tons more, but I can't remember them right now.

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Re: Do you have a favorite movie clip?

I do, from the movie Bridges of Madison County. It's when Meryl Streep and her husband are in a truck in the pouring rain downtown and Clint's truck is in front of them. I just wanted her to jump out and be with Clint. I loved that movie.

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Re: Do you have a favorite movie clip?

There's no crying in baseball!

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Re: Do you have a favorite movie clip?

Don't laugh

Jaws- when Quint tells the story of the USS Indianapolis , I watch that scene every time Jaws is on. I have seen this scene so much I can calculate when to put the movie on.

Marty- when his mother tells him to put on your blue suit ( it's so real)

Sleepless In Seattle- when Victor Garber and Tom Hanks are talking about The Dirty Dozen

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Re: Do you have a favorite movie clip?

Way too many to list here, but one in particular comes to mind.

The end of Billy Elliot...

... and the "gasp."

~My philosophy: Dogs are God's most perfect creatures. Angels, here on Earth, who teach us to be better human beings.~
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Re: Do you have a favorite movie clip?

On 9/19/2014 luvpoos said:

I do, from the movie Bridges of Madison County. It's when Meryl Streep and her husband are in a truck in the pouring rain downtown and Clint's truck is in front of them. I just wanted her to jump out and be with Clint. I loved that movie.

That was such a dramatic moment. You could just feel her struggle as to what to do. And then when Clint's truck drove off... and she felt she lost her only chance... so heartbreaking.

Mine was in "The Natural" when Robert Redford's character, Roy Hobbs, hit the homerun and hit the lights and it looked like fireworks. He won it for his son in the crowd he didn't know he had and for Pops the manager who was going to lose the team. Such a powerful moment with the swelling music.

My favorite line has to be: From Antwone Fisher:

"It don't matter what you tried to do, you couldn't destroy me! I'm still standing! I'm still strong! And I always will be."

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Re: Do you have a favorite movie clip?

Several that come to mind are:

1) the final scene in Gypsy (Rosalind Russell version) where Rose says to Gypsy "Who did I do it for then" and Gypsy turns to her and says "I thought you did it for me, Mama" and then Rose leaves the dressing room and goes to the stage and sings her heart out.

2} the 1990's version of Black Beauty when Beauty sees his best friend Ginger dead on a cart that rolls past him - so sad.

3) Singin in the Rain is one of all-time favorite movies because of the rain scene with Gene Kelly(so joyful when he splashing in the puddle) and Donald O'Connor's Make 'em Laugh (a-mazing!)

4) For some reason, I love Legally Blonde (must be the underdog aspectSmile) and my favorite part is her admissions video to Harvard (hilarious!)