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Re: Do You Do This To Yourself?

@Puzzle Piece, LOL, yes I do! I watch the same shows.


My sister has made fun of me because...

If I'm freaked out, I pause the TV & do a quick tidy-up of my place; straighten up the kitchen & bathrooms, put away clutter.

Occasionally I'll use a Clorox wipe to wipe the doorknobs & faucets! 

Now, they're all ready for a clean print of my killer.


Then I press play & finish watching.


If Keith Morrison is coming to my house, I want it to look nice. Smiley Very Happy

Muddling through...
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Re: Do You Do This To Yourself?

@SilleeMee wrote:

I don't need to watch crime shows on Tv. There's always a lot more action on the local news these days in my city. Some crimes happen just down the street or even across the street. My house got shot by a drive-by shooter one year. I have bullet holes to prove it. I'm not frightened by it but I just don't go anywhere after dark b/c it seems that's when it all happens. It never used to be this way...sad.

@SilleeMee    I was going to say the same thing.   Our local channel seems to have the cameras on the scene within minutes....and with some very gruesome video to provide the audience.      di

♥Surface of the Sun♥
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Re: Do You Do This To Yourself?

Why?  Watch QVC. 


The prices are scary enough.

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Re: Do You Do This To Yourself?

@Puzzle Piece  - I enjoy watching true crime shows.  They don't bother me at all and some stories I end up researching on the internet.


Last night I fell asleep to Dateline and didn't get to see the ending - darn it.



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Re: Do You Do This To Yourself?

I don't watch those kinds of shows.  There's so much evil and horrible things that go on every day and I see enough just watching the news.

Time is just a drop in the bucket compared to eternity. It isn’t how long you live that matters; it is how well you are prepared to die. ~~Colonel Robert B. Thieme, Jr.
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Re: Do You Do This To Yourself?

Yes, I watch some crime shows. Dateline is #1, and I also like the Last 24 and the Homicide shows narrated by Lt. Joe Kenda. Programs featuring forensics are interesting, and I agree with @Desertdi and @deepwaterdotter that many of the re-enactments are too corny to even bother watching.


This is something to keep in mind, that your safety is not always compromised by a "stranger danger." According to the Dept of Justice, Bureau of Justice Statistics, "76% of female murders and 56% of male murders were perpetrated by someone known to the victim." 


Jealousy and money are apparently big motivators.






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Re: Do You Do This To Yourself?

LookHUMAN I Like To Party And By Party I Mean Watch True Crime Documentaries White 15 Ounce Ceramic Coffee Mug, Opens in a new tab


This is on Amazon. I gave one to a friend who is also a crime show watcher for her birthday.

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Registered: ‎09-29-2015

Re: Do You Do This To Yourself?

@San Antonio Gal wrote:

@Puzzle Piece  - I enjoy watching true crime shows.  They don't bother me at all and some stories I end up researching on the internet.


Last night I fell asleep to Dateline and didn't get to see the ending - darn it.



@San Antonio Gal , we record many true crime shows; if we didn't record, we wouldn't see all it as we, too, sometimes fall asleep.  We also like to rewind in the event we think we missed something.


My favorite narrator on Dateline is Keith Morrison; he just has the perfect voice for it.

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Re: Do You Do This To Yourself?

@laluzdelmundo wrote:

LookHUMAN I Like To Party And By Party I Mean Watch True Crime Documentaries White 15 Ounce Ceramic Coffee Mug, Opens in a new tab


This is on Amazon. I gave one to a friend who is also a crime show watcher for her birthday.

@laluzdelmundo , cute mug!  My DH loves Joe Kenda (both of us do).  One Christmas I got him a Joe Kenda Tshirt - there's a picture of him on it saying "my, my, my".

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Re: Do You Do This To Yourself?

@Puzzle Piece wrote:

Disappointed ihn the choices of things to view on the satellite, I have watched the shows like "Buried in the Backyard", "Dateline", "Killer Couples", and other homicide/serial killer shows. The police shows where they have to capture or stop a psycho aren't any better.   

Now I'm nervous just living at home in my house.  So many victims were innocent and clueless that a killer would take their life in an instant. 

Do you get yourself scared or nervous by watching such shows?  


@Puzzle Piece 


Good grief, then just STOP watching those shows!  


I don't understand your viewing preferences.  In a perfect world, just what would you be watching?   


We all know that late spring & summer are all reruns, so it's always a good time to catch up on other things. 


Google best movies of the last 20 years and catch up on what you didn't see.  Or check out other networks you're not familiar with.


Personally, I'm not a Hallmark fan.  I prefer Smithsonian and Nat Geo shows, most of which you can jump in at any time without having to catch up on a season's activities.


Don't "shoot yourself in the foot" by watching shows that cause distress.  Your remote solves that problem, so use it.