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Re: Dig: USA Orders New Event Series

I watched in a hotel room and I couldn't hear or see everything going on. Will have to watch again. What I did notice is that the key elements for a sequel are all still alive and kicking, so who knows.

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Re: Dig: USA Orders New Event Series

I am going to TRY to find time to back up a few episodes to figure some things out. I don't understand a lot of it (no surprise). I'm beginning to understand that I don't understand things unless they are simple. Ha!

Anyway, I think I'm made out for more like I Love Lucy. I'm still thinking about The Returned........

Here's what I think......I'm going to have to lean on Daughter #3 in Denver to watch the show.......

She leads an amazing life and doesn't have time for TV but maybe for poor old Mom (Mother's Day???) she'll watch this @#$ show for me before I lose my mind.

You rock too SANNA.

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Re: Dig: USA Orders New Event Series

Annab., we will all have to reconnoiter and discuss once we've "studied" the episode! Right now I have way more questions than answers.

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Re: Dig: USA Orders New Event Series

Desi.... Smiley Happy That's a plan.

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Re: Dig: USA Orders New Event Series

Desi, I noticed you travel. If you travel for work do you ever get to the Washington, DC area? If you ever did, it would be neat to meet up with you somewhere for lunch or dinner or just for an hour or two.

We seem to like the same shows (not something many people do with me).

I've done that before. Met a few people at different times from the QVC board but it's been years back.

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Re: Dig: USA Orders New Event Series

Annab., I rarely travel, it just seems the few times I do I mention it so people don't wonder where I went. Just went to DS's graduation, in state, but we stayed over. DH traveled a lot and because of that, never wants to take me anywhere far, kind of burned out on flying. I have never been to DC, or many places unfortunately. Fun idea though!

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Re: Dig: USA Orders New Event Series

Desi.... Smiley Happy I could travel but I don't like it. My late husband spoiled me. I'd say, "I'd like to go to New Orleans" and he'd make the arrangements. He liked to travel and I like him.

Two of my daughters travel a lot (youngest is going to Chicago for the weekend just because she's never been there)! Oh! To be young. My oldest daughter along with her husband packs up the 4 children and travel all of the time. Middle daughter is now on a week long cruise with her family.

I'm happy at home. I'm lazy too. I hate making travel plans. I leave it up to my girls. In June I'm going to Florida for a weekend. My daughter made all of the arrangements. Like I said, I'm very lazy!

We'll just have to be cyber buddies.

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Re: Dig: USA Orders New Event Series

Annab., I haven't been able to log-in all day, finally had to change my nic a little in order to post.

Fl. would be fun, have a great time! I want to go but unlike how your DH was, mine is pretty adamant about no fun trips requiring flight. Don't even think he wants to do anything over the summer. It's great that you have girls - I have boys.

We can be board buddies!

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Re: Dig: USA Orders New Event Series

Desi did you see where I Love Lucy and Superman together in color are going to be on CBS Sunday night?

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Re: Dig: USA Orders New Event Series

Annab., I did see an ad for that. May check it out!

I watched Wayward Hills last night. Really well done, just afraid it may turn into another great twisty series that leaves us hanging at the end. It is based on a book, so if I get desperate I guess I could see how the book ends, lol - if it has an end!