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Re: Dig: USA Orders New Event Series

Well, I did not see Golan's death coming. Anyone ever hear of texting on this show?

So, how did the Essene know to follow Avram?

Did I glean Peter was a seminary student?

Is Donaldson's son not psychotic, just drugged to keep him quiet? How could Golan have access to the meds so easily?

So many questions. Is nx week the last episode?

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Re: Dig: USA Orders New Event Series

2 Cockers, boy, you said it! The characters aren't being cautious enough at all considering they don't know who to trust. Even Lynn, why did she assume the girl she asked to help wasn't part of the conspiracy? Also, ITA, who is on the phone when you don't know what is bugged or who is within earshot? Also, yeah, not only was that Essene following Avram, how'd he get in the rabbi's house so silently - and where was his wife? Thought the finale was next week, but getting a sinking feeling if it is, they won't have time for all this to play out and be explained.

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Re: Dig: USA Orders New Event Series

For those interested in some clarity on the influence of numerology and prophesy to the murky storyline of Dig, I found some commentary by a blogger, Kimberly Winston. If you Google her name and Dig they pop up!

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Re: Dig: USA Orders New Event Series

I was so surprised by Emma's behavior last night, and saddened with what happened to Det. Golan Cohen. But like everyone else, I was more concerned with the red cow!
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Re: Dig: USA Orders New Event Series

I hit the wrong key and lost my post. No big deal, I'll start again.

Anyway, what I was saying was I do know texting and am usually the one who runs her mouth about knowing the ending (probably drives some of you crazy, I'm sorry).

However, for this show I know me and it wouldn't have made any difference because I stay in a state of confusion. I will look up the blogger (thanks cockers). Desi, you do a good job of helping me with my state of confusion!

I was very upset when the policeman died. He was a neat character. It was fun to watch him. I don't understand why she found it necessary to slit his throat like that other than to show just how evil she was. (Maybe she was the writer's version of the snake and so very evil) because she really did a job on him!

I thought it was interesting the way it seems like either the US is in on this scheme (in some way) or so many of these people have been able to infiltrate the US Embassy. That makes it a bit too much for me. There must be a lot of nut jobs out there.

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Re: Dig: USA Orders New Event Series

Annab. I have lost countless posts too, I probably either hit a button I shouldn't have or didn't hit one that I should!

Everyone was getting killed with bullets, now they seem to be doing it the old fashioned way with knives. It seemed symbolic (and atrocious) that Emma used a knife when it was pretty clear Golan was about to die from her running him over. Nothing is making sense. My DS suggested perhaps this will have another set of episodes. I thought it was 10 and done, so we'll see.

Almost none of the characters is totally good. Not sure what is behind this but it makes it hard to totally root for them.

I guess it all revolves around Peter somehow, and his dropping out of the seminary because he got his GF (not supposed to have a GF) pregnant - maybe that is why DD had to die? If she did. He also met Lynn 20 yrs ago and his DD Vicki was 20 when she died- a lot sure happened then. We haven't even seen his ex. wife.

Dunno, sort of feels like nothing going on is real. Fortunately it's just a show and we don't have to worry about the evil consulate and sheriff's staff.

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Re: Dig: USA Orders New Event Series

Desi I took the DIG deeper test (on their website and I got 7 right)....they said that was good and I should be a detective. They asked easy questions. I think anyone would have passed it.

Like, where did Lynn hide? What did the Ambassador do when the plane landed? Things like that. Easy.

I'm still trying to find out how many episodes there are. Most shows break down and give a synopsis of each show. I can't find this one.

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Re: Dig: USA Orders New Event Series

Annab. will have to go to the Dig Deeper and look. I checked it out when the show started and searching clues was harder than figuring out the show, lol.

I haven't seen any synopsis either. There is a bd. to discuss the show though, found that the other day. Not any more answers than we have here, just people with questions.

Just found the quiz and I also got 7!

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Re: Dig: USA Orders New Event Series

I can see you getting a 7 Desi because you know what's going on, but me? Hummm?? Not so sure I should rate a 7 but I'll take it. Ha!

Take care. Forgot to say my daughter who usually analyzes these shows for me has flaked out on this one. She lives in Denver and goes skiing, kayaking, fishing every weekend. She caught a big fish today but always throws them back.

Anyway, I'll have to depend on you Desi.....if you knew me you'd be nervous. Ha!

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Re: Dig: USA Orders New Event Series

Annab., I'm not sure a 7 gives us bragging rights - wasn't it out of 10? You should try the dig for clues part, if it's still up, it's near impossible!

Your DD has better stuff going on now than helping decipher clues. DS says maybe he will watch it as a marathon someday when it's on Netflix or wherever. You and I will muddle through and I'm sure there will be more posts when it ends, however it ends.