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Re: Dig: USA Orders New Event Series

Annab. you are welcome. You have me at a loss here. Who is Lauren, who is Michael?

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Re: Dig: USA Orders New Event Series

I'm hesitant to watch it because we seem to really love any series Jason Isaacs is in, but that's the kiss of death apparently, they get canceled after a season or 2. Brotherhood and Awake.

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Re: Dig: USA Orders New Event Series

I'm sorry Desi, you have so much patience with me. Can you imagine what life is like when you're my 'in person friend'? Trying to carry on a conversation with me is like a guessing game. Really....

Michael is the guy (Christian LeBlanc) on Young and Restless. Lauren is Tracey Bregman on Y&R. They had an affair (on the show) that ran on for months. This guy I mentioned had a big part on the show and was (we all thought) killed off and then he suddenly (as is often the case in soaps) showed up again.

I thought some people would be interested in seeing that he suddenly appeared in such a big budget show. But as quickly as you can blink, he's gone.

I'm so sorry Desi. My late husband used to say I was like that because my head is spinning so quickly (I bla bla a lot) that I think I've said something when I actually just skipped it all together, leaving other people to say, "What"? Understandable.

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Re: Dig: USA Orders New Event Series

MJ, I never saw Isaacs in anything before this, but he sure seems to be cursed cancellation-wise.

Annab., thanks for the explanation. Don't worry, my mind isn't what it used to be either. {#emotions_dlg.biggrin}I was beginning to think I missed something since those names didn't ring a bell. Used to watch General Hospital but haven't in about 20 yrs.

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Re: Dig: USA Orders New Event Series


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Re: Dig: USA Orders New Event Series

I think if you're able to hang in there it is worthwhile. I had to watch it a few times (same episodes to understand it (most would get it right away).

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Re: Dig: USA Orders New Event Series

SPOILER IF YOU HAVEN'T WATCHED THURSDAY 26 March DON'T READ ANY FURTHER. I just watched tonights episode (Thursday 26 March). I was about to go crazy. Am I the only one who thinks it stupid the way these two detectives are ALWAYS just a 1/2 step behind this guy who always gets away?

They could at least let them get ahead on something. With everything going on, it doesn't make sense.

What are some of your ideas on this? I'm curious. I'm beginning to understand what's going on. My daughter is still binging on Scandal At least she's up to this year.

She's the one who explains things to me.

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Re: Dig: USA Orders New Event Series

Spoiler alert............



Annab. let us know what DD thinks. I got middle son to watch that episode with me but he hasn't seen the previous ones - but he liked it.

To your point, yeah you would think they might get the jump on Kalid. However it seems that there are so many factions helping the various characters it's hard to know how they are enabled. I was getting confused by how two opposing groups have leaders who look similar. I kept saying, "that's the bad guy - no wait, it's not".

At least the young man protecting the heffer is still with us!

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Re: Dig: USA Orders New Event Series

I agree, they are constantly chasing that Khalid fellow, and he always gets away. I find the plot line of the boy in New Mexico to be very interesting, as well as storyline of the red heifer. I was so worried the crew of the ship was going to serve the cow for dinner! And, I gasped when Khalid destroyed the mosaic to get the jewel. I have spent a lot of time in Israel, so I am always looking for familiar sites on this show, and listening to the dialogue to pick out some familiar words.
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Re: Dig: USA Orders New Event Series

dawg,that's amazing that you've been there. I spent 1 month traveling all over Europe and saw everything people read about in books, so I know things (when seen for real) often aren't like on TV.

I mention that because I'm curious if you've seen anything that you know for real is different from what they show?

I DVR the show but I always have to watch it AT LEAST 2 times. My daughter is binging on Scandal and between putting in over 51 hours last week, she hasn't had much time. I haven't spoken to her today except to say good morning and I'll say good night. (Every day so she knows I'm OK).

Does anyone else wonder who comes up with these stories? Some of these stories are amazing.

I'm also amazed at how they decide who is going to be on a show or in a movie.