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I just read whats going on on days for 2015... are you ready.......kristen is coming back with news, shes preog & ej is alive.... bo & ej are coming back, as different actors it wont be the same & aidens wife comes back from the dead.. should be interesting!!! plus a few more things, not that interesting.

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Those are some interesting developments. I never did think Aiden's wife was dead. I thought she may have faked something in order to get away from him.

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Hmmm, so I wonder how they'll write the storyline, EJ comes back and No Samantha in Salem ? {#emotions_dlg.confused1}

You'll find my heart at the Rainbow Bridge. Smiley Sad
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I think most of these ideas are just rumors, I read it too,but the article was not definitive, just surmising.

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I hope its for real, sounds interesting.. but they can never replace ej... and it wont be the same without sami. and how in the heck is kristen going to pull off her baby.. brady never even slept with her???

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On 1/7/2015 denisexoxo said:

I hope its for real, sounds interesting.. but they can never replace ej... and it wont be the same without sami. and how in the heck is kristen going to pull off her baby.. brady never even slept with her???

they took the baby from Theresa and implanted into Kristen.....easy for t.v. to do, or Stefano's sick doctors....

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Registered: ‎10-26-2014
On 1/8/2015 grandpaRM said:
On 1/7/2015 denisexoxo said:

I hope its for real, sounds interesting.. but they can never replace ej... and it wont be the same without sami. and how in the heck is kristen going to pull off her baby.. brady never even slept with her???

they took the baby from Theresa and implanted into Kristen.....easy for t.v. to do, or Stefano's sick doctors....

yes i saw that.. but come on days lol brady knows for a fact he never slept with kristen the last 9 months lol i guess that's why it's called a soap opera lol theresa will put 2 and 2 together she'll start to have memories..... by than melanie & brady will be together and the claws will come out ha ha

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Are we to believe Aiden and his story about Bree and the threats, or is he lying to Hope????

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I think Aiden's wife is alive, he has her locked away somewhere or she faked her own death and he knows it.